How damaging is McCain's not knowing how many houses he has?

I think it backfired.

For Obama to seize on this non-issue when the counter-attack was so glaringly obvious--Rezko--really shows a growing sense of desperation in the Obama camp.

That and things he's said recently. He's so pompous and arrogant he's telling crowds that he shouldn't have to even be campaigning.

He doesn't think he should have to work for this. He doesn't think he should have to answer questions about his lack of experience, his generalizations and platitudes that have so far substituted for concrete plans. and his links to 1960s terrorists, radical preachers, and convicted felons in the whole Chicago machine politics scene.
Did McCain lose 1,000 or 2,000 votes in Ohio on this one? Maybe more? Who knows.

I'm thinking you haven't studied American political trends in the twentieth century in great detail, or haven't watched the last few elections closely. Since 2000, Democrats have put up increasingly left-wing candidates, and the voters reject them with increasing margins, despite more reactionary and despicable Republican candidates (GB 2000 and the more despicable GB 2004). The country has spent the last 10 years saying it wants more middle candidates. The left has refused to view this and been stomped; the right has refused but still won. Now the right is complying and the left is marching further left in ignorance and contempt of the electorate. This isn't complicated. Compare the relative poll results for the same time in 2000, 2004, and 2008. The trends are consistent. This is a done deal for the republican party. I'd recommend going back as far as V.O. Keys to start getting "up" on how elections go and trends work.

It didn't cost him (McCain) anything in Ohio; you've chosen a poor demographic to try to spin your theory on.
I find BamBam most Ignorant of the real lives of We The People.

His Rant of how many houses he has and what not is just a ploy to hide his own Ignorance of life.

Why is it the one's that moan the most do the least?
To address the original post...

...I cannot say how much effect it will have, a lot of people seem to be really upset by the statement, but I can say that it should be completely irrelevant. It is kind of like asking my father-n-law in what companies does he own stock. He will not know since he is busy running his medical practice and not micro managing his investments.
PbP said:
To address the original post...

...I cannot say how much effect it will have, a lot of people seem to be really upset by the statement, but I can say that it should be completely irrelevant. It is kind of like asking my father-n-law in what companies does he own stock. He will not know since he is busy running his medical practice and not micro managing his investments.

Quick. How many guns do you have? Do you have to consult your staff?

Not immediately knowing how many guns you have does not make you a
bad person.

So, I don't think conclusions should be drawn about McCain based on his
not knowing how many homes he and his wife own.
Quick. How many guns do you have? Do you have to consult your staff?

Not immediately knowing how many guns you have does not make you a
bad person.

So, I don't think conclusions should be drawn about McCain based on his
not knowing how many homes he and his wife own.

Again, it's relevant because McCain is running a campaign based on his opponent being "elitist" or "out of touch." Again, he ran an ad the next day talking about how "celebrities don't have to worry about family budgets."

From a man whose family owns so many properties that he can't tell you how many there are.

See, if you asked how many guns I own, I'd have to think for a moment but I could tell you. Some here might not be able to (my collection isn't all that large compared to some here). At the same time, very few guns are worth a million dollars or more. When properties worth a million plus have what is essentially a negligible value to you (in that you don't really think much about them individually) then you have no business talking about how the other candidate doesn't have to "worry about a family budget."

It's relevant because it's being used to blunt (or cause to backfire) the rhetoric that McCain himself is using. Otherwise, no it isn't a huge deal. Most presidential candidates are going to be various levels of loaded.
Who cares how many houses he has. I personally expect the presided to be successful. Investing in real esate is no different than any other type of investment.
Now look at Joe Biden's shaddy dealings with his son representing the biggest credit card issue in the nation (MBNA) and lobbying his father in support of the bill (I know, I know his lobbying had nothing to do with the bill, *wink*, *wink*, *nod*, *nod*). Between Biden's family and the Rezko deals we have a tean of the two biggest crooks ever to attempt the Oval Office.

How many houses McCain owns (or not) is nuthin' but Marxist 'Wealth Envy'. His wife owns the properties and manages that stuff. My wife manages my stuff... I can't tell ya what my bank account holds... I'd have to go count my firearms. I'm not pre-occupied with all that. I have more stuff than most of my neighbors... Am I supposed to do a give-away to even that out? Why should I?

So what if Joe Schmoe is in forclosure? Joe made the call to buy beyond his means... Bad financial decisions happen all the time. Is that John McCain's fault?
How many houses McCain owns (or not) is nuthin' but Marxist 'Wealth Envy'.

So I'll ask again, is it Marxist 'wealth envy' when McCain calls Obama out because "celebrities don't have to worry about a family budget?"

