is .270 an ok round for MOOSE

Pointer's world record moose pics

Posting these for Pointer




Two more to come.....


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There are rumours that there is a moose here in Newfoundland that is close to that size. Problem is...he lives in the park. Many people have witnessed it, but there are no pics to prove it. Wow! What a size of a moose!

A .270 would kill that no problem. I have taken 8 and 9 hundred pound moose with a 30-30 at 150yds with ease. Moose go down pretty easy if you can put a bullet in the vitals.
Wow! Awesome moose. I'm impressed! Please give us some details about the hunt.

Oh, I just realized that these are the pics you were speaking of on the other thread. Well, it is a nice moose just the same! :o
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.270 is pleanty for moose. In fact, the majority of moose here where I come from are killed with old british .303's. Apart from the .303, the .270 is the most popular round for hunting moose in Newfoundland. Moose can go down quite easily if you can put a shot in the vitals. I hunt with a 30-30, and sometimes a .243. I have no troubles dispatching a moose quickly. The smallest caliaber legally alowed to hunt moose is the .243 in Newfoundland. I shoot about 3 or 4 moose a year. I am positive that a .270 will kill a moose with ease. Trust me, I have done it, and hundreds of people do it every year.
I take it that is a free range moose, right? Any more details known? Yeah, how many horses/snowmobiles did it take to get it out - one for each quarter (4)?
I've been wanting to put my 0.02 in for a while. I've seen plenty of shows on OLN, Mens Channels, and Outdoor network where they have taken Moose and other large animals with the .270. Granted these people were guided in and they were close range shots with the .270 when they took their Moose.

I've hunted with the .270 and I love this rifle cartridge, in fact I took a very nice cow elk at 250 yds with federal 150gn cartridge with one shot. I think that we see too much of the hunting shows where the hunter shoots the animal in the neck or spine and it dumps the animal on the spot. I think this is done for dramatic effect, but that is my opinion again.

I personally have never hunted moose but I want to, so much so I had a .338-06 built just for the occasion. I'm just waiting to win a draw, so it might be a couple of more years yet. Had I drawn an year ago I would have hunted with my .270 because that is the largest caliber rifle I had at that time. Again the Shiras moose is defiantly not the largest in the species and the .270 would have worked great.

I just have a problem with people suggesting a 7mm, .300, or .338 magnum rifle to young shooters. These are great cartridges, but most young hunters can't handle the recoil to shoot effectively. I applaud those of you who recommended the .30-06 to this young man because it is a rifle he can grow with until he is ready for the magnums.

I just wish that some of these threads wouldn't degrade into p---ing contest over whose is bigger. I also know some of the readers of my post will be saying that I'm a hypocrite for having the .338-06. My reason for that rifle was that I wanted something that not everyone owned, and because I hand load I could build the cartridge to its full potential.
An awful lot of large african game has . . .

been taken with the 7x57 (7mm Mauser). I got a pretty good sized one with a 55# Bear Hunter Kodiak recurve. Bigger may be better if you have your choice of what rifle to carry, but most of us hunt with what we have. One of the best hunters I've ever known owns one rifle. A Winchester 30-30. It's the same rifle he's used for 30 years. I don't think he's ever shot a moose with it, but if he did my bet would be on him, not the moose. Another friend/Co-worker hnts with the same Ruger MkI.300 Savage he's used for 30 years, and he has killed moose with his. Comapred to these old cartridges, the .270 Winchester is a pretty hot.
A little light

I would think a .270 would be pretty weak and inadaquate for the job. I shot a 800-pound elk with a .270 and it took a lung shot followed by a neck shot and I did a heck of a lot of bushwhacking to find him. I'd think a 7mm mag or a .300 mag of .300 WSM would be a better choice; especially with all of the cover in your part of the country.

An awful lot of large African game has been taken with the 7x57 (7mm Mauser)

I don't believe this argument "holds water"...

The same African, North American, South American, European and Asian game, has been taken with slings and spears...

Hungry tribesmen would wound an animal and then wait for it to succomb. Ethics played no roll when "starvation was at the door".

Keeping things in perspective... this is not an argument which answers the original question...

Is the .270 "OK" for moose?

The magic word, here, is "OK".

My definition of "OK" is; Will it make good clean kills EVERYTIME the shot is well placed?

In this, ethics should play a very important roll... and kills with the minimum amount of suffering to the quarry should be tantamount in the decision to shoot or not and with what you shoot.

The 30-06 has killed every game animal in the world...
But, that doesn't make it "OK" for elephants. :rolleyes:

See the entry #73 by Andersencs just following your post... :)

Edited I originally stated that andersencs post was a different number... sorry.
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See photos merged above by Capt Charlie

OK here 'tis... It's seems very hard to believe... but

World Record Bull Moose

Size: 15 Feet Tall at the tines!
Weight: 2300 Pounds !!
Points: 38 Points (20 on one side and 18 on the other)
Weapon: .338 Winchester Magnum @ 350 Yards
Location: Russia, Kamchatka Peninsula
Cost: $20,000 Plus Trophy Shipment and Taxidermy

I'm sorry I don't know how they got him out...
Maybe, with a whole lot of native help??
Good research pointer,
What makes this a great feat to me is that the 338 magnum has a total drop of almost 36" at 350 yds. I've never been able to go hunting for Moose but I guess at that range they must be huge.
The harvest of that bull made somebody a happy (and 20,000 poorer) man.
While that Russian moose is an impressive trophy and a magnificent animal, it does not represent the "average" moose. It's sort of like using a 300-lb Canada whitetail as an example of why a .243 shouldn't be considered an adequate deer round.

Around here "average" for moose is between 800 and 1100 pounds. Not sure on the spreads, didn't bother measure the one I saw in the back of a pickup last year. (Coworker's brother shot it twice with an '06. "The first one was good but he didn't know he was dead so I hit him again.") It weighed 770-odd pounds gutted; not sure what the live weight on that would have been, probably 900?

And I reiterate myself: That is one impressive monster of a moose! Somebody has a one-of-a-kind trophy now (and alot of good chilli, burger and steaks). :eek:
Sounds like a Sheras (sp?) or Wyoming Moose, P-990. These are a different subspecies than the Alaskan or Yukon moose found in BC and such places north and decidedly smaller... Boone and Crocket can be entered with as little as 43 1/4 inches spread (mine missed by 1/4 pt!) Alaskan are much larger and minimum points to enter the B&C books start much higher...

I'm dissappointed to find that the pictured monster moose was Russian. So would that be another subspecies altogether and not in the same class at all as an Alaskan? I didn't think even this monster, despite the prespective games played with the camera, made a run on an Alaskan world record. But it beat any Sheras bull I've ever seen all to peices... maybe though.

Regardless - nice bull. Even if 15' tall at the tines seems like a bit of a story. ;)

Removal? - I hear the Russian military will rent out a Sykorsky chopper for the right bucks!
Wild Bill

Re-think it for a "point blank" zero...

Zeroed for 300 yards it would shoot much flatter. :)


Please see andersencs post #73

My concern is for the "rare" chance that a "borderline" cartridge doesn't do the job effectively and for the undisciplined shooter who won't back off when the shot placement will be "iffy". :)
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