In home carry or staging firearms?

In home carry or stage weapons

  • in home carry

    Votes: 75 58.6%
  • stage weapons conveniently

    Votes: 53 41.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
My home is a place for me to be at peace and although I do realize that someone may try to kick in my door.. I am not going walk around my house like I am on a mission. I have not and will not carry inside my home unless I am getting ready to leave or just got home. If ninjas swing in through the living room window, I will offer throw a vegemite sandwich and reach for the 38 that rests in my remote control caddy on the lazy boy.
I carry most of the time, but stage often. I dont stash guns around the house, but i have a place where the gun goes when its not on my belt or in my pocket. That place moves with me so its never more than a step or two away. At night its next to my bed and nobody suspects it.
I keep a 1911 in a biometric safe on the nightstand. We live in a one story home, I can get to it in a few seconds from anywhere in the house. When we travel, I put it in the safe.
Carry on my person in the house and working in the yard unless I am showering or sleeping. When sleeping, my carry gun is on the dresser next to the bed and the wife's carry gun is in the nightstand.

We do stage one gun in the house, a loaded (along with a buttstock sleeve that is full) shotgun under the bed. When company comes over, both doors to the bedroom are locked and we have no kids yet. I am not too concerned with the intruder using my own gun against me as anytime the wife or I come home, we are also armed. If the BG has the drop on me with my own gun, I take it as my time is up if I am armed and still not able to defend myself.
On the body.

I don't have enough guns (or money to buy them!) to "conveniently" store them all over the house, and there is no inconspicuous storage system that will keep tiny fingers away be it your kids, grand-kids, etc.

On the body is simple and easy. You wont forget to grab it when you leave the house either. Quite frankly, the shower, and bed is when it should come off. Still within arms reach that way.

(ok, maybe the shotgun under the bed is ok!)
I've been carrying inside my house only for a very short time. We've had an alarming number of home break-ins, several of them while the occupants were in bed or relaxing in living rooms. Heavy drug use in this area makes people bold and it makes them heartless. Right now, if I go into the basement and leave my gun upstairs, I get this nagging little voice telling me how pointless this is – if someone comes kicking down my door, they're going to have that gun and I'm going to be unarmed. So I carry faithfully. I have a little LCR .380, so it's not very hard. That little fella will sit right in the pocket of pajamas, even. But I can't help but wonder how soon complacency will set in. The next time I go into the basement, maybe that nagging voice will be a little softer, and a little softer the time after that. It worries me a little. I can only hope that by carrying the Elsie Pea everywhere I go, it will become a routine, as automatic as putting on pants or shoes.
If it was just me, I probably wouldn't worry about it. I'd take my chances or even just rely on a hammer, Louisville Slugger or sturdy kitchen knife. But when you've got a wife (or kids, or hell, even pets) to protect, it really compels you to imagine the worst case scenarios. That's ugly business, but it DOES help to keep the habit of carrying in place.
I guess I do both but it is not a because I put a bunch of thought into a home defense strategy.

When I get up in the AM, unless I am going to a prohibited place, I put on my CC gun. When I go to bed I stage it on the headboard, then it is handy when I get up.

I think the trick to not worrying about in between is finding a CC method that is comfortable for all day carry.

Exception is if I am going to the range or hunting then I generally open carry.
i used to think it would be weird to carry at home, until about six months ago, my brother who lives about two miles from me, got his door slammed in at nine in the morning and robbed at gun point by two guys. after that, it made me realize just how fast it happens and if it's not in reach of you, it's probably too late. my brother got one knock at the door nsaying it's the police and within several seconds was pistol whipped unconcious and hog-tied with a cord. after having a boot party on his head the two guys made of with his couple rifles. so since then, i carry, my wife has one next to her all the time.

btw.. if you see the case you can see he made several mistakes in the lead-up to what happened, but those are probably the same way most people would react to a knock at the door.
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I carry whenever I can, which includes in my home. I've thought about staging, but other than small single gun safes, I haven't done that.

I fully expect that I will never have to use my firearm. To be honest, I carry because I enjoy carrying, but the bottom line is: Most civilians will never have to draw and fire their weapon. That's the problem: You will never be able to predict when it will occur. So I carry whenever I can.

On a philosophical note, I trust the LORD to take care of me, but also realize that He gave us guidelines and tools to use on this earth. Protecting others is one of those guidelines.
I don't like to be encumbered with a bunch of mess.

I like to keep two locked, hidden, staged guns. One in a gunvault upstairs, and one in a gunvault downstairs.
I don't like the idea of staged guns. I know some folk who do that, and they all live alone. I'm the only person in my family who shoots; weapons in my home are locked away unloaded. I don't lounge around armed.

I guess we all live, how we have to live, and be ok with risks we take. I'm more bothered by unsecured loaded weapons, than I am about home invasion.

Than again, there ain't much in here worth stealing...
It's just my wife and cereal munchers. I keep my carry gun close by but not on my person. My wife keeps her gun within arms reach when I am not home. We both have secured night stand guns as well. We are comfortable with this arrangement.
If I were afraid enough either to carry or "stage weapons" around my home, I'd move.

Home is where I can sleep.

I'm not so sure it's so much being afraid as being prepared. Bad things don't just happen in bad neighborhoods. I'm not a fanatic about it but there's always one on the nightstand no matter where I'm sleeping. I don't CC 100% of the time, but at least one always in the car. I don't have children at home and there's always one that I can get to rather quickly even when showering. If outside I make sure they're secured or hidden in house.
Tell the Petit family that it wasn't a good idea to have a gun available quickly.

They lived in a nice neighborhood. Yes, there is a low probability you will be burned alived after being raped. Your choice.
Part of the reason I keep a gun handy at home is because I have guns in my home. I am often leaving the house with gun cases and ammo boxes going to shoot trap, shoot at the range, or hunt. I live in a good neighborhood with nice people around. But nice people can still do bad things or have relatives that do bad things and I do not know who is driving by and watching what is going on. Now seeing me with gun cases might be a deterrent to some and an invitation to others. I cannot predict that, so I keep a gun handy just in case.