How Many EDC Full Size Guns VS. Compact Guns?

I only carry a compact 911 .380 when I am home or doing my evening walks. Otherwise I still carry a full size 1911 or a 686+ with a 3" barrel. Thinking of getting a 4" barrel when all this craziness ends in the next 8 to 12 years.
If I have the ability to dress as I please, I sometimes carry a full-sized pistol in an OWB holster.

I do need quite a long cover garment to conceal even when bending/stretching/sitting since the general rule is that the cover garment, while standing normally, needs to go 6" farther down than the lowest part of the pistol/holster.

Why not carry IWB? Well, I do carry IWB with a compact slim gun. I don't carry IWB with full-sized guns because I'm not interested in having to keep up with pants in two different sizes and I don't buy my pants loose enough to wedge a full-sized gun/holster in there along with me.
I EDC a S&W Shield, which I consider a "compact." I understand all the arguments for carrying full-sized, and they're not wrong. More rounds, longer sight radius, etc. But if all handguns are a compromise, I find the compromise found in the Shield to be awfully hard to beat.
Why not carry IWB?........
JohnKSa, I'm with you. My RM380 goes IWB. My Canik is far more comfortable and better concealed, due to my comfort, OWB. I went back and forth on inner or outer for the Canik. I didn't think I'd care for OWB carry, but for that wide pistol, I prefer it.
I've not carried smaller than a Glock 19/23 for at least three years; currently carrying a "commander" size 1911 which conceals as easily as the Glock 19/23.
I stopped carrying (EDC) anything larger than a Micro 9mm years ago.

I am jealous of your small gun collection.

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I have a P6 also 1st thing I did was replace the hammer spring with a liter one. Made the trigger pull much better. Did you do the same?
My EDC is a Para-ordnance elite commander 1911 .45acp. I guess you could say it's a full size pistol. My favorite fishing/ trail gun over the last couple years has become my Colt Pocket Positive .32 S&W long.
I carried a full size CZ SP-01 Phantom for years, and in a Down Under IWB by High Noon, it disappeared under a baggy t-shirt. For the last couple of years my ECD is a P-10C, the "compact" version of the P-10, and it still hides easily in a High Noon Stingray OWB rig. I also don't really care if I look like a slob off duty, so huge ugly baggy t-shirts are the rule.
S&W Shield is my primary EDC with a Glock 48 carried on occasion. I've carried larger sidearms in the past but these meet my needs now.
I carry a Glock 19 with a micro comp and a Streamlight TL-7 light on it.

I'm told this is the compact option. Well, I have small hands so the Glock 19 is a full-sized gun to me. The 17 is a full-size plus and larger-framed models are jumbo size.

That's how I see the world, anyways.
The more I chew this thought pattern around IE. The ideal pistol to carry? Well, that is really the subject is it not?

The more the choice is clear. The choice starts with the individual. So I looked at me! I no longer work! I am a retired Firearms Instructor. So naturally, I am into handguns.

#1. It has to be reliable, it must go bang, till empty, every time you press the trigger.

#2. Common sense capacity, that is easily concealed. 15 and 1 Glock19.
Spare Glock 17 magazine as in name, an extra 17 rounds.
With a bright flashlight, on the offside. Have utilized the light more than the Magazine. But the extra magazine is very comforting. TruGlow night sights.
Extended slide lock (Release) flush fit butt plug. 4.5 lb trigger. On night table.

Dress in Florida, a sweater in cold weather, not often. Colourful shirt normally.
My wife of 28 years, and I, are normally together. Both of us tend to not be a friend type of person, sooner be together (Noval situation yes?)
Yesterday, Thanksgiving we eat at my Sons Club. Two grandkids, our Wives.
One each, 6 in total. My Wife could have made a better meal! My Son likes to eat out, his Wife as well. I had my normal wine amount, small glass and a half. Over an hour and a half.

Home by 8-pm. Backed into the garage, lowered outside door. In for the night. Never leave Jeep outside at night. Back to finish off my night's sleep!
Always do it in two halves. 85 YOA, what can I say. Good night.
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#2. Common sense capacity?!

Your "common sense" is certainly different from most others. Any handgun that holds >5 is fine, and some will say >4 is ok. I prefer 8 +1 adult-size rounds.

More is not better, it is just more of the same.
For a while my favorite EDC has been a Sig365. Still carry it in my home town, but through the week I work in a large metropolitan city so on work days a carry a bigger high capacity pistol. Since so much civil unrest is taking place, usually carry a Glock 19X. I have the extended round mag in the gun and another in my pocket.
Quote"#2. Common sense capacity?!

Agree, there is the internet and then reality. On two other forums they did a survey of how many members have actually used their guns and how many actually fired more than three shoots. Almost zero have ever used one, and just a small fraction have ever shot one especially more than three rounds.

I live in a city of 500,000 people. I actually had a job of viewing daily crime reports. Plus since shooting is my hobby and I am a active club member that went to the range about twice a week for many many years. In that time I have never known anyone personally that had to use a gun. The other people I know that have been shot that I knew were from negligent discharges. Usually from holstering. Gang related shooting but even then not many rounds other than drive by shooting.
Yes, there have been shooting non police rated. Mostly domestic arguments, people robed and shot once etc. Never have I seen anyone in a gunfight that actually had to use more than one magazine.
When the 365 and Hellcat came out, all over the internet people practically claimed that if you carried anything less than 10 rds you were a dead man walking.
What is interesting is that the rest of the manufacturers never really jumped on the idea. Single stacks of less than 10 rds prevail in the market and revolvers remain popular.

