If your state permits open carry, do you?


I use to open carry back when I had my FEG-PA63. I always was polite to others, and dressed appropriately. I never had any issues. People saw that I was polite and a well taken care of person. I too see people open carry, and I usually feel more secure with a person around who open carry's, unless its an idiot just trying to look cool. Usually you spot those people though.

If more of us open carried, those crazies out there might be a little more apprehensive to carry out there "grand plan" disaster. If you choose to open carry good for you, if you choose to conceal carry good for you, if you choose not carry then good luck to you.:rolleyes:

I will probably be coconceal carrying here soon, as I am going to get my CC permit.

I personally don't stress over it.
In my state I will soon be able to, but I don't plan on it in urban areas. I don't want the most valuable item in sight to be attached to me. Anyone who wanted to take it could probably figure out a way to bushwhack me, especially if they were not alone.
I will OC when hiking or otherwise in the great outdoors. In town CC. I want to maintain a low profile at all times. Too many a-holes looking for a reason to start something.

Now if eating here, that's BBQ gun territory.
I open carry all the time, LE open carry every day without incident, and so do I! The reality is that those opposed to it really haven't a rational rebuttal for doing so, no data exists proving it reckless, and in truth their fears are awfully similar to the democrats who tried to spread irrational fear of ccw, by implying it would lead to raging gun battles on every corner, same exact reasoning, which of course was proven ridiculous, open carry in a professional rig is a great deterrent in and of itself.

I disagree. Not only are uniformed, open carrying police officers killed with their own guns from time to time, they have to shoot people trying to take their guns on a regular basis.
I disagree. Not only are uniformed, open carrying police officers killed with their own guns from time to time, they have to shoot people trying to take their guns on a regular basis.
Lol thank you, I was waiting for someone to bring this up.

I open carry all the time, LE open carry every day without incident, and so do I! The reality is that those opposed to it really haven't a rational rebuttal for doing so, no data exists proving it reckless, and in truth their fears are awfully similar to the democrats who tried to spread irrational fear of ccw, by implying it would lead to raging gun battles on every corner, same exact reasoning, which of course was proven ridiculous, open carry in a professional rig is a great deterrent in and of itself.
You are not LE. People know that when they see a police officer that they will be armed, it goes with the territory. Most folks are not accustomed to seeing random Joe schmoe with a peice in plain sight.
Again, unless if you're from a rural area where its more like the norm.
Thanks for your opinions.

I notice a pretty consistent attitude towards this topic.

Obviously, even if you are carrying in an appropriate setting you would want to have a retention holster to prevent a gun grab.

Personally, I'm a firm believer in the value of the element of surprise.
I open carry whenever I carry. I have NEVER, let me repeat that, NEVER, had a negative interaction with anyone that saw my gun. I have been asked what gun I was carrying, once I was asked why I carried and I had a good conversation with that person.

Honestly, I don't care which of you approve, or disapprove, of open carry. It is legal and my right, so I do it.
State allows (mostly).

I don't.

For me, the open carry provisions just mean that I don't have to worry about getting in trouble if the handgun prints or gets uncovered.
And, since the stores that I most commonly shop at are either not anti-CC, or are openly firearm-friendly, I don't even have to worry about getting asked to leave, either.
My state not only allows open carry--but it just lifted the requirement for a permit for conceal carry. My dilemma is why to continue with having a permit which simply keeps me in the state and local police databases. Open carry IS provocative--not so much that someone's going to jump you and steal your weapon (though that's always a possibility) but because your neighbors and local businesses will immediately deal with you as a "usual suspect" and the long-term implications can be profound; "I'm Ted Nugent Strong" notwithstanding.
I do both. But in my town (rural Az) more people have guns than not so no one is surprised or offended, I think most expect it. If I go to another town I conceal. Depends on situation and location. The mentality of people around me
I tend to agree that a person openly carrying a firearm is perceived as threatening, whether or not that is their intention, and that is the issue. I have no doubt that most of you would be troubled if you saw certain people carrying a gun, even though it was legal, because you're a "good guy" and they aren't. It doesn't matter whether or not it's true. Perception is reality.

There's also the tactical issue but "tactical" is an overused word.
Yes I open carry. Historically, honest folks have carried openly, while those who carried concealed were considered sneaky and possibly up to no good. This is why historically concealed carry required government permission.

While there are times I do carry concealed, more to avoid scaring the sheeple than anything else, I refuse to get a permit to do so. CCW permits are defacto registration, imo. Free men don't need government permission or permits to carry in whatever manner they choose.

It's sad and kinda wacky that so many people fear those who carry openly, it just goes to show how far down the rabbit hole of totalitarianism this country has fallen. We were founded on the premise that free people in a free society are considered to be sane, responsible and law-abiding until their ACTIONS prove otherwise. Today we seem to be a country where all people are suspected potential terrorists, criminals or nutcases until government certifies them otherwise. I'm sure our founders, if they can see us now, are not happy with this sad result to their experiment in freedom and self-governance.
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BlueTrain said....I tend to agree that a person openly carrying a firearm is perceived as threatening, whether or not that is their intention, and that is the issue. I have no doubt that most of you would be troubled if you saw certain people carrying a gun, even though it was legal, because you're a "good guy" and they aren't. It doesn't matter whether or not it's true. Perception is reality.

