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Little Joey, at the back of the class, was squirming in his chair, and not paying attention to what was being taught. The teacher, Miss Wanda, approached him to find out what the problem was.

Quite embarrassed, Joey whispered that he had been just been circumcised, and that he was quite itchy.

Miss Wanda sent him to the principal's office to 'phone his mom and ask her what to do about it.

After making the 'phone call, little Joey returned to the classroom and sat down.

All of a sudden, there was quite a commotion in the back of the room. The classmates around Joey were all laughing and giggling.

Miss Wanda walked to the back of the class to see what was causing the disturbance. The teacher glanced over at Joey...He was sitting there with his p**** hanging out.

Miss Wanda was shocked at the sight: "What are you doing?" she gasped. "I thought I told you to call your mother."

"I did." replied Joey. "My Mom told me that if I could stick it out 'till noon, she'd come and pick me up from school." ;)

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum

[This message has been edited by Jim V (edited April 15, 1999).]

Reuters- London:
Yesterday scientists revealed that beer contains small traces of the female hormone OESTROGEN. To prove their theory, scientists fed 100 men 12 pints of beer each and observed that 100% of them gained weight, talked excessively without making sense, became emotional, couldn't drive, couldn't think logically and refused to apologise when wrong.

No further testing is planned.

============ :D

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum

[This message has been edited by Jim V (edited April 18, 1999).]
In the old colonial days in Africa, an American went into a bar. As he was drinking, he noticed that the next stool was occupied by a little man only a foot tall, dressed in the uniform of a British Army major.

Summoning the bartender, the Yank whispered quietly, "What's the deal with the little guy?"

"Oh, he don't mind talking about it," replied the publican. "Hey, Major, tell the Yank how you called the witch doctor a bloody old fool!"
A priest, a monseignor (sp?), a bishop, and a cardinal had attended a meeting in Chicago & were returning to Pittspburg by train. The priest was sent to purchase the tickets. The agent at his ticket window was a lovely young, busty blond wearing a low-cut dress. He steps up to the window & says, "Excuse me, miss, I'd like to buy 4 pickets to Tittsburg..." Embarassed, he retreats & tells the others what happened. The monseignor goes to the window and says, "Excuse me, miss, I'd like to buy 4 tickets to Pittsburg, and I'd like some change for tits..." Red-faced, he reports back. The bishop goes to the window. "Excuse me, miss, I'd like to buy 4 tickets to Pittsburg, and I need some change for tips. I'd like quarters, dimes, and nipples..." Again, back to the group. The cardinal gives his companions a withering stare of contempt, and dresses them down for letting their minds be clouded by mere gutter thoughts. He approaches the window. "Excuse me, miss, I'd like to buy 4 tickets to Pittsburg, and I need some change for tips. I'd like quarters, dimes, and nickles, please." He then continued, "You know, young lady, you should be ashamed at such a provocative display of your earthly charms. I'm sure that when you reach the Pearly Gates, St. Finger is going to shake his peter at you!"

Highway to hell regards, Richard
The major staggered into an emergency room with two black eyes and a five
iron wrapped tightly around his throat. Naturally the doctor asks him
Well, it was like this, said the major. I was having a quiet round of
with my wife when she sliced her ball into a pasture of cows. We went
to look for it and while I was rooting around I noticed one of the cows
had something white at its rear end. I walked over and lifted up the tail
and sure enough, there was my wife's golf ball..........stuck right in
middle of the cow's butt. That's when I made my mistake.
"What did you do?", asks the doctor.
Well, I lifted the tail, laughing I yelled to my wife, "Hey, this looks
like yours"

cheerio, tb

Naturally, when one is intensely interested in a certain cause, the tendency is to associate particularly with those who take the same view. THEODORE ROOSEVELT “1899”
Dr. Jones is a first-rate gynecologist, but something is missing even though he's rich and has a loyal clientele of patients.
One day he realizes that he's always wanted to be an auto mechanic, to get his hands dirty and his knuckles busted. So he enrolls in a community college mechanics course.
The course goes great, but his classmates are young men just starting out, and he is nervous that he may be in over his head after years in his old career as a gynecologist. The day of the final exam arrives, and he is worrying himself sick that he won't cut it even though he's done well. All the other students take two hours to finish, but sure enough it takes Dr. Jones the full 4 hours allowed. He goes home dejected and certain he has flunked.