There is a mod on another forum will do nothing but pick a fight to those that carry only a 5 shot snubbie and argue post after post. And watch out if you disagree with him. Sad thing to see. I have no problem with any size gun a person carries or how many magazines they carry. I know one person on the internet that carries 4 spare mags. Maybe he needs 4, I am just glad I do not live in the same city he does.
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Quote"#2. Common sense capacity?!

Agree, there is the internet and then reality. On two other forums they did a survey of how many members have actually used their guns and how many actually fired more than three shoots. Almost zero have ever used one, and just a small fraction have ever shot one especially more than three rounds.

I live in a city of 500,000 people. I actually had a job of viewing daily crime reports. Plus since shooting is my hobby and I am a active club member that went to the range about twice a week for many many years. In that time I have never known anyone personally that had to use a gun. The other people I know that have been shot that I knew were from negligent discharges. Usually from holstering. Gang related shooting but even then not many rounds other than drive by shooting.
Yes, there have been shooting non police rated. Mostly domestic arguments, people robed and shot once etc. Never have I seen anyone in a gunfight that actually had to use more than one magazine.
When the 365 and Hellcat came out, all over the internet people practically claimed that if you carried anything less than 10 rds you were a dead man walking.
What is interesting is that the rest of the manufacturers never really jumped on the idea. Single stacks of less than 10 rds prevail in the market and revolvers remain popular.

There is a mod on another forum will do nothing but pick a fight to those that carry only a 5 shot snubbie and argue post after post. And watch out if you disagree with him. Sad thing to see. I have no problem with any size gun a person carries or how many magazines they carry. I know one person on the internet that carries 4 spare mags. Maybe he needs 4, I am just glad I do not live in the same city he does.

Yes, actually having to use a firearm is quite rare. As for how much capacity is “needed” or typical, it doesn’t seem particularly easy to find an average. There are always exceptions to the often repeated rule of 3s (3 shots in 3 seconds at 3 yards). In both of the following two examples it’s one police officer against one assailant. And the officers even used “adult sized” rounds, with the first using the venerable 45 ACP shooting the assailant 14 times. The assailant continued to fight back.

Are a law enforcement officer’s needs more than a typical concealed carrier? Likely, as their chances of using their firearms is no doubt higher. But in the previous examples these weren’t mass shooters. The assailants used pistols they had on their person and in their cars. Sometimes humans aren’t easy to stop and they seem to keep fighting despite what would be life ending injuries with enough time (the 1986 Miami shootout is another good example of this).

Manufacturers do continue to make single stacks. There are a number of single stack pistols that are much cheaper than the P365 and Hellcat. For a lot of gun purchasers cost is a major factor. The P365 has sold incredibly well, however. Do I think all single stacks are obsolete or will cease to be made? I don’t think so.

And yea I’m glad I’m not on that other forum.

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On two other forums they did a survey of how many members have actually used their guns and how many actually fired more than three shoots. Almost zero have ever used one, and just a small fraction have ever shot one especially more than three rounds.
You have to be kind of careful here.

Before I start, let me say I'm going to focus exclusively on the logic here and never mention any number of rounds that is enough/too much/too little/etc., let alone try to recommend a particular number.

Ok, with that out of the way.

It might make sense to not carry a gun at all if one assesses that the chance of needing one is too small to bother with.

But if a person assesses that the chance of needing one is sufficient to carry one, then it doesn't make sense to carry one that is likely to be insufficient for a reasonable scenario. What a person needs when they need a gun is a different problem from whether or not a person needs a gun.

That may not be immediately obvious, so here's an example. Let's say you're running an air force for a small country. You are looking at the expense of giving every one of your aircrew members a parachute and it's going to cost enough money that it's difficult to budget for.

So you decide: "The odds of them needing a parachute in peacetime is so small that I'll just have them each carry parachutes that will only safely support the weight of a person who is 100lbs or less. It will save a lot of money. Sure, all of our aircrew members are heavier than that, but it's so unlikely that they will need them in the first place there's no point in spending more."

Well, it might have made sense for you to decide that the risk of needing a parachute was so small that there was no need to carry parachutes at all. But if you're going to give them parachutes, it doesn't make sense to give them parachutes that are so small that they won't work for them. If they actually do need a parachute, they will need one that is rated for their weight--it does them little good to have a parachute that isn't going to work for them when they need it. You might as well have just saved the money entirely and not bought any parachutes at all.

That example is picked to make the point, but the same general principle applies. When you need a gun, you will need it to solve a problem. What is required to solve that problem is a function of the particular problem you are faced with, not how likely it is that you will need a gun in the first place.
Never have I seen anyone in a gunfight that actually had to use more than one magazine.
I think we would need more information to determine the usefulness of that information. At a minimum, we would need to know the following:

1. How many of the people that lost the gunfight that reality handed them would likely have prevailed if they had more ammunition?
2. How many of them used what was in the gun only because that was all they had?