if you ccw a snub nose revolver, how many speed loaders you carry?


New member
i been thinking of leaving my glock 19 in the car and ccw a ruger lcr instead mainly because of comfort and weight. i been reading about bullet set back in autos and i think thats the straw that broke the camel's back.

im guessing most snub nose ccw guys carry one speed loader? do any of you just carry 2 snub nose instead? at 13 ounces, i don't see a problem with carrying 2 lcrs.
Back when I carried the Rossi that I had I didn't bother carrying any extra rounds most of the time but when I did I would just have 6 extra rounds bouncing around in my pocket. Speedloaders just aren't comfortable in my pocket to me.
When I carry my S&W 42, which is quite rarely and usually in the summer, I'll carry two speed strips in my offhand front pocket.

I have 2 speed strips or speed loaders for each of my snubs, but usually only carry one. Same with the snubs.i usually just pocket carry 1 but will add a larger gun occasionally.
The rare times I cc a revolver a .38 with bobbed hammer in my right parka pocket, speedloader in my left.
I carry a speed strip with two on each end in my coin pocket and a full speed strip with two shot shells for snakes in my rear left pocket.
None here to. If I can't fix it with five rounds then I will get to my truck with a newyork reload with my 18 rd 9mm and 3 other magazines.
I have a little money wallet pouch that I keep 2 speed strips of 5 rounds of 38spl. Or sometimes a blackhawk glove pouch I carry with them in it. You should look at a Galco king tuk for that Glock 19, I use it and no problems.
no speedloaders.
i have 2 of the hks #36 and never use them. they jam up against the grip if i don't drop them in just right. that sucks..... i'm dead if that happens in a critical situation. so i carry 5 extra rounds in a little plastic box in my pocket.
if i ever need more than 5 shots..... i have other issues goin' on that that a speedloader won't get me out of.

i do like the idea of the speed strips.... or quick strips. i'll have to get some of those.
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It's a CCW/hideout, used in an emergency - not for extended combat.

If what's in the gun can't take care of things, ce sera sera .................
