Iraq bans Blackwater operations, all Blackwater personnel told to leave immediately

Isn't the re-up age pretty high, now?

It is. But they pay's a helluvalot lower.

Orrrr...they will go back into the military and ply their trade under strict oversight...that is, if they are not too old or have any mental defects

More likely they'll just get jobs with other contractors that haven't been kicked out. New nametag, same dude.

I agree. If Iraq is to be an independent country (that is the goal, right?) then they need to make their own internal decisions.

If they ask the rest of the coalition forces to leave, we should honor that request as well.

Heck, I'd go so far as to say it might be a good thing. Seeing them actually exercise a little sovereignty against our wishes is a sign that they might *gasp* actually be turning into a country. I'm not crazy about seeing our citizens subjected to their justice system, but I guess that's the price you pay when you decide to work there as a civilian instead of a soldier, and when we fail to deal with such things ourselves. It'll be interesting to see if we actually let that happen, money's on "oh hell no."

Apparently we're still trying to convince them to let Blackwater stay. I personally think this is a huge mistake, since it goes against the above; it reinforces our image as an occupying army and destroys any illusion of sovereignty Iraq has. Especially since Blackwater isn't (IIRC) even one of the largest contractors in Iraq; just one of the more high profile ones. The services they provide could be easily replaced by a contract with another company, thus having no real effect except to Blackwater's bottom line.

I'm failing to see how their corporate profits are more important than Iraq's sovereignty.

And if they ask all PMCs to leave? I don't know. At that point we'd probably have to have a serious talk with them, because that would make it almost impossible for us to operate there. I may find our dependence on them unfortunate, but regardless it's very real. But hey, it's still their choice. If they asked all our forces to leave tomorrow our only legitimate option would be to ask them to change their minds...while having our soldiers start packing their duffel bags.
It is a civil war zone people! Don't blame our people from defending themselves when attacked if you, the Iraqi gov't, can't do so yourself.
They shouldn't be blamed for defending themselves if that's what they were actually doing. If they killed innocent people then they most certainly should be blamed.
I have an idea, how about Iraq expells all US forces from their nation?
Best idea I've heard in the past four years.
Its about time these (bite tounge) contractors get the boot. It burns me up to know that there are people who are doing the same job that I do under a contract and get paid way more than me. And they dont fall under UCMJ or any other laws of war while doing a ****ty job.

Are we agreed that the Iraqi civilians should have drawn their CCW's and blown the mercs to bits?

Their lawful right to bear arms and fight a foreign power in their own country being upheld. As such.
Its about time these (bite tounge) contractors get the boot. It burns me up to know that there are people who are doing the same job that I do under a contract and get paid way more than me. And they dont fall under UCMJ or any other laws of war while doing a ****ty job.

The beauty of America is when you finish your term you are more than welcome to apply for the job. I do see they have a place... hire a merc for a year and when you are done the money stops being paid. Use a US soldier and you pay on and on regardless of if you have him doing anything worthwhile or not.

The truth is in the future mercs, contractors or whatever you call them are going to be more and more used and not just by us. Cursing it will not make a difference.
"Wow, that's just stupid. So you're calling every single contractor a sick psychopath. And as if that's not enough, for some reason you also include the Foreign Legion to that description. I'd like to see you tell them that to their faces."

Your last sentence helps to re-inforce his sentiment. Psycho killer types who will snap his neck like a twig. But very professionally and efficiently.
Its about time these (bite tounge) contractors get the boot. It burns me up to know that there are people who are doing the same job that I do under a contract and get paid way more than me. And they dont fall under UCMJ or any other laws of war while doing a ****ty job.

You're on an active duty detail providing force protection for high level dignitaries? If not, then they aren't getting paid to do the same job as you. You can get out and apply to the same jobs they do and earn the same money they do.
Also, they fall under the UCMJ as of Oct last year with the passing of the 2007 Defense bill.
High level force

protection for dignitaries and the like can be provided by military spec ops and equally trained Iraqi counterparts of the military goes to accountability, discipline, and applicable Geneva Convention don't need civilian used to be types whose only loyalty is to the green back, and who to date, have not been held acountable by any court in the world for their agregious, homicidal, and undisciplined behaviors...this is not a "turkey shoot" as they have been known to claim.:((
protection for dignitaries and the like can be provided by military spec ops and equally trained Iraqi counterparts of the military goes to accountability, discipline, and applicable Geneva Convention don't need civilian used to be types whose only loyalty is to the green back.

Let's ban guns for civilians too. That way the government can provide security not only for Iraqis, but for Americans here at home...100% of the time.

How's that work?
High level force protection for dignitaries and the like can be provided by military spec ops and equally trained Iraqi counterparts of the military goes to accountability, discipline, and applicable Geneva Convention don't need civilian used to be types whose only loyalty is to the green back, and who to date, have not been held acountable by any court in the world for their agregious, homicidal, and undisciplined behaviors...this is not a "turkey shoot" as they have been known to claim.(

They are there because the military can't/won't support it. It's not the job of the military to provide body guard details for State department employees. The would be the job of the DOS/DSS and it's just not feasible to hire, train and pay pensions, health care, disability etc to 1000+ more DSS agents. Like you I've spent plenty of time in the military(20+ years and still on active duty), but I won't begrudge these men of making a living with the skills they learned in the military. Anymore than I would begrudge a doctor getting out after 10 years to pursue a private practice or a lawyer to go to a big law firm with the skills and training the military paid him to learn.
From my experience.... used to be the Marines who provided all this high level protection in the past...why the need now for ex-used to be's?
From my experience.... used to be the Marines who provided all this high level protection in the past...why the need now for ex-used to be's?

Marines have only been responsible for the security of the chancellery for as long as I've been around embassies; which is only the last 10 years. Dignitary security has always been a DOS/DSS function. In many embassies it's mixture of local body guards and DSS agents.
One question Crazoid....



Well, you seem to think that the Military are the only ones able to provide security, to be diligent in their ability to establish protection and use a weapon. The military seems to be the only agency worth spending money on.

So, it is only natural that you believe the military here at home should be the only entity to provide security to us, the citizen. No more conceal carry, no more handguns, no more short-butt the government, they will take care of you.

On another note, spec ops are not trained in overt (YES 'OVERT') operations. Their primary function is reconnaissance. Yes, they do sometimes slip in under cover and rescue a hostage. But, that is quite different than fumbling down a public and known roadway in a vehicle obvious to the insurgents.
Never suggested...that the US Mlitary

...take over Homeland security, and that gun ownership should be is not in the charter of the military to provide this level of protection...that is why we have local, state, and in some instances, federal law enforcement...the whole arguement goes to accountability and due process...none which has applied, so far, to mercenaries in the employ of the US government.
You know, I must have missed the mercenary booth at career day in high school. It would beat the heck out of sheetmetal.
I know for a fact that there is at least one Blackwater guy who isn't a psychopathic so and so. :cool: I also know a guy who joined the Marines because he wanted a job and good mechanical training. Weirdos get drummed out of Blackwater just like any other martial organizaton.
The fact is the Government cant afford to have the Marines, and Army guarding everyone in Iraq. These companies are providing a service no matter how disdainful their motives may be.
I find it ironic that people complain about rules of engagement placing our soldiers in danger, and at the same time condemn Blackwater for their heavy handed tactics.
I also find it sad when someone cheapens the honor of their service by complaing about someone else getting paid more.

God bless and a speedy victory!