Just curious, if guns were taken away would people backlash?


New member
Just something i was talking about today with a cousin of mine, he believes that if the government somehow bans guns or takes away guns. That the people will uproar or start a type of civil war? who believes or disbelieves this to be true..?
I wondered about this myself.

I once thought I'd get a big old box of Lorcin pistols, perhaps a few Jennings and a couple of French Lebel rifles.

I'd tell the gestapo that this was my "gun collection."
I believe that many if not most they will scream and yell loud to anyone who will listen on their way to turn in their guns.
I believe that many if not most they will scream and yell loud to anyone who will listen on their way to turn in their guns.

I could not agree more. There will be no revolution or armed revolt as perscribed by the keyboard commandos. Nothing will happen at all.
There would most likely be a cloud of Pyrodex around the part of Texas where I live. Much of it, from me. The people running our government are stupid tards, but , they are not dumb. It would never happen, thank god
Boating accident, very tragic.

There are supposedly 80 million of us. You'd think at least ten percent would outright refuse to comply. Well...I would hope.
I could not agree more. There will be no revolution or armed revolt as perscribed by the keyboard commandos. Nothing will happen at all.

Like we've talked about before ... the anti's know how to do things to avoid this.

You start out, like in DC or Cali or wherever, by "grandfathering" in all the existing weapons. This keeps you from having to kick down doors all over the country and arrest people. And it makes it more palletable for the politicians becuase they're "not taking anything away ... you can keep everything you already own ... etc." And sadly, many gun owners will find that acceptable.

Then, as we've seen in other countries and in cities around our country, you don't immediately start a rigid enforcement. Sure ... you pick up every gun you find ... but mostly you're waiting for gun ownership to drop through attrition.

In order to avoid violence, I wouldn't be surprised that the final solution will be a generation or two long. Once they start demanding weapons be turned in (starting with less common types) and weapon ownership has been attritted down to a low level, then they can start cracking down.

My .02. But ... there may be scattered waco's here and there, but it will be localized violence that will be put down. There will mostly be grumbling, complaining, and blogging on the internet. Plus quite a few people burying guns in hopefully waterproof containers.

But 10% of the population with guns buried in containers that will degrade over time is not a protection from a tyrannical government. It's nothing.

Not to say that a tyrannical government will follow, it probably won't, but one of our protections against such an occurence will be forever gone.

And I am not afraid or ashamed to admit, flame me however you will, that my household will NOT be one of the Waco's. It is possible to maintain a free system of government unarmed, it is just a single protection removed.
I don't think anyone would look down on you Garand. You make the decision that you have to make, I am sure you will be in the majority. That being said I and many like me will choose the other route. And before the cries of internet commando come....let it be known that many of us have already proved our manhood on the field of battle and mean exactly what we say.
i DId NOT fight for this country and sit in a rotten stinkin Nuclear sub for 7 years to have some A$$clown politician tell me I can't have guns because im not trustworthy.
Turning in your arms?

Doing so would make you a traitor! My god, our forefathers would be rolling over in thier graves. This isnt Russia, or ww2 Germany. Im insulted by the cavalier attitude of just handing them over. People serve this great country to ensure you of that right, and you would just give it away? If the colonists just laid down thier arms, we'd all be smackin each other on the butt callin each other mate. No thanks. Wont happen anyway. They'll just take our ammo!
Im too broke for alchohol, I havent recovered from buying reloading supplies. Did you know a box of VMAXS at WAL MART is 16 $, that is just the tips!!!
It did not happen in Australia, and aussies are very similar to yanks in a number of respects.

The best we had was big turnouts and a number of public rallies.

A considerable number of semi auto's (which were made very difficult to licence) went under ground as did a considerable number of firearms with many shooters deciding to licence some though not all of their guns.

The largest reason I have been told for this unwillingness to licence was the closeness N Australia came to invasion during WW2.
"i DId NOT fight for this country and sit in a rotten stinkin Nuclear sub for 7 years to have some A$$clown politician tell me I can't have guns because im not trustworthy."

+1 I did not spend a year and a half in the sandbox (or the rest of my family in the military) for someone to take away a right to protect ones self that is given to us as living creatures, let alone guaranteed in the constitution. from my cold dead hands IS NOT just a saying.
That being said I and many like me will choose the other route. And before the cries of internet commando come....let it be known that many of us have already proved our manhood on the field of battle and mean exactly what we say.