The next day, he goes to the instructor's office and is astonished to be told he scored 150% !! "How is that possible?" he asks.

"Well," the instructor replies, "I gave you 50% for disassembling the engine perfectly, and 50% for reassembling it perfectly. But I figured you deserved a lot of extra credit for doing it all through the exhaust pipe."
A male and a female statue had stood side by side in the park for years, each looking into the other's eyes, their arms outstreched but not quite touching, they were obviously in love with one another.

A passing angel took pity on them both and gave them life for just a half an hour.

They giggled and laughed and after thanking the angel ran off in to the bushes where for the next fifteen minutes nothing could be heard except the groaning and delightful squealing that they made.

They emerged quite exhausted from their exertions.

"You still have fifteen minutes left!" said the angel with a knowing smile.

Grinning from ear to ear the woman turned to the man and said enthusiasticly, "Oh good! Now it's your turn to hold the pigeon while I crap on it!"
Bumper stickers actually seen on cars:

Save the trees...wipe your butt on an owl.

Seen on the back of a bikers vest: If you can read this, my wife fell off.

Seeen on a Coevette driven by a drop dead gorgeous blode.If you can beat me, you can eat me.

Whow lit the fuse on your tampon? (men saying this have been known to meet a violent death)

Fight crime...Shoot back.

A pat on the back is only a few centimeters from a kick in the ass.

Impotence...Natures way of saying no hard fellings>

Heart attacks...God's Revenge For Eating His Animal Friends.

Eat well, Stay fit, Die anyway.

He's not dead. He's electoencephalogically challenged.

Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.

Men are from Earth. Women are from Earth. DEAL WITH IT!

When the chips are down, the buffalo is empty.

Why is it called tourist season if we can't shoot at them.

He who laughs last, thinks slowest

What has 4 legs and an arm?????????
A happy pit bull.

Paul B.


01 LOG ON: Makin' a wood stove hotter.
o2 LOG OFF: Don't add no more wood.
03 MONITOR: Keepin' an eye on the wood stove.
04 DOWNLOAD: Gettin' the farwood off the truk.
05 MEGA HETRZ: When yer not kerful with the farwood.
06 FLOPPY DISC: Whatcha get from totin' too much farwood.
07 RAM: The thaing that splits the farwood.
08 HARD DRIVE: Gettin' home in the winter time.
09 PROMPT: What the mail ain't in the winter time.
10 WINDOWS: Whut ta shut when it are cold outside.
11 SCREEN: Whut ta shut durin' blak fly season.
12 BYTE: What them danmed flys do.
13 CHIPS: Munchies fer the TV.
14 MICRO CHIPS: Whut's in the botom of the munchie bag.
15 MODEM: Whutcha did to the hay fields.
16 DOT MATRIX: Old Dan Matrix's wife.
17 LAP TOP: Whar the kitty sleeps.
18 KEYBOARD: Whar ya hang the danged keys.
19 SOFTWARE: Them danged plastic forks 'n' knifs.
20 MOUSE: Whut eats up the grain in the barn.
21 MAINFRAME: Whut holds up the barn roof.
22 PORT: Fancy flatlander wine.
23 ENTER: Damned Yankee talk fer "C'mon in y'all."
24 RANDOM ACCESS MEMORY: Wen ya cain't 'member whut ya paid fer yer raffle when yore wife asks.
25 MOUSE PAD: That hippie talk fer the rat hole.

