If your state permits open carry, do you?

I am fine with having the right to open carry but don't in public.

I have always Liked the concept that the only time anyone should know you have a gun is after they have been shot with it.
I live in Phoenix and I open carry every day. The reason i open carry, is because im only 19. You are not allowed to carry concealed here until you are 21. I carry my Sig P229 Stainless Elite in a retention holster. I have been shooting quite regularly since i was 15. I am very comfortable with my firearm, I receive training about twice a month from a local instructor. I have never had a negative reaction from anyone while carrying my firearm. I have had a lot of curious people who were considering carrying a handgun ask me where to start. I always tell people to go to a local range that rents handguns and pick out a couple of options, shoot it and if you like it take a ccw class. I dont believe open carrying gives me a disadvantage over a concealed carrier. I do plan to conceal carry most of the time when I turn 21. I am making the best of my situation!
I think it's more of the atire or how you carry yourself vs actually if or not your carrying a gun. I used to oc often and have seen many people oc. I have lived in different states and cities and have never been met with someone being nervous or suspicious of my behavior.

I used to work armed security and after duty I would often run errands such as getting gas or grocerys. We aren't supposed to be wearing uniform off duty so I would take off my shirt. Still had my vest on and my duty belt, slacks and boots. No one batted an eye. The only time I had someone point is before they came and talked to me and asked what I did. People would often mistake me as a cop and go about their business. I would be clean shaven and have a proper haircut as well. The duty belt probably helped too.

I think if you are in a suit and tie, Polo and baseball cap. Ranch type clothing people won't care. I think the only time people get suspicious is if you are wearing clothes that wouldn't typically be worn on someone they don't see as business carrying a gun. Jean's and your favorite band t shirt with a cheap holster and not gun belt with an extended mag hanging out probably won't make you any friends.

I don't think someone would
I only OC when out camping, hiking, or fishing. Otherwise CC, I'm in agreement with the others about not wanting to attract unwanted attention.
My state has always allowed it. I used to open carry in the UP, when walking the national forest. Always had one locked in the car, also, in case of breakdowns-never wanted to be unarmed in unfamiliar territory up there, and looking for a phone, pre-cell days. I usually OC around the house, now, for the most part, but when venturing out in public will cover it. Especially in this weather, i.e. when sans coat, it's OC, but coat covers it to go to the store.
Just imagine if everyone in here openly carried twice a month. Lots of citation of not wanting to scare the public and getting negative reactions. If OC became more typical it would not have the stigma it does. Does a girl dressed provocatively deserve to be treated like a hooker? When you see some woman at the grocery store wearing yoga pants do you greet them with Namaste rather than hello? If a Ferrari drives by do you stare at it? Do you think those who frequent Rodeo Dr in California react the same way?

OC has the stigma it does because it is rare. If we all took it upon ourselves to OC every once in a while being conscious of what we looked like while doing it society wouldn't hate it so much. I have two children under age 5. When we're all out grocery shopping I would OC when I lived in Oklahoma. People see a cleanly dressed family man out grocery shopping with his kids and has a gun it's very non-threatening. 12:30AM at the gas station looking a hot mess is a different story. OC will be legal as of Jan 1 in Texas. I will make it a point to OC twice a month for no other reason than to condition the public. I CC everywhere I am legally able otherwise.
I believe the argument about making yourself a target has some validity when there is only one person carrying openly somewhere, but three or more people carrying openly would seem to be a strong deterrent.
I only open carry if shooting is my activity for the day and I am ready and willing to discuss firearms in a positive way with the public. I don't open carry for self defense, but instead politically.

I make a point of not hiding my firearms loving ways from the public. The biggest contribution you can make to 2A rights is being a normal, likeable person who happens to own guns. Being paranoid, hiding in the shadows, not only does that negatively impact 2A rights but it's just a worse way to live. If you have a hobby whether it's sports, guns, fishing, web development, whatever- talk about it and make friends... Don't be a wacko loner.
I stopped open carrying a couple years ago. I have no objection it's just not my thing. That said I have a problem with people that open carry long guns and unsling them in public. I really don't think that's safe.
A few years ago (about 2006) I was in rural Wyoming and stopped into a Walmart to grab a couple things. I saw three different guys with a sidearm open carry in the store. Two had revolvers and another a 1911. They were not together. No one said a thing or even seemed to notice. Seemed as common to them as cowboy hats.
I generally only open carry when I am camping and hunting. But during those times its not uncommon to run down to the gas station down the canyon at the local rural town. Sometimes will grab a burger at the local dive. Will often see other hunters and campers with open carry as well. No one says a thing or seems to mind.
It would be different if you were to go shopping at the mall or go to your dentist appoitment with open carry. Certain circumstances make it more acceptable than others.
I've open carried dropping my deer off the taxidermy, and nobody said anything other than asking what kind of sixgun it was. After it's legal next year it'll make it easier because I won't have to switch holster when we go into town after working on camp.
I OC around the farm, the woods and when out and about on my horse.

When going to town for shopping or work it's CC.
zincwarrior- When did people in CA get used to open carry? For a short time a few activists carried unloaded guns (used to be legal) to make a point but that quickly got shut down. Also, we are talking CALIFORNIA.
Minnesota allows both with a carry permit, but I've only seen it done in rural areas, and have never open carried myself. Like others here, I'm glad I won't be charged with a crime if my concealment slips. I can see the advantage of quicker access with no cover garment in the way, but the disadvantage of unwanted attention/gun grabs weighs heavier in my mind. If somebody else makes a different judgment that's fine with me. I don't want to ban it.