How Many EDC Full Size Guns VS. Compact Guns?

One hand in a winter coat? Generally no. If you’re doing both that’s a bit better IMO. It’s also not always winter. As far as hooking your thumbs I think that’s a little less obvious. But then you don’t have your hand on the pistol in the pocket, which is what I was commenting on.

I mention it because it’s a common response from people that pocket carry and I don’t personally think it’s as discreet as some believe it is. YMMV.

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I will say that my winter coat is the one way I generally do pocket carry, usually a JFrame in the "hand warmer" pocket. Only when it's real cold and I actually need a) my heavy coat and b) it needs to be zipped up fully.

So below zero, generally.

In that case a .38 in the pocket is a good option, but I also keep my usual EDC under it all as well.
Obviously you and I travel different roads. See the world differently. Even without a gun in one of my pockets I have have my one hand in a pocket and used the other for something else. And of course situtitional awareness is important no matter what gun you carry.
Surely not worth arguing about. I have been EDC with a Pocket gun for over 10 years and done a whole lot of observations my self. You carry one long enough, you learn how to conceal and do it naturally. Each to his own. I appreciate your opinion. A Pocket gun would not be a right choice for you. I have no problem with that.
Obviously you and I travel different roads. See the world differently. Even without a gun in one of my pockets I have my one hand in a pocket and used the other for something else. Surely not worth arguing about. I have been EDC with a Pocket gun for over 10 years and done a whole lot of observation my self. Each to his own. I appreciate your opinion. A Pocket gun would not be a right choice for you. I have no problem with that.
Fair enough! Different strokes for different folks and all that.
I will say that my winter coat is the one way I generally do pocket carry, usually a JFrame in the "hand warmer" pocket. Only when it's real cold and I actually need a) my heavy coat and b) it needs to be zipped up fully.

So below zero, generally.

In that case a .38 in the pocket is a good option, but I also keep my usual EDC under it all as well.

I’ve thought the same as well when I walk the dogs, that it would at least be quick access given the layers associated with winter clothing. Again to me winter is a case where it does make more sense.

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Actually I appendix carry more than pocket carry. I find that faster, but I will consider certain factors when I carry and what clothes I am wearing. And no matter what you carry, you will have pro and cons. The important thing IMO is to train often and drawing fast with accuracy is crucial.
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Ernie Bass said:
Obviously you and I travel different roads. See the world differently. Even without a gun in one of my pockets I have have my one hand in a pocket and used the other for something else. 

What's the first thing a cop does in a citizen interaction? What is the first thing they recommend that you do when a cop is walking up to your car?

Keep your hands visible.

You've made your mindset on this very clear on this and other forums. You don't expect to ever actually have to use your gun. You've even said (to paraphrase) that the odds are against you ever needing a gun so why bother to carry a full size one?

The point I'm trying to make is that not everybody approaches it that way. If I don't know you and you're walking up on me with your hands in your pockets I'm paying attention. I'm really paying attention. I'm not a cop, I can't order you to keep your hands where I can see them but please believe I'm watching you.
First of all I would appreciate it if you refer to me on this forum by the name I have logged in on. Secondly, I never said I do not expect to ever use a a firearm or said what you paraphrased or trying to suggest.
I did say I do not think the odds are very great that I will have to use a firearm, but I certainly have been training to use one for decades if that unfortunate time ever arises. I did say that it is possible if I had to carry a heavy weight gun I would consider not carrying one. A very unfortunate back injury is one reason and do not desire to have the weight carried all day.
Obviously you are attempting to start a argument and make my opinion into something personal. There is no need for this. If you disagree fine and I would appreciate it if you did not put words into my mouth. Please stick with your opinion which I will appreciate.
If you prefer to make this personal please do so by PM Thank you and have a good night.

PS I said on this very forum on this thread that I have no problem with any firearm a person carries regardless if it is a a pocket gun, snubbie or large duty gun. I said firearms are like shoes, no one size fits all.
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CtFW said:
First of all I would appreciate it if you refer to me on this forum by the name I have logged in on.

My bad Jeb. My mind was elsewhere.

CtFW said:
Secondly, I never said I do not expect to ever use a a firearm or said what you paraphrased or trying to suggest. I did say I do not think the odds are very great that I will have to use a firearm, but I certainly have been training to use one for decades if that unfortunate time ever arises.

I'm not sure how that's different from what I said. You have stated that you think the odds are very low. You may not have said "It will never happen" but you have definitely made statements that give that impression.

CtFW said:
I did say that it is possible if I had to carry a heavy weight gun I would consider not carrying one. A very unfortunate back injury is one reason and do not desire to have the weight carried all day.

I want to be careful how I say this because I'm not trying to disparage you but that statement tells me

1. You're not committed
2. Whether you realize it or not you don't really think you might need it.

People who really believe they may have to defend themselves carry wherever legal and IME they tend to carry more substantial armament.

CtFW said:
Obviously you are attempting to start a argument and make my opinion into something personal.

Not in the least and I apologize if I gave that impression.
One thing that I'm noticing in this discussion is people are equating full size with capacity.

I won't carry less that 10 rounds if I have any other option. I'd never pick a 8 shot 1911 when I could carry a 13 shot Glock 26. Some one commented in another discussion that 15 rounds was excessive (or at least beyond the norm). He also said more bullets aren't better it's just more of the same. I'm sorry, that's a RIDICULOUS statement. I have no idea how many rounds it's going to take to stop my bad guy. So I want as many as I can reasonably carry.