How damaging is McCain's not knowing how many houses he has?

It's already done. It's called TAXES!! The wealthiest 10% in this country pay over 70% of the taxes. How much more wealth re-distribution would it take to please you?????

12$ minimum wage, adjusting for inflation combined with a sealing of the border, which my other thread was on.

Every American should be able to go to college, get a decent job and be able to support a family on one income instead of requiring two to even put food on the table.

Every American should be able to go to college, get a decent job and be able to support a family on one income instead of requiring two to even put food on the table.

Every American CAN to go college and CAN get a decent job. People do it all the time. Ain't this a great country??
Perhaps you haven't looked at how the countries doing. Look around you, people are losing jobs, the jobs they are keeping have horrible pay. Most people can no longer support a family with one spouse working like they use to be able to.

Things are allot worse off for most Americans now then compared to 10 years ago.

Look around you, people are losing jobs, the jobs they are keeping have horrible pay. Most people can no longer support a family with one spouse working like they use to be able to.

I live in the greater Seattle area. Median salary here is around $54,000. The median house price is around $475,000. The economy here is not exactly in the dumpster.
I don't want to get in to petty bickering here, but you (S832) must be kidding. I see plenty of people making $40-$50k a year, driving around in new cars, and living in homes that are 2000-3000 sq. feet. The reason that we have many families in which both parents work is not because of low income. It's because we spend to much on junk we don't need and houses we can't afford.

Yes, there are people in this country who make $10 an hour, or maybe even minimum wage. Compare their standard of living to the "poor" in third world countries. Many of our "poor" still have a car, a cell phone, a TV, an air-conditioned apartment, etc. Sure, rich people have nicer things, but it's not like they're living in the Taj Mahal while others are living in a dirt-floored hut.

If a poor person wants to go to college in this country, they can do the same thing I did, take out a school loan. WIC is available for people who need food for their children. Medicare and Medicaid is available for those who can't get health insurance. Nobody that I'm aware of (except for perhaps a few anorexics) has died of starvation in this country in decades. The homeless problem in this country is a mental illness issue, not a financial one. It is not impossible to make things better for yourself in this country. There is plenty of opportunity. Politicians have decided it's easier to get votes by offering handouts than offering opportunity.

McCain offers opportunity. Obama offers handouts.
50k a year is not much now days, back 10 years ago it was pretty good but not anymore.

I think everyone would agree most Americans are worse off now then 10 years ago. Certain segments of America like those with a huge masses of wealth are better off but the vast majority of us aren't.

The gap between rich and poor is growing and will continue to grow until the government steps in(eventually it will be forced to by the majority of the population).

Its a combined problem of Mexico pouring into the US, the ever increasing US population, the huge national debt, outsourcing and other countries consuming resources and gaining power.

4 out of the 5 things can be fixed, but considering its looking like none of them will be, continuing to up the minimum wage(adjusting for inflation) and providing free college are going to be the only options which will actually get implemented.

I think McCain not knowing how many houses he owns is a great example of how he is just as much of an elitist as Obama, if not more so.
It is a big deal but the democrats won't be able to get any leverage out of it.

It's a big deal on several levels, first on McCain's ability to think on his feet. The guy was stammering like a student asked a question while he was window gazing.
It's also a big deal because, whether or not some of those homes might have been for investment, a house is a very big chunk of change. Those homes averaged over a million dollars each, most American's can't relate to it.
This also is a big deal because it brings out the fact that McCain and his wife have a net worth of over 100 million dollars. McCain is trying to play the common man game, he can't do that if it's common knowledge that he's worth 100 million.
Several people have mentioned that because some (all?) of the homes are in his wifes name it's understandable that he wouldn't know how many homes he owns. Think about that sentence; if McCain doesn't own all or any of those homes and he still can't say how many homes "he" owns on his own, what does that say about him?

But as I said in my first line the democrats are ineffectual and this will probably end up being a negative for Obama.
I want to ask you how damaging McCain's not knowing how many houses he has could be to his campaign?

It is indisputable evidence that he married a really rich Babe with loads of money.

This is even worse than the incident when he volunteered his wife to enter the Miss Sturgis beauty contest, not knowing that many of the contestants appear topless.

McCain is clearly finished. He never knows what he is talking about.

I want to ask you how damaging McCain's not knowing how many houses he has could be to his campaign?