ALSO: MODEM: A request for seconds, "Gimme some modem beans." :D
Ne Conjuge Nobiscum

[This message has been edited by Jim V (edited April 18, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Jim V (edited April 18, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Jim V (edited April 19, 1999).]
You kill me, man!!

From my Mom:

Due to the rising incidence of human/grizzly bear confrontations, the Montana Department of Fish and Game issued the following alert:

"Outdoorsmen are advised to wear little bells on their clothing so as not to startle bears that aren't expecting them. We also advise outdoorsmen to carry pepper-spray in case of an encounter with a bear.

Also, be aware of signs of recent bear activity. Black bear droppings contain a lot of berries and squirrel fur. Grizzly bear droppings contain little bells and smell like pepper."


[This message has been edited by boing (edited April 18, 1999).]

Subject: Critical Saftey Recall
Affected Vehicles : All US and foreign made automobiles and light trucks with headlight dimmer switch mounted on steering colunm.

The USDOT has concluded a five year study on the possible dangers involved in having the headlight dimmer switch mounted on the steering colunm of current model automobiles and light trucks. As a result DOT is ordering an immediate retrofit of said dimmer switches which will move them to a floor mounting position as used on older vehicles.
The study has proven that colunm mounted switches can lead to a dangerous loss of control of the vehicle. This lose of control has been directly linked to as many as 200 accidents. Exhaustive research has concluded that when attempting to operate the switch nine out of ten blonds get their foot caught in the steering wheel.
A man comes home at 3 AM drunk as a skunk. His irate wife meets him at the door and demands, "Where the hell have you been all night? Look at you, you're soused!!" The man replies, "I foun' this bootiful pub called the Gold Bar. 'Swonderful place. The door was gold, the floor was gold and even the bathroom fixtures were made of gold." "Yeah, I'll bet.", his wife says, "Get to bed, we'll talk about it tomorrow."

So the next day, while he was still sleeping it off, she looks up the Gold Bar in the phone book. Sure enough, it's listed.

She calls and speaks to the manager, "Is the door of your bar really made of gold?" "Yes ma'am. It's actually gold leaf, but it looks solid."

"And is the floor made of gold?" "Well yes, it's painted with gold paint."

"And I suppose the bathroom fixtures are also made of gold?" The manager on the other end pauses for a while and then she hears him yell to someone else in the bar, "Hey Bill, I think I've got a trace on the guy who trashed your saxophone!"
My wife's a blonde and I'm a Redneck and those jokes are FUNNY! :D :D :D
Can't wait to tell the wife about the steering wheel.
She says she was born blonde but got over it.

This Texas farmer decides he's going to branch out and get into the chicken business.
He sends off, and pretty soon, receives this big box with holes in it and peeping sounds coming out of it. It's the baby chicks.
He takes the baby chicks out and plants them in the back 40. 18 inches apart and 5 inches deep. Two weeks later, even though he's fertilized and spread herbicide on his plot, no chickens are growing!
He writes off and order more chicks. When he gets them, he takes them out and plants them a 5 inches and 22 inches apart.
Same results.
He tries a third time, this time he plants them 26 inches apart and still gets the same result.
Absolutely confuonded as to what he's doing wrong, he writes a letter to the Texas A&M Ag extension office telling them exactly what he's done so far, and asking what he'd doing wrong.
A week goes by and the farmer gets a reply from the Aggies.

Dear Farmer Brown,
Please send soil sample.
Q: What's brown & sticky ?


A: A stick !

"The Gun from Down Under !"
There was once a lady of the evening who had two goals in life. The first was to make a million dollars and the second to marry a virgin. Being good at her trade she quickly accomplished her first goal and set about looking for a virgin to wed. She advertised all over the world (using the internet no doubt) and soon located a gentleman from Australia.
On their wedding night she excused herslef to go into to the wash room to "slip into something more comfortable". She was shocked when she reentered the bedroom and discovered her new husband had pushed the bed into the far corner of the room and piled all of the furniture on it. When asked what he thought he was doing he replied,
'It's true lass that I've never made love to a woman, but if it's anything like screwing a kangaroo we're going to need all of the room we can get.'
Actually you don't need that much room ! ;)


How can you tell you're a Redneck ?

