How damaging is McCain's not knowing how many houses he has?

As far as I know, McCain is a self made man. He did not inherit his wealth.

Since when is self made wealth something to be ashamed of? And, he has
a pretty wife who doesn't sit around all day but buys investment property,
beauty and brains in a tight little ... Well, I digress.

Since when is success a crime? Good for McCain for having more houses
than he can count!

Shame on B-Hussein-O :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
+1 on who cares but I hope the libs jump all over this, blasting Mccain, with energy saving ideas as big as they are today. Then the list of how many houses,condos,cars,jets and ships all these millionaire "green people" supporters of Obama owns. List should start with Oprah.
Afriendf asked me yesterday how many guns I have-I had to stop and think and gave a wrong total after a minute. I don't have a huge collection I just don't keep a running count.
Why is Obama campaign resorting to such low blows? Are they that
desperate? Maybe, Hussein is a male version of Paris Hilton.
Karl Marx said:
[T]he antagonism between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie is a struggle of class against class, a struggle carried to its highest expression in a total revolution. Indeed, is it at all surprising that a society founded on the opposition of classes should culminate in a brutal "contradiction," the shock of body against body, as its final denouement?

... o long as other classes continue to exist, the capitalist class in particular, the proletariat fights it (for with the coming of the proletariat to power, its enemies will not yet have disappeared, the old organization of society will not yet have disappeared), it must still use a measure of force, hence governmental measures; if it itself still remains a class and the economic conditions on which the class struggle and the existence of classes have not yet disappeared, they must be forcibly removed or transformed, and the process of their transformation must be forcibly accelerated.

Obama's advancement of Marxist "class warfare" notions should come as no surprise to anyone paying any attention to his campaign and its staff.

As far as I know, McCain is a self made man. He did not inherit his wealth.

You don't know much.

He did well in his military career, to be sure, but it's arguable that marrying into Cindy's money and influence (well, her family's) was what allowed him to get into his first Congressional seat.
Irrelevant to many, but there are just plenty of folks who think that anyone with more than two shiny nickels to rub together, got there on the backs of the poor.

Notice how Nobama's ad just had to point out the $13m value of the homes also? Overall the ad was a smart shot by his campaign and will damage McCain just a bit.
Ah, here we go. A shining example of why this will hurt him.

New McCain ad: "Higher"

First line (announcer voiceover):

"Celebrities don't have to worry about family budgets, but we sure do..."

From the campaign of the guy who doesn't know how many houses his family owns. And he's talking about "family budgets?"

Again, it's not so much that he's rich (and he didn't get there on the backs of the poor, he went right up the front of a rich beer heiress). Presidential candidates are going to tend to be wealthy. It's the fact that he's acting as if he isn't, and as if his opponent is.
As far as I know, McCain is a self made man. He did not inherit his wealth.

Both McCain's Grandfather and Father were 4 Star US Navy Admirals ( the only father/son Admirals in US History ), and they both served in WWII. His Grandfather played a crucial role in the war, and lead the Navy's Fast Carrier Task Force all of 1944 and 1945, leading up to the victory against Japan. The Naval Air Forces that he commanded played a very key role indeed. He was considered to be a pioneer of Naval Air Power.

He was so exhausted by the strain of his duties, that he died just a few days after returning home to the USA in September of 1945, at the age of 61.

What does how many houses he has have to do with anything? This is pure Obama BS!

And McCain's "guys like Obama don't have to worry about a family budget" celebrity/elitist claims...those are substance?

EDIT: And how many houses he has is basically the refutation to the above. To rip a joke from somebody funnier than I, it's important that if you plan to cast the "elitist" and "out of touch with the middle class" stones that you make sure you do not live in an indeterminate number of glass houses.
"guys like Obama don't have to worry about a family budget" celebrity/elitist claims...those are substance?

But, but, but...Obamessiah is ABOVE this, isn't he.

Apparently not. Same ol' crooked Chi-town pol slinging mud. At least McCain's family paid for their houses with money gotten from real businesses that sold a real product that people want. How about Rezko and his paid boy Obama, is this a fight they really want?
Juan...If one makes a stupid comment it's OK for the other to do so. Is that your reasoning?

No, but blasting the opposing side for doing it while your own side seems to get a pass seems a bit hypocritical.

But, but, but...Obamessiah is ABOVE this, isn't he.

I don't remember claiming that.

At least McCain's family paid for their houses with money gotten from real businesses that sold a real product that people want.

This is a bit of a stretch as well. Hensley's family did this, McCain just married into the money, which was itself largely inherited.

Isn't this the same kind of thing Kerry got blasted for in 2004?
Juan...You don't know what side I'm on do you? But we can guess what side you're on!

I wouldn't go making assumptions. I was just on another forum blasting Obama supporters for jumping on McCain's "5 million" and "100 years" quotes, both of which are being twisted horribly out of context.

I don't feel the burning need to criticize Obama here, because others are more than willing to take up the cause. His repressive economic policies, anti-gun tendencies, and largely empty rhetoric are already well reported here.

Why, I even hear his middle name is Hussein!

Just suggesting a little balance and moderation is not a horrible idea, and that perhaps hypocrisy is a bad thing. Are these controversial concepts here?

Also, I felt confident assuming that you weren't voting for Obama, and I apologize for assuming the statistically likely alternative. If you're intending to vote for somebody else, that's cool...I can probably go dig up some BS from them, as well.
I wonder how much understanding will be granted to the person from Illinois about the story of him having a starving half brother in Africa that he's totally abandoned and not given a dime to while he got an expensive law degree and become a celebrity.