Huckabee Wants Free College for Illegal's Kids

Here is the text from Huckabees speech in 2005. No where does he say he wants to set up scholarships for illegal aliens only. The first sentence is all you need to know to see we have people on here spinning a lie.

I'm also going to ask that we open financial aid for any student graduating from a high school in Arkansas. There is something terribly unjust about a kid whose family came here looking for opportunity.

Maybe that kid has come at the age of 4. It has happened. It happened in a school in El Dorado.

That student of Hispanic descent spent his entire career as a student in Arkansas public schools from the age of 4. He graduated from high school, one of the top kids of his class. But when he applied for financial aid, he wasn't eligible for the various scholarships or grants because of his status, a status that he had no decision in and no control over. Do we want to change the future for those kids? Then let's give them the opportunity.
Let's not say that our doors are open but our opportunities are closed.

Let's open both our doors and our opportunities and create a whole new generation of kids who have the opportunity to be prosperous and to bring to their families the hope that they came here for.

Once again No where does it talk about scholarships only for illegal aliens, he has proposed that they be eligible for the same scholarships as everyone else. Stop the spin and lying.
Once again No where does it talk about scholarships only for illegal aliens, he has proposed that they be eligible for the same scholarships as everyone else.

And you think thats OK? Give me a break. They should not be eligible for anything, except a one way bus ticket back to Mexico.
goslash wrote

Mike Huckabee rewarded them with scholarship money specifically for being illegal aliens.

My previous post is in direct rebuttal to the nonsense that Goslash has been spinning maybe even lying about.
I am not disputing that. I am simply questioning whether or not you agree with Huckabee that illegal immigrants should be eligible for scholarships like the people here legally?

It seems to me that the Republicans should not complain about Democrats giving driver licenses to illegals, if they are going to give them scholarships.
I am not disputing that. I am simply questioning whether or not you agree with Huckabee that illegal immigrants should be eligible for scholarships like the people here legally?

I do. If the illegal alien in question was brought as a child, is a longtime resident, is outperforming their fellow students (including citizens) and will pursue citizenship (thus will be paying taxes on the increased wages they get with that degree) I honestly don't have a problem with it.

Yet, at the same time I can see the viewpoint of you and others in this thread that do have a problem with it. Especially the whole "laws the law" viewpoint...hard to argue with that one. So the question I have is this: since there are perfectly valid arguments against the plan that Huckabee does support, why do so many feel the need to lie about what that plan is to drum up support for their side? I just don't get it. I mean hell, why don't we just say that Huckabee supports the idea of letting illegal aliens eat babies while we're at it?

If we want to talk about the good and bad of this (or any other) position, we should at least talk about the actual factual position...not some strawman pulled out of somebody's third point of contact.

It seems to me that the Republicans should not complain about Democrats giving driver licenses to illegals, if they are going to give them scholarships.

Makes sense.
I am simply questioning whether or not you agree with Huckabee that illegal immigrants should be eligible for scholarships like the people here legally?

I can't answer your question because once again Huckabee has not proposed any such thing. He has proposed allowing CERTAIN illegal immigrant children who were brought here at an early age due to no fault of their own a means to attain a scholarship that everyone else is eligible for. I have mixed emotions about it, but I do lean to supporting that plan. I don't think children should be held accountable for their parents crimes.
Once again No where does it talk about scholarships only for illegal aliens, he has proposed that they be eligible for the same scholarships as everyone else. Stop the spin and lying.
You're right. I was repeating bad information.
I should know better than to take anything at face value from Romney. My apologies; I will try much harder to not repeat the mistake. :o
I can't answer your question because once again Huckabee has not proposed any such thing.

Thats exactly what Huckabee has proposed. Can you show me the restrictions for CERTAIN illegal alien children that came at an early age?

I don't think children should be held accountable for their parents crimes.

I don't either, but thats not what they are being held accountable for. They are being held accountable for their own illegal status. And this idea that they are "accountable" implies they are subject to some kind of punishment, which no one is advocating. The only accountability I require is for them to go back to the country of which they are legal residents. That is not exactly the same as going to prison.
I still can't answer your question. All illegal immigrants are not eligible for scholarships according to Huckabee's statement. Do you think that all illegal immigrants will graduate in the top of their class? How many do you think will spend all of their time in the public school system? I am starting to question whether or not you actually read Huckabee's proposal speech.
Does every kid in high school get a scholarship? No they don't. So what makes you think every single illegal alien will get a scholarship?
Come on Xnavy... I realize that not everyone is going to get a scholarship... thats why my last post said "assuming academic requirements are met".

But if the requirement for a scholarship required a certain grade point average, and a US citizen and an illegal alien both met the requirement, you somehow think its fair to give it to the illegal?