When you've been divorced 3 times & you've still got the SAME INLAWS !

Or when at the Olympic opening ceremony you get to "bag" a few o' dem fuuny white quail that they let go with yer pappys 20 gauge.(That's why Georgias bid failed !)

"The Gun from Down Under !"
God, I love this thread!! ;)

We all know the "You might be a redneck if ....", but here's one a touch more appropriate.

You might be a gun nut if ...

... you ever seriously thought about dabbing on a little Hoppe's #9 before going out on a date. buy some checkering tools, you checker all your gun stocks, and then start on the bedposts. cannot recall how many firearms you own. ever clean a gun that hasn't been shot in the week since you cleaned it last. consider naming your unborn child Winchester or Remington. strip all the paint off your car and refinish it with cold blue. have more than one gun that "kills on both ends." take your guns out of the safe each night and handle them, just so you can wipe them off before putting them away. keep a loaded gun hidden in every room in the house, including the bathroom and kitchen, "just in case," and then keep one on you at all times just in case someone breaks in while you're in the hallway. named your pocket pistol "Little Guy" and your 12 gauge "Big Jake." own reloading dies for calibers that you do not shoot. understand Smith & Wesson's model numbers. ever bought two brands of the same weight and type of bullet, just to see if one "shot better." keep a collection of different cartridges at your place of work as a "conversation piece." take your wife on vacation to a gun show for your 10th Anniversary and she is as excited to go as you are. read that "Brady II" would outlaw possession of more than 1,000 rounds of ammunition and think, "I have more than that rolling around loose in the trunk of my car!"

...watching The Lion King gives you the itch for a .470 Nitro Express.

... while watching the movie Terminator 2, you have to leave the room in tears and mournful sobs after Arnold Schwartzenneger throws the CAR-16 off the moving tractor trailer and it goes bouncing away.

...four local gun shops know you by name. have your own BATF agent (mounted any suitable way). have more gunpowder stashed in your home than your local sporting goods store has on hand. can wallpaper your house with old issues of Shotgun News, Gun List, Guns & Ammo, etc. have Brownells on speed dial.

...the custom door lock pulls on your Jeep are .223 Rem cases and the gear shift knob is a .50 BMG.

...Your cat is named Mauser and your dog is Luger.

...Your computer passwords are gun-related.

...Your local gunsmith calls you for obsolete parts.

...You have an open account with Federal, Hornady, Cor-Bon, Winchester and

...Your personalised license plate is 3006 AP, Glock, or MAG-58.

...You read to your kids from GUN DIGEST at bed time.

...Your kids know every fast food place around gunshops and ranges within 100 miles of home.

...Your kids cried watching BAMBI when the hunter shot Bambi's mother because the hunter had filled his tag.

...Your kid thinks the seasons are SMALL GAME and DEER.

...You think John Moses Browning's birthday should be a national holiday.

...You have reloading presses for every caliber you shoot, so you don't have to take time to change dies.

...You have a standing order for 5,000 primers every week at the local gunshop.

...You put in a loading dock at your home so you could buy ammo by the semi load.

...You can't put your car in the garage because it is filled with buckets of wheel weights and lead ingots.

...When you went to the Grand Canyon you were trying to figure the amount of hold-over you would need to hit the other side.

...You watch movies just to identify the guns used in them.

...Your doorbell does not chime, it plays a burst of machinegun fire.

...You know the range of every tree in the neighbourhood.

...You have windchimes made from shell casings.

...All your belts are made by holstermakers.

...You have COLT and 1911 tatooed on your fingers

...There was a major riot in your city -- and the cops came to you for supplies.