EDIT: And at that point, does being a POW cancel out being a Marxist?
You're confused. Being an American POW... and serving honorably thereafter to the rank of Captain (Navy) would trump any lib-chicken-commie BS that any of NObama's mewlings or himself could spout. Marx was all about class envy. Lenin called his supporters useful idiots. He was correct.
You're confused. Being an American POW... and serving honorably thereafter to the rank of Captain (Navy) would trump any lib-chicken-commie BS that any of NObama's mewlings or himself could spout. Marx was all about class envy. Lenin called his supporters useful idiots. He was correct.

I'm not talking about anything Obama or his supporters are spouting. McCain is using the same 'class envy' arguments against Obama, trying to portray him as elitist and claiming his wealth makes him out of touch with the middle class.

Thus, by your reasoning (3 posts up), he's a Marxist.

I'll take your response then to mean that being a POW does outweigh being a Marxist. Which is not an entirely unreasonable position, I suppose.
If it was Obama that didn't know how many houses he had, it would be cries of ELITIST!, OUT OF TOUCH WITH REALITY!, HE DOESN'T CONNECT WITH THE WORKING MAN!, all over L&P.

Since it's McCain that doesn't know, it's a non issue of course.
Why do some of you guys insist on defending Obama on a pro-firearms forum??? He's got an F from NRA. Biden has an F from NRA. Sure, not all of us are single issue voters, but this IS a single issue forum (guns). Would you expect to get any respect if you went to a gay rights forum or a pro-abortion forum and attempted to defend McCain constantly????

I don't have that many posts on this forum (I tend to frequent THR more). I notice that some of you pro-Obama guys have 500/1000/2000 posts. Looking at your post history makes it quite obvious that you're more interested in talking politics than guns.

I don't begrudge your first amendment rights to come on this forum and say what you believe. I DO have a problem, though, when you use that right to support a guy who has done nothing but spit on my SECOND amendment rights.
An amusing development...

One of the liberal bloggers (and I cannot remember who, sorry) has accused Senator McCain of purposely answering the number of houses question incorrectly. The reason? To bring up Tony Rezko, of course.

So now, Senator McCain is not a doddering old fool on the brink of Alzheimer's, but a cunning and premeditated political shark. Or something.

It is pretty obvious this mis-answered question is not nearly as damaging to Senator McCain as Senator Obama hoped it would be. It is just as obvious Senator Obama doesn't want to discuss his mortgage arrangements.

Senator Obama's connection with Tony Rezko? Were it not for then state representive Obama's help and political action, Tony Rezko would never have had the financial wherewithal to start up his real estate holdings. Or assist Senator Obama with a mortgage.

Senator McCain is not my first choice for President. In fact, he is pretty low on the list. However, he is a superior choice to either Senator Obama or Senator Clinton - in my humble but considered opinion, of course.
Why do some of you guys insist on defending Obama on a pro-firearms forum??? He's got an F from NRA. Biden has an F from NRA. Sure, not all of us are single issue voters, but this IS a single issue forum (guns). Would you expect to get any respect if you went to a gay rights forum or a pro-abortion forum and attempted to defend McCain constantly????

Some of us like to look at things from multiple angles, and think perhaps a little healthy two-sided discussion is a good thing. I don't watch TV in black-and-white, either.

I don't have that many posts on this forum (I tend to frequent THR more). I notice that some of you pro-Obama guys have 500/1000/2000 posts. Looking at your post history makes it quite obvious that you're more interested in talking politics than guns.

I lurk in the more firearms-related subforums, but yeah I tend to do most of my actual posting here. I'm sorry if that is a problem for you. I thought that was the actual purpose of this subforum.

I don't begrudge your first amendment rights to come on this forum and say what you believe. I DO have a problem, though, when you use that right to support a guy who has done nothing but spit on my SECOND amendment rights.

And you're more than welcome to voice that problem. Just don't expect me to care, at least unless you can come up with a coherent and relevant argument.

If it was Obama that didn't know how many houses he had, it would be cries of ELITIST!, OUT OF TOUCH WITH REALITY!, HE DOESN'T CONNECT WITH THE WORKING MAN!, all over L&P.

Since it's McCain that doesn't know, it's a non issue of course.

That's kind of my issue, and why I find many of the posters here amusing. Again (broken record time) McCain runs an ad the next day suggesting that Obama is out of touch with the working man because he doesn't have to worry about a family budget. McCain's words, not Obama's, not mine.

You can support McCain without thinking he walks on water, and without thinking the other guy belches fire. I'm no less harsh on Obama's supporters...many of them have exactly the same issue of ignoring any faults in their candidate (or refusing to acknowledge them) while slamming the opposing side.

