Huckabee Wants Free College for Illegal's Kids

I don't like it, and this is rewarding illegal behavior no matter how you dice it. Whether these kids came here involuntarily is irrelevant unless someone plans on changing the law.

All that said, there isn't a single candidate that I agree with 100% and given the choice between guliani and huckabee I'd much rather have the latter and I'm fairly certian most here would as well.
Someone needs to tell the folks in the slums to quit killing cockroaches until they determine if they are the ones that snuck in or were innocently born there .
hillery pres

If you guys keep this kind of crap up thats the headline you will be reading. the party is going to support Giulani McCain Romney or some other liberal if we can't pull together and give our support to a2nd A, man.convince me Ron Paul can win ,or move on ,but stop the stupid BS this is to important!!
They have to earn the right to apply for the scholarships by getting the proper grades and meeting certain requirements. This is not a gimme to all illegal alien children, the topic is completely misleading and a little research can prove otherwise.
"They have to earn the right to apply for the scholarships by getting the proper grades and meeting certain requirements"...yeah, such as being an illegal alien. Unless you're telling me that this program is eligible to all students whose academic and economic status meet the criteria. Is that what you're claiming?
So you are on record as saying we should punish innoncent kids in this country who had no choice in being brought across the border, have spent most of their lives here, and have the grades to prove they are on par with anyone else in the country? They never should have been allowed in school to begin with but the fact remains they were allowed to stay.

If a parent took his kid or kids and robbed a bank should the kid also be charged with a crime?
They had no say when they were minors but we're not talking about minors who have no say in their CURRENT circumstance. Once they become adults, what's keeping them from stepping forward and going through the legal process?
Part of getting the scholarship is applying for legal status in our country, at least that is my understanding of it anyway.
So you are on record as saying we should punish innoncent kids in this country who had no choice in being brought across the border, have spent most of their lives here, and have the grades to prove they are on par with anyone else in the country? They never should have been allowed in school to begin with but the fact remains they were allowed to stay.

If a parent took his kid or kids and robbed a bank should the kid also be charged with a crime?
Look at your emotive words: PUNISH and INNOCENT. You're trying to frame the argument around compassion and emotion while ignoring the law and the fact that it isn't the government's money.

It's really such a liberal argument. "If you oppose this program, then you're against KIDS! Nobody wants to be against KIDS! If you're against KIDS then you're evil!" The Democrats have been using this tactic to push through tax increases for decades.

Are you on record saying that MY tax dollars must be given without my consent to some kid who isn't even a citizen of this country even though my own kid can't qualify for the same tax money?
See, and setting aside the whole "not a citizen" thing (since you don't agree with financial aid in general) I think you may be looking at it the wrong way. On average a college-educated student makes significantly more than a non-college-educated one. This is a fact. At that point, rather than seeing it as taking money from you to pay for somebody's education, it'd probably be more useful to look at it as an investment in a future taxpayer; because I'd wager that in many cases the extra tax revenue alone covers a fair portion of any "direct" aid given to students (Pell Grants, temporary subsidization of interest on Stafford Loans, etc).
Thank you Bill Clinton. My taxes are an investment??? Please show me the return on said investment, in both dollars and interest rate. I'll sit over here waiting.

Any extra tax revenue generated doesn't cover anything. All tax revenue is spent. It isn't returned to taxpayers by responsible, fiscally efficient politicians who understand that it isn't their money. Are you really this naive???
even though my own kid can't qualify for the same tax money


Why our kids do NOT qualify while we are paying tons of tax money while trying to save enough money to put our kids through college?

If someone thinks it is a good program create a fund and collect charity.

This is a completly inappropriate use of tax dollars and a politician trying to get this done should not be in any public office at all.
I don't believe that tax dollars should be used to fund the education of foreign citizens, regardless of their circumstances, when deserving U.S. citizens go begging.
You last three posters do realize, don't you, that you're a bunch of racist bigots with no heart for these children of God who are just trying to make a better life for themselves and their children? :rolleyes:
Trying to make a better life? I'm putting myself through college and it's hell working 35 hours a week and taking 15 hours of classes. It makes me feel sick at the thought of an illegal getting scholarship money that should first go to an American with the same qualifications.