...You have decided you could never move because you could not get your gun safes out of the basement.

...You have burn scars from hot brass hitting you.

...Your toilet air fresheners smell like Cordite. have Trijicon Night-Lights in your bedroom.

...your mailbox has a Weaver Rail on top. build a gun rack in your bedroom and it's closer to you than your wife. can identify gunshots from far away as to caliber, whether from a rifle or pistol, brand of gun, grains of powder used, *what* powder and at what velocity.

...when you do the wash, several spent casings fall out of your rolled-up sleeves. name your first-born girl LadySmith.

...your kid's disposable diapers come in camo battle packs. bothers you more when 007 runs out of ammo than when the BOND girl dies.

...your driver's license says "must wear night-vision goggles." put a Hogue Grip on your car's parking brake. retrofit a laser sight to your TV remote control. go to a marriage counselor, he asks you which you like better, shooting or sex, and you think it's the stupidest question you've ever heard. have to run out to the range this weekend to shoot up some ammo because you need some brass to reload.

...seeing Bill Clinton's picture automatically sends you into Condition Orange. live in that serious part of the country where deer season is a recognized holiday. watch old WWII movies and can identify all the rifles and handguns, but can't remember who starred in the movie or what it was about.

... when you hear or see the numbers 221 you automatically think "fireball," 257 you think "Roberts," 218 "Bee," 45-70 "government," etc., -- and can't stop. wonder what size rings you would need to mount the Hubble Space Telescope on a varmint rifle.

...your bridal registry is at the local gun shop. actually consider buying the camo sexy underwear advertised for your sweetie in some gun catalogs. have framed targets hanging in your bathroom, hallway, or at work, etc. with tight groups that you have shot.

...Your speedometer is in both MPH and FPS.

...You measure things in MOA.

...You cut out your best groups and carry them in your wallet like photographs.

...You ever asked anybody if they wanted to see a photograph of your pride and joy and you were not speaking about your newborn child but your latest custom firearm.

...You ever seasoned a steak with FFFFg black powder.

...Your homeowners insurance company would cancel your policy if they ever knew any of the following:
(1) the true value of your firearms
(2) how much ammunition you have stored at home
(3) how much gun powder you have stored
(4) how many primers you have.

...Your brass tumbler is made from a small cement mixer.

...You ever put dirty patches in a "delicate" bag so you could run them thru the washer.

...You always thought "Dirty Harry" was a wimp and did not use enough gun.

...You watch SCI-FI movies and try to figure what they made the blast rifles from.

...You really DO have a gun or ammunition buried in your back yard.

...You have figured out how to defend your neighborhood with your guns (and with whom) in case Y2K turns out the lights.

...You look at a very small object 150 yards away, and wish you had a sniper rifle.

...You bought a home theatre system just to make the gunfights in movies sound more realistic

..You automaticallly count shots fired in a movie scene and then replay to prove it.

...You have a missing tooth shooting skeet with a pistol grip 12 ga.

... You use shooting clays as ashtrays.

...You get tennis elbow from yanking the handle on your reloader.

...You spend a night actually counting the number of grains of powder in one of your reloads.

...You made a necklace for your wife out of spent bullets and fishing line.

...You use loaded rounds for earplugs when there is nothing else to use.

...You wear your prescription shooting glasses ALL of the time.

...You make the local police nervous because you always stare at their gun.

...You read all of the gun mags and actually understand all of the technical drivel.

I freely admit these aren't original -- but they're a hell of a lot of fun!

OK, be honest (or "'fess up" as you might say) -- how many actually apply to you? I got up to six before I stopped ;)

Bruce - that list is hilarious, and meaningful. I got a score of 28 and that's probably on the low side for a lot of TFL'ers. Just yesterday I started sweating when a local fire dept. spokesman said they would be glad to come to anyones home and give them a fire safety assessment. :)
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