Like I said, I don't even watch television in black-and-white, and I pity the person who sees the entire world that way. Figuratively, of course (out of sensitivity to my colorblind brothers).
Some of us like to look at things from multiple angles, and think perhaps a little healthy two-sided discussion is a good thing.

What "angle" is there to discuss??? Obama is obviously anti-gun. Look at his record, not his lies. You're on a PRO-gun site supporting an ANTI-gun candidate.

I lurk in the more firearms-related subforums, but yeah I tend to do most of my actual posting here. I'm sorry if that is a problem for you. I thought that was the actual purpose of this subforum

This is a subforum on a firearm-related board.

And you're more than welcome to voice that problem. Just don't expect me to care, at least unless you can come up with a coherent and relevant argument.

What could possibly be more "relevant" than me referring to the fact that both Obama AND his running mate have an "F" rating from the NRA when it comes to their voting record on gun-related issues. I have no doubt that you don't care about what I think, but don't try and tell me that my argument was not coherent and relevant. Once again, if anyone on this board is not "coherent and relevant", it is a guy who repeatedly posts on a pro-firearm website in support of another guy who wants to strip the right to own a firearm away from the people who frequent this forum (including yourself).

I have no doubt that you'll keep this up post for post, just like you attempt to shout down every other post on here that disagrees with you. I've got no problem arguing OPINIONS with you. What I don't understand is how you think you can continue to argue OBVIOUS FACTS. Let's see how long it takes you to get to 5,000 posts this election season. I've got full faith that you'll be able to pull it off!!!
What "angle" is there to discuss??? Obama is obviously anti-gun. Look at his record, not his lies. You're on a PRO-gun site supporting an ANTI-gun candidate.

Never claimed he wasn't anti-gun.

This is a subforum on a firearm-related board.

I'm aware. But a subforum for general political discussion, and in which oppositional views are welcome. Actual anti-gun argument aren't likely to go over well, of course, but last I checked this wasn't a Republican-only (or maybe Republican/Libertarian-only) clubhouse.

What could possibly be more "relevant" than me referring to the fact that both Obama AND his running mate have an "F" rating from the NRA when it comes to their voting record on gun-related issues.

I'd suggest that when his opponent has (IIRC) a "C" then perhaps it's worth looking at other issues as well. McCain is no pro-gun messiah. He's as likely as Obama to sign the one piece of anti-gun legislation likely to reach his desk (a new and "improved" AWB). SCOTUS appointments are an issue as well, from a gun rights perspective...but then, they're an issue from a rights-other-than-guns perspective as well. And I'm not sure that McCain's appointments would be great for my other rights, even if they were a bit more likely to come down pro-gun.

In a pro/con breakdown, Obama's anti-gun stance is his primary (and huge) con. But please, please, don't act like McCain doesn't have a few of his own. And his lukewarm support of guns isn't exactly the biggest pro.

But gee, there I go talking in shades of gray again. My bad.

Once again, if anyone on this board is not "coherent and relevant", it is a guy who repeatedly posts on a pro-firearm website in support of another guy who wants to strip the right to own a firearm away from the people who frequent this forum (including yourself).

Well, it's arguable that my support of an anti-gun candidate (if merely keeping his opponent honest can really be deemed 'support') might make me less relevant on a pro-gun forum (though I don't concede this), I'm not entirely sure how it makes me less coherent.

Though I'd argue that perhaps having a couple centrist or even *gasp* oppositional members might keep this place from becoming a huge cheerleading match/echo chamber/circle jerk.

Does it require that much cognitive dissonance to strongly support McCain as a gun owner? That any questioning of him is likely to bring the entire house of cards down? That discussing things in anything but black and white might make it difficult for single-issue voters to actually show up on election day? Is only blind, unquestioning support of McCain allowed? Isn't that the exact same crap we accuse Obama supporters of (and often correctly, I might add)?

I have no doubt that you'll keep this up post for post, just like you attempt to shout down every other post on here that disagrees with you. I've got no problem arguing OPINIONS with you. What I don't understand is how you think you can continue to argue OBVIOUS FACTS. Let's see how long it takes you to get to 5,000 posts this election season. I've got full faith that you'll be able to pull it off!!!

:rolleyes: *whoosh*

(My smilies now come with audio!)
The only "shout down" I'm seeing here is your incessant, repeated, habitual need to make 10-20 posts on any topic that involves McCain-Obama. Perhaps you feel it is "witty" to keep up with folks post for post when they don't agree with you. More power to you. That's certainly your right. It's my right to point this kind of behavior out and state that it's getting a little old watching you co-opt each and every political discussion that comes up on this forum and turn it into your own personal argument/shouting match.