I'm not saying illegals shouldn't ever get money, once the school of all Americans is covered then we can worry about the illegals. Of curse, I tihnk working through college and making it through is a good experience and I'll be better because of it. More people should give that a try ....
Thank you Bill Clinton. My taxes are an investment??? Please show me the return on said investment, in both dollars and interest rate. I'll sit over here waiting.

Any extra tax revenue generated doesn't cover anything. All tax revenue is spent. It isn't returned to taxpayers by responsible, fiscally efficient politicians who understand that it isn't their money. Are you really this naive???

My point is that, were a detailed economic analysis conducted, it's likely that financial aid to students (and state subsidization of schools) is likely (over even the medium term) a net positive to the treasury. The fact that that money isn't returned (in the form of lowered taxes) but rather spent is a separate issue. One that you and I would probably find much more common ground one.

"They have to earn the right to apply for the scholarships by getting the proper grades and meeting certain requirements"...yeah, such as being an illegal alien. Unless you're telling me that this program is eligible to all students whose academic and economic status meet the criteria. Is that what you're claiming?

Um, I think you're confused about what's being discussed. From [url="]this[/url] news article:

Gov. Mike Huckabee is proposing extending eligibility for state-funded college scholarships to illegal aliens who graduate from Arkansas high schools — an idea that several legislators predicted will go nowhere.

Okay, so that's just the first hit I got from Google. Maybe somebody else has more comprehensive information. But the impression I'm getting is that this is an existing state scholarship program open to citizens who meet the criteria, and he's simply talking about extending eligibility to illegal aliens who graduate from AK high schools as well (or, depending how you want to spin it, eliminating the citizenship requirement).

Point is that yes, I will claim that this program is open to all students who meet the academic and financial criteria. Hence the reason I said the thread title was a bit misleading, and it appears you may have been misled. Do you have any sources to the contrary on this?
JuanCarlos, you are just trying to muddy the issue with facts.
Of course Huckabee must have been talking about creating special illegal alien scholarships unavailable to citizens because that is a worst case scenario and we can vilify him for it without any thought. To suggest that he really said what he said and should not be misrepresented is just wrong.
JuanCarlos, you are just trying to muddy the issue with facts.
Of course Huckabee must have been talking about creating special illegal alien scholarships unavailable to citizens because that is a worst case scenario and we can vilify him for it without any thought. To suggest that he really said what he said and should not be misrepresented is just wrong.

I know, I do that from time to time. Of course, sometimes I do the opposite; inject emotion into the issue to the disdain of many...but even then I try to make sure that emotion is based on, you know, the facts.

Not wanting to extend existing scholarships previously available to citizens to illegal aliens (which, obviously, is what the children of illegal aliens that weren't born here still are) is a perfectly valid position. I may or may not agree with it, but I can absolutely understand it. So I see no reason to try and twist the issue into something it isn't so that you can try to get people to really really hate it.

Just to clarify my opinion on the matter:

I think that extending these scholarships to the children of illegal aliens isn't the worst idea ever, provided additional (and stringently enforced) standards are applied. For instance, I'm assuming these are academically based and if they aren't they need to be. The student should have a clean criminal record and be applying for citizenship (already mentioned). The student should have an above-average written and spoken grasp of the English language, and I'd say the student should have attended school here for at least 10 years or so. Maybe require that they have done a full 12 years in American schools.

Given all of the above, I'd say you're looking at a person who is about as invested in this country and about as likely to contribute to it as most natural citizens, and probably more so than many. This is exactly the kind of person we should be extending an opportunity of citizenship to, and making the assumption that financial aid in general is beneficial I see no reason they should be excluded.

Actually, "no reason" isn't accurate. Just no compelling one.