how many rounds

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For example, weakened blood vessels, specifically an aneurysm, can cause death at the drop of a hat. A blow to the head will kill some people. Many, many people die of these things just from breathing, a simple collision or blow to the head could kill an otherwise healthy individual. I have that concern.
Imo, just the simplest assault, in modern days, is possibly going to escalate into a beating that will cause critical injury. Second guessing a victim after an attack is shameful.
Imo, just the simplest assault, in modern days, is possibly going to escalate into a beating that will cause critical injury.
I would not bank for a minute on a successful defense of justification on that basis.
I wouldn't either. Regardless of whether I risk prosecution, unless stand your ground or castle laws apply, I would not hesitate to use deadly force if I was physically attacked, by a person who I believed intended to pound me, probably killing me. Of course, I am no saying that this should be the what anyone else does. That might constitute giving bad legal advice.

Anyone who physically attacks me in public will be in grave danger if it appears that it may escalate.. a push or poke is not my opinion of danger.

I will make my personal decisions and accept the consequences of those actions, and minimize the risk of being dead or in a coma because of a brain injury.

I'm not going to continue here with this. It's off topic and a about to get aggravating, I suspect.

The bottom line is that someone who doesn't like me could leave me in a permanent coma just for my wallet. Only the lowest person on a jury could convict me for saving my own life, but of course, I don't trust a DA at all.
Don't read things into what I say that aren't there, like assuring that I will do crazy things, like shooting a guy who pushed me and raised his voice because I got the last package of corned beef on saint Patrick's day
Are you carrying all that in your pockets?
As we speak, yes. I need most of it for work.

I have a combination cell phone / utility belt pouch that holds most of this and enables me to carry a pistol & extra magazine with no discomfort.
Yeah that's called a fannypack, no thank you.

We're in two different worlds...while you're talking about carrying all this extra ammo I'm shopping for a pocket revolver which would reduce my load from the present 15+1 to 6.
Doc, I'm not at all sure that "bleeding easily" would cut it; pardon the pun.

But there are medications that prevent clotting, and while the effects of some of them can be reversed with immediate treatment, those of some others cannot.

The latter seem to be heavily represented in TV ads for law firms "If you or a loved one has died...."

If I might interject, I have a medical background and deal with such things on a daily basis. The medications that you refer to are generally known as anticoagulants (Coumadin, Lovenox, and Xarelto are among the most common) and yes, most of them have antidotes. However, if someone on anticoagulant therapy were to receive a beating severe enough to cause internal hemorrhage (and it wouldn't really have to be all that severe), you've really already passed the point at which the anticoagulant's antidote, in and of itself, is going to solve the problem (a vascular surgeon is what you probably need at that point). Add in the fact that most of the people on anticoagulant therapy are older and in less-than-perfect health to begin with, and the risk of death or permanent debility from a beating is quite high for such a person.
Justification for the use of deadly force is almost always going to depend on things beyond our control. Those of us who carry have to make that decision quickly and correctly. Proper training and consistent practice increase our odds of surviving a life-threatening encounter and the legal consequences. How much ammunition is required to do this is no more predictable than the all the possible consequences of doing it. I carry 10+1 most of the time. I can carry that without much trouble. It may not be enough for every contingency, but few things in life are certain.
Well the way I see it & for guys like RJM I think you need to look at it this way also. You never know what, when & where something will go down no madder where you are. All hell can brake loose. A riot can brake out at anytime & you can be at the wrong place at the wrong time. Also you could be some place where a sicko shooter is trying to kill a lot of people or a terrorist attack going on & people will kill you if you have what they need to stay alive. That is why when I carry(that's all the time) I have a full mag in the gun & two ex mag's plus 200 rounds in the glove box of my truck. So if I am carrying my 9mm full size it 16+1 2 full mag 16x2=32 that's a total of 59 rounds. If the 9mm compact it 14+1 2 mag's 14x2=28,total 43. If my 40 s&w it's 12+1 2 mag's 12x2=24,total 37. all with the 200 rounds in the glove box. I almost never carry my 45acp because of low round count sig,220combat 8+1 & cz97b 10+1. All you have to do is watch the news to see all the sick things that happen today. And if I get stuck in that mess I want to have a way to fight my way out to live not just be rolled over & killed. Remember the lowlife scum riot for nothing today!
If you only depended on what you saw with your own eyes instead of what the news media decided to show you, the world won't seem to be such a bad place. Some parts of it are heavenly, in fact. Riots do not suddenly break out for no reason at all at the drop of a hat, for instance, and you know that.