I actually know many will. And I hold you in the highest esteem.

The other bitter reality is that in every movement there are leaders and there are those (call them sheep if you will) who will join in if they believe the movement is strong enough. But will stay out of the fight/debate until they see movement in their direction. Some will join in quickly, others not until they are sure it's a sure thing.

When (if) this happens, I hope there are enough of you to be considered a movement and not isolated nuts. Although I am not a leader/isolated nut type, I would support those that are. And if the movement gains strength ... there's no telling how far it would go.

I just hope this doesn't have to be put to the test. A decent ruling in dc vs Heller should avoid this dangerous possibility.
Unfortunatley in Australia, a good number of gun owners did nothing, many
no doubt did not even take the time to write their local member a letter of
protest. Anti gun owners were out in full force,backed by the media & talk back radio.
Just hope gun owners in the US are in a position to make a stronger stand.
mooreshawnm said:
let it be known that many of us have already proved our manhood on the field of battle and mean exactly what we say.

No one questions such a record.

I will say this, your life will evolve. When you were a soldier, chances are you pretty much only had to take care of yourself. As you reach middle age and start completing many of the tasks of life, will your perspective change?

I know mine did.

Will you be the kind of person who will still "risk it all" when you look over at your wife and innocent children? Will the assertion of your core beliefs, and putting thought into reality, be of such great importance that you risk everything they need?

If you knew me "then" and could know me now I'm sure you wouldn't even consider us the same person in ideals, concepts, action or even appearance.

And while "the boy" would have stomped you and brother into a puddle over the most minor of disputes, the man in me prays every morning that my accomplishments uplift my wife.

What is called for in the next chapter of America is not simply a fight. It calls for fighting smarter. When our country had enough of Slick Willie we didn't dance around protesting and carrying placards as we did as boys.

No, we contacted our elected representatives and engineered an impeachment which will stand for all of history to see.

The next battles over enumerated rights will not be "from behind each fence and farmyard wall," but undoubtedly in debate and the actions of The Supreme Court.

Besides, just how far do you think us graybeards can hump 50 pounds of gear running from the enemy?
In Australia a lot more pro gunners were out in force than anti gunners.

The anti gunners in Australia have always been a numberically small number- they are however organised and vocal and took steps to get the support of church groups so that they could claim by affiliation to be stronger than they were. They were also strongly supported by a failure of a Prime Minister- a man who was so out of touch that he not only lead his party to annihilation at the polls but also lost his seat in the process.

They were also strongly supported by the Australian media who found it easier to blame shooters than face their own culpability for breeding attention seekers like the man whose name I shall not repeat who perpetrated the Port Arthur act of violence.

You have already had the experience of having authorities knocking on doors- look at the treatment of shooters in the wake of the New Orleans hurricane.

It is one thing to have a right to bear arms - it is something else to enforce it- and I hope your Supreme Court does so shortly in the Washington DC case. Stacking armed sportsmen against the military is not the way to go about it.

Look, I have heard guys say they will take a stand against the army and not hand their guns in. Crap. When the chips are down the guns go under ground and get hidden rather than being used for armed resistance.

In these days of Guantanamo Bay and legislation aimed at dealing with the War on Terror you would be a fool to even conspire against a government in the manner hinted by some postings. There is a difference in my mind between bravery and stupidity.
Lawyer Daggit said:
There is a difference in my mind between bravery and stupidity.

There's an old joke here about a foreigner (probably French) who criticized America by saying, "The trouble you yanks have in your country is that there are too many nuts claiming it's their God-given right to have guns."

The American responded, "First, if you feel that way, fight your own wars. Second, our country was founded by religious nuts with guns..."

If you read any editorial column you'll see that there's plenty of folks who have no problem with stating unpopular opinions, as is their right. The real problem is going to get all of our people respecting our enumerated rights.

If I feel any fear in an "American way," it's that I see sincere citizens actually believe you can swap a little freedom for a lot of security. And that's a fool's errand.
The political backlash at the polls in Nov 94 following the AWB (Oct) was immediate, loud, concise and effective (albeit momentarily... politicians forget things once elected into office it would seem).

All anyone here would have to do would be to run for office and promise to keep, protect and sanctify the RKBA's and he/she would receive votes. Couple in a few other solid positions politically (lower taxes, lower spending, eliminate parole, eliminate laws over 10 years old, prison time for those who would disarm law abiding citizens as "enemy combatants"?) you'd be good to go, I'd suspect.