Some of the posters, however, simply don't get the original question or have decided--against all evidence, logic, and repeated explanations--that every armed confrontation is like a fast-draw scene from an old B-Western. Draw'n'shoot, all as one thought, one move, one word.
Very good point.
I've reached for knives in self defense three times now. In two, speed of draw wasn't a factor.
In one, it *might* have been. I was able to put my hand on it but hold off drawing because I knew I could snap it open and bring it to ready in literally an instant. Because of that, I held off on the draw and let an extremely dicey situation de-escalate and watched the four lunatics leave.
But for the most part, fast-draw isn't an issue, not if your situational awareness is any good.
Another thing we haven't touched on yet: "borderline" situations.
You have a guy 21ft out who is acting like a total lunatic, armed with, say, a hammer, he's already committed violence with it on somebody else but you've got his victim away from him and said victim is now passed out behind you. The lunatic isn't approaching - he's yelling, waving the hammer dripping blood, but it can be argued he's not "shootable" yet. (This is exactly what I faced in the scenario described above, except there was one more lunatic with a hammer and two more unarmed.)
Knowing what I know now and being armed like I am daily in Arizona, under the same circumstances I'd haul out that funky lookin' cannon and hold it at a low ready.
In THAT instance, do I want a scary gun? (And yeah, CRAZY is scary!) I would say "absolutely". The last time I faced this, I avoided getting killed by the skin of my teeth. My hand on a 5.5" open-carry folder was *barely* enough deterrent and at that time, I had a lot less idea what to do with it. (I sought training shortly after!!!)
Rare scenario? Well yeah, in a lot of ways. But I think this sort of "standoff" situation where the goblin(s?) are right at the edge of shootable and either freaking out or taunting you can happen, and you CAN get into a situation where you can legally draw (as in, I'd just seen those jackarses try and kill somebody!) but not yet fire as they're not charging can happen.
And that's a top place where a "cannon" helps psychologically.
Then again, so does a laser.
What else...I've read TONS of reports from good guys that when a barrel is pointed at them, they tend to fixate on it. I have no reason to think goblins don't do the same thing. And statistically, gun hands get shot so much that it's obviously another aspect of that effect. And that's one reason I put an "AHH!" face right next to the muzzle...I'm genuinely surprised that's not more common. There's room on most of those funky newfangled "semi auto" things...