Not damaging at all IMHO.
It probably will have a impact with a few people, but the Dems already have the those that hate those with money in their pockets already.

McCain married well, he married a woman with BIG money.
You could look at it this way:
Maybe McCain is not motivated or in love with money---maybe he lets his VERY WEALTHY wife handle all the real estate transactions--maybe Cindy McCain buys and sells homes weekly--maybe she is into real estate as a hobby and John just doesn't keep track of it---He is after all running for president.
Would you rather have him concerned about what his wife is doing in real estate or worrying about other more pressing matters?

I think a guy that gave up a chance to move to the front of the line and get a early release from a VC prison camp may not be to concerned about what his WEALTHY wife is doing with a house across the country----I think he has shown were his priorities are.

McCain just should have said, " I'll have to check with my VERY WEALTHY wife Cindy and see what she is doing with the real estate this month---I have been kind of busy and that is not a huge concern of mine---running for President of the United States is."
Oh, by the way, did you hear how BO's million dollar mansion was purchased??
Some kind of deal with a convicted felon.
BO's brother on the other hand lives on a dollar a day-----I guess he doesn't believe in taking care of your own---my bet is he darn sure isn't going to take care of a stranger---YOU and ME!!
I think that many of you may be looking at this the wrong way. It is not a matter of how many houses the McCain's own. It IS about the fact that he could not REMEMBER how many houses he owns.

The perception is that McCain's mental faculties are insufficient for an individual who is running in hopes of being the President of The United States. Perhaps the onset of Alzheimers?

This may or may not actually be the case..but perception...especially in EVERYTHING.

Or MAYBE he just didn't know---see my post above.
Why does it have to infer Alzheimers?

See, these people live in a different world than most--it is ENTIRELY plausible to me that McCain didn't/doesn't know how many houses his WIFE plays with---maybe he doesn't even care.
Granted, hard for the average citizen to understand.

I wonder if you asked Bill Gates, Ross Perot, or some of these billionaires how many houses they actually own at any given moment if they could give you an exact number.
Like someone said, if McCain was even off by one house, the DEMS would have screamed LIAR!!
Like I said, I am more interested in how a person acquires their homes--if McCain acquired them legally, it's not a problem for me.
I am MUCH more interested in how OB acquired his home since there seems to be a convicted felon involved.
Someone should ask Obama how many times has the Chicago political machine helped advance your career? Probably too many for him to count. While I may not like everything McCain stands for or has said, I try not to lose sight of the bigger picture. That picture has Obama in office and taxing me to extreme levels, taking away my guns, and living in a country more concerned with the rest of the world than the USA itself. Have you heard the details of Obama's tax plan? He proposes giving tax "credits" for all sorts of things, even for people who do not pay taxes. That's another way of saying he would make direct cash payments to non-taxpayers with money taken from those of us who already are heavily taxed. Obama has been accused of being a socialist; I think he is closer to a true Communist. And I shudder to think what the Supreme Court will be like when it has a few ultra-liberal new members nominated by Obama and confirmed by a Democrat senate.
I want to ask you how damaging McCain's not knowing how many houses he
has could be to his campaign?

It might be a little damaging now, but in the long run, it won't matter. Most people learn their "views" based on 30 sec spots on tv and that event will have run its course by then.
Speaking of stuttering and stammering...don't tell me that nobody's noticed Obama's penchant for doing just that. He makes a great stump speech; doesn't do very well conversationally.

Besides, who the hell would want a smoker in the White House?? Addicts is addicts. :rolleyes:
Obama can't even produce a non-forged birth certificate. Now, wasn't Obama the one saying he would stick to issues and not delve into nasty negative attacks regardless of what anyone else did, that he was a new politician, the messiah that would end acrimony in politics. It took about 5 minutes to abandon that line of bull.
Who cares how many houses he has. After the sacrifices he made as a POW, I am glad he has a lot of houses. He deserves having them.
I would bet at least half of the members here would have to mentally add up how many guns they own. One of the articles I read today mentioned that the Obama campaign had collected info about how many houses he owns and has been sitting on that info for about a month. Smells like an ambush to me.

My point is, who really cares? The McCain campaign response was perfect. The only better response would have been for McCain to tell the reporter it was none of his business.
I believe his answer was swayed by his honesty. Does he really own any houses at all or does his wife own them. They keep their finances separate and he didn't want to look like a liar. Dems want to play the Got-cha game, whatever answer he gave would have been wrong.