Is it legal to "hint" what is on your hip?

I guess I have always operated under the mantra that we need to sometimes know when to back down, . . . back up, . . . flee, . . . leave, . . . adios. Use whatever name you choose.

Making that choice is in my opinion the greater act of strength, intelligence, honor, . . . and in the long run should provide the greater rewards.

That goes especially when you have made an effort to diffuse the situation by attempting to leave, to extricate yourself from the place of confrontation.

That is plan number one. Plan number two will evolve as the bg reacts to plan number one. Neither plan relies on brandishing or suggesting.

May God bless,
Situation dictates reaction......

Here are some ideas to stop or change this BG's mind.......

Fake a heart attack...... I saw it on tv once and it worked. ;)
Act as though your going to barf on him.......if he moves towards you - begin barfing :barf:
Inform BG that your going to be forced to jump over him - through the glass window and run off into the sunset... :confused: never to be seen again....
Act smart and make all actions of leaving quickly with your 6 covered.... :rolleyes:

If all this failed and he is coming at you with his Super Duper Swiss Army knife you might want to break leather and let him know it will be the last time he uses his knife or whatever other weapon he is planning on working you over with.... :eek: I think unless he is real dumb -which is likely, he might leave you alone and do one of the first 3 ideas listed at top?

Not saying it's for everyone or anyone.........just an idea :D
Dwight55, Very well stated! There's a reason it's called "concealed carry". If the BG wants my money I'll back off and throw it to him and retreat. If he just takes the cash and thinks I'm a whimp, I don't care. If it continues, then things begin to change.
Great points. The only time you can resort to a lethal defense is when you feel your life and well being is threatened. It is up to you to take every step to disarm a stituation prior from it escalating to that situation.

Leaving a situation is the best defense. It is not cowardly at all to avoid such a confrontation. If you have to run, run, but get out of there. Make sure every escape route is exhausted before going into the red.

THis situation is very subjective. If you are alone, you have many more opportunities to you. If you are standing between an agressor and your family, then you may have to stand your ground while they retreat.

If you feel there is a danger of bodily harm or death to your family or yourself, you have the right to act accordingly including brandishing a weapon.

If you ever do brandish a weapon and the situation is defused, immediately call the police to report an incident. Make sure you are the first to call. The best defense in this kind of situation is a good offense.

While attending John Farnham's class a number of years ago, at Lake Tahoe, one of the California students related an incident that happened regarding a citizen who had an altercation in a bar, and his adversary pulled a knife on him.
The citizen said, "hey, I have a concealed weapons permit", which ended any assault. The Citizen was still in prison at the time of the class, after being convicted of, I believe, assault or brandishing, or both. The incredible thing is, the Citizen was NOT ARMED at the time. :eek: Don't ask me how he could be convicted of a felony and go to prison. Nobody else knew, either, how something like that could happen.
If I were to encounter a threatening situation as you describe, I would make every attempt to disengage, walk or run away from the problem.

But under no circumstances ever would I let on that I was armed.

My experience with nutcases is that they are usually affected by drugs or booze or both. No rational person makes physical threats against another. You try to call the bgs bluff and you may find yourself attacked. If the bg is at or under 20 feet from you then you are in serious danger.

The major advantage my concealed weapon gives me is a last resort that the bg does not know about. It gives me an opportunity to find a way out knowing that if all of my attempts fail that I have one last card to play.
Not sure about where you live but here in Texas you can threaten to use deadly force (including a gun) and that doesn't count as the use of deadly force. Merely 'creating the apprehension' that you will use deadly force if necessary is legal, though I would exercise such a thing with caution.
The first step would be to back away and see if you can walk away from it. It gives you room to manouvre and is a demonstrative effort at disengaging from the situation.

If he pursues you You are in a grey situation. What I understand about CCW legislation is that it varies a lot from state to state.

I would be reluctant to even threaten or intimate use of a gun by word or gesture unless I felt that either I, a member of my family or another citizen was in serious physical danger.
From what it seems to me, Texas is a good state to be in for people that want to protect themselves. Of course I would believe I was in serious physical harm. But what my whole point of this thread is, do you wait to take a punch???or...shoot him before he does? Or, something in between, let him know he isnt going to be able to punch on you, and maybe prevent the punch, and the shooting.
Don't get in such a situation to begin with. (not always an option- area not always known to be bad, and sometimes bad people go nice places-sometimes it happens no matter what you do)

Leave if you can. The law requires retreat where possible. As others have said, the gun is your one last hole card.

It may be that the law requires you to take a punch if you can't get away fast enough.

If you are with wife, children, etc., get them going first, follow. Again, if possible.

If not possible, cover the loved ones with your body and be prepared to take a punch or worse. Continue in your attempt to leave. Rapidly.

Do NOT draw the weapon or act you like you have it. Ever.

The first notice that you have a weapon the BG should get is a frontal view of the muzzle flash.

If the BG shows a weapon or hits you or your child, while you are attempting to run away, empty your gun into him.

Then call LE. Immediately if not sooner.

You still run a risk of unjustified prosecution. But better that than being dead. Or explaining to your wife or children why the other is dead or in ICU. And it may not even prevent that.

Like others have said, tough call.

Sometimes life just sucks and gives you bad choices.

Just my $ .02. Some may say it's not worth even that much....
You still run a risk of unjustified prosecution. But better that than being dead. Or explaining to your wife or children why the other is dead or in ICU. And it may not even prevent that.