Legal resident status should be a basic requirement for any scholarship. I know you love Huckabee, but he is dead wrong on this issue. Why not just admit it? No candidate is perfect, after all.
Could we put aside our opinions on whether illegal aliens should or should not be eligible to apply for scholarships for just a moment and focus on Huckabee's positions.

Huckabee's website contains the following statement about immigration:
I oppose and will never allow amnesty. I opposed the amnesty President Bush and Senator McCain tried to ram through Congress this summer, and opposed the misnamed DREAM Act, which would have put us on the slippery slope to amnesty for all.
The DREAM Act is structured to provide illegal aliens a path to citizenship by attending college (with in-state tuition rates) or serving in the armed forces. Contrast the DREAM Act, to which Huckabee is vehemently opposed, to what Huckabee has proposed.

The illegal alien education bill Huckabee advanced in Arkansas had the following major provisions:
(b) A student without documented immigration status shall be exempt from paying the nonresident portion of total tuition for attendance at a state-supported institution of higher education, if the student:
(1) Attended high school in Arkansas for no fewer than three (3) school years;
(2) Graduated from a high school in Arkansas or received a General Education Development diploma in the state; and
(3) Is or has been admitted at an institution of higher education.

(c) A student meeting the requirements of subsection (b) of this section who graduated from high school after December 1, 2004, shall be eligible for state-supported scholarships if the student meets all other eligibility requirements of the scholarship program that are not related to residency or immigration status.

(d) In addition to the requirements under subdivision (b) of this section, a student without documented status shall file an affidavit with the state-supported institution of higher education stating that the student has an intent to legalize his or her immigration status.
Note the part about "intent to legalize his or her immigration status." The problem is that there is typically no way to do that other than leaving the US and getting in the (long) line to apply to legally enter the country... or receiving amnesty.
Who said the Illegal was going to get the scholarship? See you are trying to spin this into something it is not. No where does Huckabee say the Illegals will get special treatment or in case of a tie, the illegal will get the scholarship.

You are really reaching with your argument now. Huckabee may be a bit weak on immigration, but I can live with that. I have decided that his views on the 2A and on abortion are more important to me as major factors than his immigration view (up to a point).

I would probably support Tancredo or Hunter if they had a chance at the nomination but in reality they don't. We all know what other candidate doesn't stand a chance to win the nomination but I won't mention his name in this thread.

Picking a candidate is a give and take because the perfect candidate does not exist. I don't have a problem with Huckabee's solution to the scholarship problem because it involves kids who had no choice in the matter. That is just the way I feel.

Since today was the first day polls were released since the debate, I guess I am not the only one who doesn't view this as a major issue since Huckabee is now polling in 2nd place nationally. Huckabee didn't hide from the question, he didn't try to misdirect the question on in state tuition, he simple defended his position. I happen to admire that in a candidate.
Who said the Illegal was going to get the scholarship? See you are trying to spin this into something it is not. No where does Huckabee say the Illegals will get special treatment or in case of a tie, the illegal will get the scholarship.

OK, fair enough. I will adjust my scenario. Lets say a scholarship requires a 3.5 grade point average. An American applies, and he has a 3.5. The only other applicant is an illegal alien who has a 4.0. I would give the scholarship to the American, and send the illegal alien back to Mexico.

You disagree, I suppose?
Of course I disapprove of it. It is obvious that anyone with a 4.0 should recieve the scholarship over someone with a 3.5.
Huckabee wants to give illegal alien young people a break on college tuition and the opportunity to compete for scholarships.

However, when those illegal alien young people become illegal alien college graduates, Huckabee would not give them citizenship, allow them to legally hold a job, or even get a driver's license (per his website quoted below).
I oppose and will never allow amnesty.
I oppose and will not tolerate employers who hire illegals.
I oppose giving driver's licenses to illegals and supports legislation to prevent states from doing so.

What is missing from this picture?
gc70 said:
What is missing from this picture?

common sense?

oh wait, hypocrisy? its hypocrisy, isnt it?

xnavy doesnt seem to understand the concept of "illegal alien". whether they came over the border on their own or with their parents, they are still here illegally. end of story. xnavy and huckabee are confusing emotion for thought. what is the difference between this and amnesty? apart from the utter lack of practical application, that is (oh, and the fact that it takes taxpayer money and not only gives it to someone who, in fact, does not deserve it, but takes that money away from an actual legal citizen who, you know, can actually legally get a job after they get out of school).its one more excuse for people to come here illegally. we need to stop the benefits. thats it. if we keep making coming here illegally look tantalizing, surprise surprise, people are gonna keep coming.