If there was ONE full auto weapon you could legally and easily buy, what would it be?

Thompson 1927 A1. Actually could have bought one in 1984 for 800+transfer but did not have the money. Been kicking myself ever since.
If I had unlimited ammo funds, I could not resist an M2 .50.

If I was restricted to my current ammunition budget, a Thompson.

Thompson 1927 A1. Actually could have bought one in 1984 for 800+transfer but did not have the money. Been kicking myself ever since

Aaaaargh! I feel your pain. If I had been with you, you would not have to worry about kicking yourself, I would do it for you.:D
From an SOT...

As stated (I’m sure) several times in the previous emails, the SMG in question (regardless of what type) has to have been made & registered prior to May of 1986. Almost all other SMG's made after that date are regarded as 'Post '86 Dealer Samples'. Post samples can only be sold to Law Enforcement or Military UNITS (or dealers with a special letter). They cannot be sold to individuals (regardless of profession). This is what has driven up the prices of SMG's.

As a starter gun, you'd be hard pressed to do better than a MAC 10 or 11, or an UZI. The MAC's offer much more versatility than the UZI's do, but the UZI’s are much more 'exotic'.

Your M16's, MP5's, Chicago Typewriters (Tommy Guns), are all VERY expensive (averaging $10,000.00+). You can go with the Venerable Ruger AC556 (avg. $6000+ and it's one of the last factory supported SMG’s).... There are several options out there for the first time buyer, but from personal experience and that of a LOT of others, go with a budget SMG.

The MAC 11 (9mm w/.22 Conversions available) is an excellent SMG. This is the gun that has won the most SMG Competitions out of them all. That says something to the quality & reliability. This particular SMG also has the most accessories currently being produced of any NFA weapon out there (except the M16 variants). You can get everything from new grips to complete uppers, to slow fire conversions, to cyclic rate enhancements.... This is also one of the last remaining SMG's that you can still find *NEW IN THE BOX* (avg. $3,500/$4,000).

The MAC 10 (.45) is also an excellent choice (this was my first SMG). I have mine setup to shoot .45/9mm/& .22LR. The MAC 10 is the original design. The MAC 11 is a modified version of this weapon. (Same price as the MAC 11).

All in all... if you have money to pay for a car, cash, you'd be better off purchasing a SMG. You can shoot the hell out of it, and still sell it later down the line for a substantial profit. Transferable SMG's and high quality diamonds are amoung of the only long-term (commodity based) investments that you can make that will not loose value (ever). They will only go up.

To make a long story longer, anyone even remotely thinking of getting into the NFA world, needs to do so now. Prices for transferable SMG’s are only going to go up. The average price of the MAC (variants) have raised by almost $1000.00 in the last 3 years, and these are the MOST common of all available. With the sunset of that screwed up Assault Weapons Ban, the NFA community has absolutely exploded! Silencers are now MUCH more common, and more and more people are beginning to become aware of NFA! The more people get into this, the more expensive the transferable SMG’s will become! Get yours now!!! :D :mad:

www.subguns.com – excellent place to find ANYTHING!

I think you missed the original queston. The original poster was asking a hypothetical "what if" type of question. While your post was uber-longwinded, you are preaching to the choir.
You might have two, or is that to, or is it too...:rolleyes:

I was just saying that you may have missed the point of this thread. Doug.38 was asking a hypothetical question intended to be a 'what would you buy if you only had one shot to get around NFA'. We know MG's are getting more valuable by the hour and we know well the procedures of the NFA. I was just stating *again* that while your long response was informative, it may be beating a dead horse on this forum.
Good to know...

That is nice, but at the same token, why do you feel its necessary to call someone out on your personal view; that if you look at what the ACTUAL question, Doug asked: “If there was ONE full auto weapon you could LEGALLY and EASILY buy, what would it be?".... Does anything in that title say hypothetical? Out of two pages of input, there are a lot of people, who probably do not currently own NFA, saying what’s cool as to what they've either seen on TV/Movies, read about, or dealt with while military. Out of two pages of postings, there was very little to answer what the actual question was.

Most of what was 'hypothetically' said is not LEGAL nor easily purchased.

Nice name! I was called that all throughout my Naval career. I was the one numb-nutt that would tell his BoatCrew Leader to go suck an egg..... ohhhhh the endless days of cleaning the CZ7s! Hated the Navy, loved the job! I loved it! In the end, I couldn't get over having to salute a JO younger than me! or taking orders from people that have no clue what is going on!


You're right... The P90 is ONE HELL OF A NICE PIECE!!! I got to shoot on once. I didn't like how it felt. It didn't feel like a weapon. It reminded me of my childhood days playing with the squirt-guns that looked like ray-guns, but WOW! I LOVE THE ROUND! The P90 is actually more effective than the 556 for CQB. Its just DAMN expensive ammo.

The 5.7 round is AMAZING when its suppressed. It has surprisingly quiet attributes, yet superior performance. Some operators have replaced the MK2 with the FN-Five7 to use against guards and dogs. Where the .22 round wont penetrate BPV's, the 5.7x28 round steel core will! At close range even the LIIIa vests don’t hold up. The round is so effective, the ATF tried to have congress ban it. Labeling it as a ‘Cop Killer’. Instead ammo manufacturers (once FN allowed them too) conceded and quit producing the standard round and now use a ‘civilian legal’ version that will stop in most Level IIIa vests.

I think a Quad-50 setup would look pretty cool, but it's bound to get you talked about. Besides, care and feeding of just one .50 BMG is bad enough, but four of 'em? :eek: Oooh, my pocketbook! :p


If you had to choose 1 full auto .22??? The AM-180 would be it! AMAZING little zipper (and not that expensive either). Add a can to the front, and.... well you can imagine of the sensation :-)

Take that sucker squirl hunting! heh heh heh... Unsportsman-like conduct at its best!

MAN I LOVE THE .22 ROUND!!!!! :-)

A full auto .22 is absolutely, completely, and utterly useless, but DAMN if it isn't the MOST FUN HUMANLY POSSIBLE (not withstanding the consideration of a beautiful woman's.... uhhhh.... *caugh caugh*:D )