I tend to agree. My experience with open carry speaking generally is that when I see someone open carrying say in Walmart, Lowe's, or a restaurant, I tend to view it as a potentially threatening situation and I keep an eye on them. For all I know, they might be LEO, but I still pay attention to them unless they are in uniform.

Chimo said...Yes I open carry. Historically, honest folks have carried openly, while those who carried concealed were considered sneaky and possibly up to no good. This is why historically concealed carry required government permission.

While there are times I do carry concealed, more to avoid scaring the sheeple than anything else, I refuse to get a permit to do so. CCW permits are defacto registration, imo. Free men don't need government permission or permits to carry in whatever manner they choose.

It's sad and kinda wacky that so many people fear those who carry openly, it just goes to show how far down the rabbit hole of totalitarianism this country has fallen. We were founded on the premise that free people in a free society are considered to be sane, responsible and law-abiding until their ACTIONS prove otherwise. Today we seem to be a country where all people are suspected potential terrorists, criminals or nutcases until government certifies them otherwise. I'm sure our founders, if they can see us now, are not happy with this sad result to their experiment in freedom and self-governance.

I also agree with this. The reason open carry was legal most places was in fact because honest people were not afraid to show that they were armed. Times have changed unfortunately especially in urban areas. I hope that people become more accepting of practical open carry as it really is the easiest way to carry a handgun in public. Then you won't have to buy 5 holster rigs trying to find one you are comfortable with for concealed carry and even then, I still do not find it comfortable concealing a normal sized handgun. I refuse to buy pants that are a couple inches larger in the waist just to carry.

For a number of years I refused to get a carry permit as I felt it was my right to carry if I chose to as an honest citizen. My job gradually pointed me to get the permit to avoid any problems that might come up carrying a handgun without a permit. The added benefit was that I could keep a loaded handgun inside my vehicle legally versus the opposite.
One concern is that you would lose the element of surprise.
I think an attacker would be at a much greater disadvantage if you draw a concealed weapon. If a criminal knew you were carrying (and he was prepared to go up against a "hard target") it could turn very violent, very fast.

Lose the element of surprise? Sure. Then again, the deterrent value of open carry may mean that the situation never arises where the element of surprise is a factor. In other words, already knowing you are a hard target may stop many attacks from happening. Which is better...to never being in a battle or to have the potential upper hand in battle? Never being in battle means ZERO risk. There is risk to you in battle, even if you are apt to win, however.

So there are advantages and disadvantages either way. Don't fool yourself into not carrying openly because you think the event could turn very violent very fast. Regardless of your method of carry or if you are carrying, once the criminal act starts against you, the reality is that it could turn very violent very fast, PERIOD.

Theory is just that, however, theory. The reality is that open carry won't dissuade all attackers and having the concealed carry element of surprise provides you no assurance of victory or being unharmed.

On the other hand, I have read that in the distant past, open carry was the norm and concealed carry was the style of thieves and assassins.

And during that time, armies lined up to fight one another in bright uniforms as brave men. Guerilla fighting was considered cowardly. Don't base your method of carry and safety on the norms (and stupidity) of a bygone era.


We start with licensed carry (open or concealed) in January. I plan to only rarely openly carry outside of in my vehicle.
Whatever one thinks of openly carrying, a crowd of people carrying long guns having an assembly on public land near the nation's capital or any state capital can be taken as a sign of intimidation. That is not good, irrespective of the intent of the organizers. Among other things, it suggests to the casual observer that those in attendance might have the idea of overthrowing the government on their minds and to be sure, many think the chief purpose of the 2nd amendment is for that purpose. Personally, I think it's just the opposite.

Coincidentally, I believe that the strongest support for legal carry, openly or otherwise, is in those places where at one time more than half the population were slaves. Think about that for a minute.
Whatever one thinks of openly carrying, a crowd of people carrying long guns having an assembly on public land near the nation's capital or any state capital can be taken as a sign of intimidation. That is not good, irrespective of the intent of the organizers. Among other things, it suggests to the casual observer that those in attendance might have the idea of overthrowing the government on their minds and to be sure, many think the chief purpose of the 2nd amendment is for that purpose. Personally, I think it's just the opposite.

Agreed...a large body of vocal people is a protest...a large body of vocal people armed with long guns...or pitchforks for that matter... could be threatening and intimidating. That said, there are times when that threat and intimidation may be exactly the purpose of the gathering. ;-)
I tend to fall on the deterrent side of the fence with open carry. For me it has been theory to this point. That is dominantly why I said earlier that I sometimes carry "semi-concealed".
As Double Naught Spy says.. we will be able to open carry as of Jan. 2016

I will just keep carrying the same guns in a OWB holster like I always have.

I just won't have to worry if the wind blows my shirt open and reveals my handgun to anyone.