How damaging is McCain's not knowing how many houses he has?

The only "shout down" I'm seeing here is your incessant, repeated, habitual need to make 10-20 posts on any topic that involves McCain-Obama. Perhaps you feel it is "witty" to keep up with folks post for post when they don't agree with you. More power to you. That's certainly your right. It's my right to point this kind of behavior out and state that it's getting a little old watching you co-opt each and every political discussion that comes up on this forum and turn it into your own personal argument/shouting match.

I make 10-20 posts in topics that have nothing to do with McCain-Obama. What can I say, sometimes I'm at the computer but not terribly busy. Sue me. Besides which, are we running out of internets? I'm pretty sure I have less than 20 posts in this thread, out of over 100. Seems like people are able to get a word in edgewise, despite my deluge of commie-liberal propaganda (or whatever).

Also, if responding to you when you respond to me is some kind of "post for post" "shout down," then I'd suggest that perhaps discussing politics on an internet forum isn't for you. Or perhaps simply that discussing politics on an internet forum where everybody isn't sitting around agreeing with each other isn't for you. Either way, I'm not entirely concerned if my not accepting wholeheartedly the (slightly more) pro-gun candidate is some kind of affront to your tender sensibilities.

If you have any other issues with my posting habits, it'd probably be better to take it to PMs. Though I suppose I can let you have the last word in here on that one. If you have any other discussion on either candidate, feel free to bring it...just don't be surprised if I have some kind of *gasp* response. Possibly even post for post.
I have no "tender sensibilities" to be offended, nor do I have any issues with the way an internet forum is supposed to work. I also have no interest in "taking it to the next level" and exchanging PM's with you. I merely ask that perhaps you should review some of your own post history and make note of the level of "din" you bring to every exchange you engage in.

I have no interest in getting banned from this board, and if this post doesn't do it, then my next surely will. I will make no more posts on the matter. Good day.
Back to the subject of the thread, does anyone really care McCain doens't know how many houses his wife owns? He probably doesn't know how many shoes she has either.

Frequently, I can't give an exact number of firearms I own without looking in my log. I usually can get within 5-10 of the actual number. Sorry, but keeping totals on things isn't that important.
Yup, it doesn't really matter and the polls show that the people don't really
care either, and we've seen Hussein's true colors. He said he would run
a clean campaign, and that promise went out the window.

If Hussein gets elected, Hussein's campaign contributors and DemocRat
establishment will turn "Change" into "Business as Usual"

Days of 1960s idealism are over.
Yup, it doesn't really matter and the polls show that the people don't really
care either, and we've seen Obama's true colors. He said he would run
a clean campaign, and that promise went out the window.

If Obama gets elected, Obama's campaign contributors and Democratic
establishment will turn "Change" into "Business as Usual"

Days of 1960s idealism are over.

I ran that through my anti-bigot filter for you. This may be a generally conservative forum, but it's not Stormfront.

Also fixed the reference to the Democratic establishment. In case you weren't aware, the Republican platform committee met recently, and voted to start referring to them by their official name (Democratic Party, not Democrat Party). Elementary school teachers nationwide rejoiced as the level of childishness in this country went down at least a notch.

And even assuming that "Democrat establishment" would have been proper (pretty sure not, but hey I don't teach grammar) I'm nearly positive that the capitalism of the 'r' isn't proper.

If you need any more help, just let me know.