Is it legal to "hint" what is on your hip?

"Mouse" (a Blue Healer) had already assumed the "attack" stance. I flipped back my shirt, showing them a holstered weapon and stated "I don't DO warning shots!" "When this clears the holster, it'll be smokin - but I wonder just how many of you I'll get - and how many the dog will?" It STOPPED right then/there.

Hey I really liked your post crashresidue. :D When you're in that tight it's the only thing left to do. What's a blue healer? I have a West Highland Terrier pup, who thinks she's Marmaduke. She wouldn't scare anyone, but my CZ 75B would.
There is no way in hell I am going to grapple with a BG while I have a gun on me.

As much as I like grappling, all the BG needs is a procket knife to gut you like a fish, if you go to the ground.
It seems like this topic has wandered around a bit. So I'll address a few of the things bouncing around here. :)

No way in hell I'm getting in a hand-to-hand fight with some scumbag if I can avoid it. No f'ing way. If I can just leave the scene, I will. Definitely. If not, the weapon comes out, and if the sight of the weapon doesn't stop the attack promptly, it gets used until the threat is gone.

I don't say that to sound macho... actually, the opposite. I say that because I know that hand-to-hand encounters can easily get you crippled or killed. Blindness is only an eye gouge away, and assuming some scumbag will fight fair is literally suicidal... thugs don't keep up on their Marquis of Queensbury rules, they try to twist your nuts off and rupture your eardrums. This assumption that an unarmed attack is not a deadly one is foolish in the extreme, and of course it assumes that just becuase you don't see a weapon, they don't have one. Again, foolish in the extreme.

Let me repeat that for emphasis: an unarmed attack IS a deadly attack. Anyone who says otherwise hasn't seen a real fight.

As for the original question... I'm going to do everything I can to avoid violent conflict. But if somebody won't let me avoid violent conflict, I'm sure as hell not fighting on their scumbag terms, I'm fighting on mine.
To Edward429451 - I think you were justified to motion the pull or even to pull it all the way out given the fact that you are in essence protecting your defenseless unborn child. The slight physical assault against your wife could have caused a miscarriage.

Those thugs should be counting their blessings. I'm glad the situation worked out for you and your wife.
Is it life or death situation?

I think the only situation for shooting some one is in a "life or death" situation and you are certain that sever bodily harm or death could result if you were not to use your sidearm. Sometimes you don't know for certain. It is best to try to avoid a confrontation, especially if guns are drawn.... how do you know he doesn't have one too?
Some interesting points, some germain, some not so much.

Folks, careful about "what ifing" things too much. Then again, what's too much?

Hinting may or may not be construed as brandinshing, may or may not be construed as threatening, and even assault at times depending on the totality of the facts and circumstances.

I caution to treat hinting as a criminal act because the odds are better than even that the authorities will act as if it is.
I've got a real simple answer to this. I'm not going to give away "the surprise" by hinting that I'm armed. I will do everything I can to evacuate and de-escalate, but when it comes down to it, I care about mine and me, I don't care about his and him. There will be a brief pause between the time the gun comes out and the time it fires. During that brief pause, I will be reading his eyes. His eyes had better do a whole lot of talking, and they better be saying, "Oh crap, how fast can I get away?"

If I draw, it will be to shoot, and it will be a surprise to everyone around me.

I do see your point, but I think I would hint if the situation was coming down to clearing leather. At that point to hint is another attempt to avoid, and both people get to walk away.

The element of suprise is important, but if he's not carrying you don't want to pull, and shoot. If he is openly armed then only speed matters. If your not sure if he's armed, hinting may be a way to find out, and if he is, then only speed matters! Huh???? :confused:

I never cease to confuse myself :(

It's different for different people. I'm not all that big, but at 6', 220#, I have to figure that if they are screwing with me, they are serious. If I was 5'6" and 140 pounds, they might just be pushing me because I look like an easy target.

It doesn't matter if they are openly armed or not. A hand strike to the right region can render unconscious, or worse. 12' rule and all...

The first shooting involving a TX CHL holder was a guy shooting another, unarmed guy who was hitting him. It was ruled a clean shoot and provides some precedence.