If your state permits open carry, do you?

Open carry is a bad idea for many reasons in most situations. I do welcome it being legal only for the reason that I can't be targeted by law enforcement if I accidentally show my concealed weapon.
"shoot me first"

Open carry = Billboard saying "Hey mr. Bad guy, I'm a threat to you, shoot me first".
Sometimes I do and sometimes I don't.

I live in a rural area and the closest town only has a few thousand people. Of those people, no one much cares one way or another, including the cops.

When I travel to the 'big city', Atlanta, I carry concealed.
Yes, I open carry (sometimes)

Yes, I'm one of those guys who chooses to carry a weapon without a cover sometimes. To be honest, I don't do it very often, and it depends heavily on my attire, how long I plan on being out, etc.

If I choose to open carry it is because:
1) I am in clothes that don't facilitate concealed carry (i.e. slacks and a tucked in shirt) and/or
2) I am only going to be out and about for a short period of time (quick run to the store, etc.)

I don't see Open Carry as a realistic option for all day carry for me, and honestly I conceal carry about 90% of the time.

My rules for open carry are:

1) Wear clean, professional clothes.
2) Use a holster with active retention.
3) Be plesant, and have a positive demeanor when interacting with others.

I have never had a negative experience while open carrying, and have actually had people thanking me for having a sidearm (two older ladies in the checkout line at Krogers).

When done properly, OC is not threatening to most people, and draws marginally more attention than concealed carry. In exchange, I feel it provides a cleaner draw, with no risk of snagging on a cover garment, and a comfortable way to keep my pistol close.
I've seen a few OC folks here in KY, but honestly I just want to be left alone and don't care for attention, good or bad. Concealed for me.
I open carry all the time, LE open carry every day without incident, and so do I! The reality is that those opposed to it really haven't a rational rebuttal for doing so, no data exists proving it reckless, and in truth their fears are awfully similar to the democrats who tried to spread irrational fear of ccw, by implying it would lead to raging gun battles on every corner, same exact reasoning, which of course was proven ridiculous, open carry in a professional rig is a great deterrent in and of itself.
I do concealed carry every day, have for several years, have never had the desire to open carry, even though it's legal. I don't have an issue with those that do, it's just not for me.

My family, close friends, and a couple co workers know I carry, that's enough for me. I don't need every person I come accross during the day knowing I carry.
I have has a concealed carry license in Iowa for over 41 years. It has always been an open carry state. the only time I carry open is at the public shooting range and in my youth. As a young teen I would ride my bicycle to the Izaak Walton Club gun range at the edge of our little town.
I do from time to time. Usually just to run into a 7-11 or something for coffee or to pump gas, and I'm to lazy to put my cover garment back on. Never had an adverse reaction. I'm not sure it's even been noticed.

However, most of the time I'm sort of "indifferently concealed" anyway. I'm sure if someone is paying attention to me, they can tell there is an extra bulge in there will all the other bulges already there anyway under a T-shirt or sweat shirt.
OC is ok for a rural environment, hunting/farming/hiking, or anywhere south of San Antonio, thanks to the cartels.

Anywhere else, it will at best attract unwanted attention, often from the PoPo. I have a firm policy to not attract the attention of the PoPo. :eek:
"Draws attention..."

Only because it's a relatively new thing to many people. With time, and enough exposure to people openly armed, they will pay less and less attention.

We're still trying to figure out whether my states permits legal open carry. The law seems to say yes, but there is some interpretations on the wording and at least one man has been convicted in a small town run by a corrupt, anti gun chief (who has since resigned in controversy).
"Draws attention..."

Only because it's a relatively new thing to many people. With time, and enough exposure to people openly armed, they will pay less and less attention.

Objection, that assumes facts not in evidence counselor. What occurred in California was the opposite.
Here in Alabama, open carry is allowed but not encouraged. I will open carry at times ,usually when hunting and in hunting clothes, or when just stepping out of my vehicle to pump gas. I personally don't think OC in aan urban area is a good idea especially in these times when there are individuals looking for any reason to cry wolf and for reasons I won't go into, seem to get more attention and carry more weight than a law abiding citizen open carrying a pistol.
I tell my wife that I believe that I was born 100 years to late. At least most people respected their fellow man and his right to protect his family and defend himself then.
I’ve read in this forum that in some states you can get in trouble if your legally concealed firearm becomes visible. That is, your jacket rides up or falls open by mistake.