Rather be tried by 12 than carried by 6 is the old saying. Yes indeed it is a tough call. You must at all instances make possible an escape. The only time you should pull your gun is when using it.
Hey guys. Ive been lurking for a LONG time now, and i cant believe what i read on here.

Ive always played it this way - if someone is hurting you, hurt them. If someone makes you think they will hurt you, make them think it wont be easy.

Self defense (lethal force an exception) can be used within "reasonable limits". Let me explain what that means.

Im at a pool hall. My friends and i are joking around, two guys give us grief because we dress strangely to them, we give them the old roll of the eyes and go about our business.

Later, we leave, and wait for the friend driving to come out. Well, out comes the two guys, and immediately i knew what was going to happen.

We lean on car, they come up and start the typical chest thumping, and somewhere along the line one of them gives me a tap on the jaw (and i dont mean a love tap). At this point, since he has just battered me, its well within my rights to use a like amount of self defense. Since the other guy at this point jumps in on it, my friend also applies reasonable force to stop the assault.

Anyway, long story short, we scuffled for a while, and eventually won (thanks to some stomping when they were down). My driving friend was nearby watching (he doesnt fight... at all.), then called the police halfway through. We wait until they showed up, we got asked a boatload of questions, and once it was all said and done, we used a reasonable amount of self defense to stop the attackers.

Now thats unarmed. Use your head about any unsure scenarios. Are there other people there who would see what happens? If not, can YOU see a weapon? Do YOU feel genuinely threatened? If so, do whatever you have to do.

Ill start carrying in June, since although i live in MD, ive already got some documented threats to rely on for my CCW application. I dont know how well ill do while carrying, but i will say this. If i cannot defuse a situation with words, and i know im going to get hurt (Shot, punched, whatever), the peice will do the defusing. If any BG is STUPID enough to continue after the peice comes out, then i feel sorry for their family.

You can never be TOO safe about you or those you care about. If you are sure that you will go to jail for it... well... thats why its a good idea to carry a disposable knife. :D
Then the guy hell bent on proving his machoness, says "well you got a f-in problem now b*tch"

Assuming the guy is unarmed, at this point in our conversation he'd get a blast of Fox 5.2 in the face.
Real simple....

Plan "A" all you need to say to the guy is "I hope you have a gun on you... cause if ya don't then this isn't gonna be a fair fight" You didn't brandish or even say you had a gun.
If he pulls a gun you need to be a bit faster and hope all that target practice you've been doing pays off.

If he continues to walk toward you go to plan "B", run like hell.
Legal to hint what you have on your hip?

At my CHL renewal the instructor, a long time LEO and Detective said. "Brace yourself and get into a stance, don't uncover or draw, but tell the BG I am armed and to cease his advance upon you". This failing and your life in danger from him and/or his whatever, shoot the SOB.

Be prepared for your arrest and a look at the inside of the Grand Jury with an anti-gun prosecuting attorney making you out to be John Dillinger, posting bail, possible lawsuits, and perhaps jail.

Better to be tried by twelve than carried by six!
I think I would skip the part of waiting & absorbing the punch. I know people that hit hard enough to knock you out with that single punch. Then they would be free to follow up on it any way they wanted to. No thanks.
New to the forum, but this is an interesting thread, as that I'll be applying for my ccw soon. Its always been my understanding that you are to respond to force with like force. So if he hits you its ok to get into a scuffle, but if the gun is going to be involved there needs to be something more than just a punch thrown, remember that you are looking for the situation to be ruled a justifiable homocide if it comes to that. I have to agree that the gun is your ace in the hole, don't do anything with it unless it is coming out and the trigger is getting pulled. Of course every situation is different, and if there were loved ones involved I can't say I'd be talking over pulling the piece. But in the situation you are describing nothing has happened yet, just some confronational language. Walking away is always your best bet, because if nothing else it shows that you attempted to de-escalate the situation.
I hear alot of people saying that if he throws a punch, or can respond with punches but you can't use your CCW until he brandishes a weapon or in some way goes beyond normal unruliness and become life threatening.

My question to you would be, what if during the fight he becomes aware of you firearm, At which point he might figure you intend to use it as soon as you break loose of him, spurring him to make a play for you gun.
winter001 Posts: New to the forum, but this is an interesting thread, as that I'll be applying for my ccw soon. Its always been my understanding that you are to respond to force with like force.

That seems all fine and dandy for you or anyone that can respond w/ equal force. IMO, I don't see where my wife could respond w/ equal force against someone twice her size and strength.

It is also my experience that to respond w/ like force only escalates the current amount of force being used.....every get involved in a slap fight in high school? Always gets ugly doesn't it?

Force can also be the current amount of fighting skill each person possesses. 2 people can have equal amounts of strength but the trained fighter will be able to apply much more force......this leads back to my previous statement.
That seems all fine and dandy for you or anyone that can respond w/ equal force. IMO, I don't see where my wife could respond w/ equal force against someone twice her size and strength.

It is also my experience that to respond w/ like force only escalates the current amount of force being used.....every get involved in a slap fight in high school? Always gets ugly doesn't it?

This is a very good point, I guess every situation is going to be different and one should respond in a manner that seems appropriate to them. After all the goal is to go home safe, the legal consequences should be worried about later.