All of that not withstanding, a basic problem with self-defense in which someone (else) is seriously hurt is that you have to make a split-second decision, as others have pointed out, but those who judge you will take their time deciding whether or not you did the right thing and will split hairs in doing so. A lot will depend on "could have," "would have," and "should have."

Regarding rounds carried, some would say they carry a high-capacity pistol so they don't have to carry a spare magazine.
Well the way I see it & for guys like RJM I think you need to look at it this way also. You never know what, when & where something will go down no madder where you are. All hell can brake loose. A riot can brake out at anytime & you can be at the wrong place at the wrong time. Also you could be some place where a sicko shooter is trying to kill a lot of people or a terrorist attack going on & people will kill you if you have what they need to stay alive. That is why when I carry(that's all the time) I have a full mag in the gun & two ex mag's plus 200 rounds in the glove box of my truck. So if I am carrying my 9mm full size it 16+1 2 full mag 16x2=32 that's a total of 59 rounds. If the 9mm compact it 14+1 2 mag's 14x2=28,total 43. If my 40 s&w it's 12+1 2 mag's 12x2=24,total 37. all with the 200 rounds in the glove box. I almost never carry my 45acp because of low round count sig,220combat 8+1 & cz97b 10+1. All you have to do is watch the news to see all the sick things that happen today. And if I get stuck in that mess I want to have a way to fight my way out to live not just be rolled over & killed. Remember the lowlife scum riot for nothing today!
i'll preface this with saying that if that is the way you want to look at it and you want to carry all that, it's cool with me....really. I'm not trying to tell others what they should do, just putting it out there where I'm coming from.

250 rounds to me is a good afternoon at the range, not what I am planning on using to get myself home from work. The way I see it, if I have gotten myself into a situation where 259 rounds is somehow going to save me, I've really messed up, took a wrong turn with no gas left in the tank, and really had no plan....and frankly, I am undergunned anyway with a handgun...and I am going to have a hell of a time talking myself out of prosecution should I survive.

I think that way with reloading a self defense firearm in a situation too....maybe it's because I live with a criminal defense attorney and hear about stuff that I'm paranoid with prosecution. With the stuff I've heard and seen, reloading and continued shooting won't look good to a prosecution...or to society...and you will really not be able to explain it away.
Three things to keep in mind:

(1) One may lawfully shoot in someone's direction only as long as it remains immediately necessary to do so for self preservation, or to protect a third party who would be lawfully justified in the use of deadly force.

Continuing to shoot after such a situation ceases to exist would not be justified.

Our objective is not to prevail in some kind of gunfight.

(2) The ammunition load with which one has set out might become the subject of interest to the charging authority, to a criminal trial court, or to a civil court. One would not want to have created evidence that might unfavorably influence impressions of one's state of mind.

(3) Whatever one adds to ones's load will result in one's having to leave something else behind. I can think of a lot of things that might well turn out to be more beneficial in terms of health and safety than a number of magazines that I will almost certainly never need.
reloading and continued shooting won't look good to a prosecution...or to society...and you will really not be able to explain it away.

Except if my gun ran dry and the threat continued. That explains it all
interesting that this has turned into the legalities of shooting that many rounds ( I hope I may have steered it that way :) )

even if you were caught up in the middle of a riot, if you shot 30 people, there is a really good chance you're going to prison... "somebody's little child" who "just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time" is likely to be one shot, or count on it being presented that way in court ( weather they could be considered inocent of kicking you when you were down or not, should that have happened ) I'm betting you go to jail...

there are very likely situations from which you just can't escape either alive or legally unscathed... I try to steer clear of those :)
interesting that this has turned into the legalities of shooting that many rounds...

I too find it interesting that a question about load out has turned to this.
I read in the thread that some are worried about the legal defense of how much ammo they carry, did they reload, is the threat real etc.
That line of thinking, at least in my mind, should be answered before the decision to carry a firearm. A perfectly logical conclusion to those primary concerns would be not to carry. Much like the decision not to carry because a person is not willing to kill someone else.
The purpose of carrying a gun for most of us to to survive a life or limb threatening encounter, then worry about the legal ramifications. The idea of a flash riot may be relevant to some and not others; in that case a larger load out may be required. That being said, running away is always a good option when applicable. Staying out of those situations is also a good idea.
I would much rather survive the encounter and face the legal system than get beat to death because I was afraid of the legal consequences. BUT, my first choice would be to avoid any and all confrontations.
reloading and continued shooting won't look good to a prosecution...or to society...and you will really not be able to explain it away.

Oh. I wouldn't want to look bad in a legal case so I'll just save the last round of the revolver for myself if I'm in a situation that calls for reloading.

I just don't get this kind of thinking.
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