Open carry would make this a non-issue.

Otherwise, for all the reasons others have mentioned, I would think concealed carry would be preferable to open carry.
Good law, but usually a bad idea

My state allows open carry and I'm glad it does. Like most here, I would almost never do it. But we have a lot of great camping grounds in my area and it's nice that you can open carry in those situations. It lets you bring something a little bigger along if you want or just carry a sidearm a little more comfortably while backpacking. I like it for that.
Badfinger said:
I open carry all the time, LE open carry every day without incident, and so do I! The reality is that those opposed to it really haven't a rational rebuttal for doing so, no data exists proving it reckless, and in truth their fears are awfully similar to the democrats who tried to spread irrational fear of ccw, by implying it would lead to raging gun battles on every corner, same exact reasoning, which of course was proven ridiculous, open carry in a professional rig is a great deterrent in and of itself.

I agree with this.
The reality is that those opposed to it really haven't a rational rebuttal for doing so
Ive only seen it a couple of times here myself, and even though we live in a rural area, its not a typical thing, and the response was somewhat disruptive and even comical.

The one time that was most disruptive, was in Walmart, and the boy carrying the gun, while dressed in a more professional manner, had a bunch of store employees following him around from department to department calling the office as he passed through each department giving them an update. Most people around him were oblivious, but those that did notice, seemed to join the parade, I guess to see what was going on, and just added to all the attention. Still, it would be something I certainly would prefer not to have to deal with.

open carry in a professional rig is a great deterrent in and of itself.
Other than police, the few Ive seen, were usually in cheap, nylon type holsters, and on the hips of those we probably would not choose to promote the idea. Nothing against them or their right to do so, but not the best example, especially if they end up on the local, or worse, national news. Comically, which there is nothing comical about this, they are the specific type of people the stations around here seem to choose, when looking to interview someone. They also seem to be the type that draw the attention of the law, and that too has been an issue, at least once around here, and to the point it made the news, which of course, was not portrayed in a manner that made the carriers, and the rest of us, look good.

With the political atmosphere these days, I think we all need to consider what our actions are likely to bring about, especially when it comes to things of a public nature. While we do have rights, and as much as we may not like or agree with it, in the real world, those rights are always subject to interpretation, and laws can be, and are passed, contrary to Constitutional law, that can and will make things quite unpleasant. They may be unConstitutional, like quite a few laws are, but they are still "law", and you will be held to it, until you can prove otherwise.

If youre looking for attention, try "The Voice", or "Dancing with the Stars", Ill bet the comic respose at home, will be very much the same, as those boys you see interviewed on the news. The results will likely be less of a hurting nature, when it comes to laws being messed with though. ;)
Your 2 cents?

I OC occasionally. Usually a 1911 in a shoulder holster. About the only reaction I get from other folks is "nice rig". Folks who have never really open carried, really don't have a legitimate opinion, just banter. Those young girls walking down the street with their eyes glues to their $600 I-phone are at a greater risk that anyone around here open carrying. Folks that voice support for OC simply because it might save them a ticket or harassment for exposing their concealed weapon, are displaying what little confidence they have in their concealment and carrying skills. If they can't properly carry concealed, they are correct, they shouldn't open carry either.

......my two cents.
Having the ability or legal authority to do something "just because you can" doesn't win any friends.

Thank you for your thoughts. Here are mine: I am not trying to win friends by carrying a firearm in any fashion. I carry a firearm for defense. Most of the time concealed carry is appropriate, but some times, depending on dress, open carry would be preferable to concealed. I would not look different than any number of LEOs in my area who wear plain cloths, so I doubt anyone would even notice. If they did notice I was not wearing a badge, they would have the opportunity to see a responsible armed citizen behaving in a respectful and courteous manner; those types of examples may help the less militant understand that guns are not evil.