How can a simple hug cause a weapon to discharge?


I like this theory. . . Fish fry/Social gathering is a typical gathering and some of the people have consumed way too much mood altering chemical. They start doing crazy stuff like grabbing butts or front parts of other people's husbands. She feels his gun one time and has no idea how to deal with it. Latter, she grabs gun and yanks, thinking it is funny. Ha! Ha! (assume she has had enough to drink to make this funny to her.) He has had enough to drink or is slow to react. He fights her joke like a disarming attempt after it gets out of the holster. She is holding the gun with finger on trigger. He twists and yanks free which causes discharge pointed at his lung bottom and her heart. He is hurt, she dies. He and fellow leo at party have a quick story check convo so they all keep jobs and she avoids jail, still assuming she will live. He and other leo tells arriving police she was dancing crazy and it went off. . .cause she is/was a friend and he would like to still be a cop.

interesting have no evidence so where is this epiphany coming from? also, your theory has her dying accidentally and the cops on scene just 'going with' some conspiracy, cover-up, whatever you want to call it story that could send them to prison and make them lose their careers? this is real life not "Training Day" (2001) with Denzel Washington and Ethan Hawke.
Maybe the headline should read:
"25 year old woman accidentally shot while dirty dancing with 38 year old off duty cop she just met."
Of course then it would be much harder for the press to blame the gun with no safety!
Sounds better than a JFK-type 'magic bullet' theory

Yes, but only because the Warren Commission failed to not the actual relative positions of Kennedy and Connally and so the bullet appears to change directions in flight, when in fact the actual course was quite appropriate given how they were seated.

There's a whole lot of coverup going on, da, da, da.
In what cases do you know of homicides where everything known by the cops is reported to the public before the case is closed? It was a fish fry party with dancing. Apparently a bunch of folks were there. How many are coming forward and reporting that that what the cops have said isn't correct? The only one so far that I have seen is Miller's mother, but she wasn't there and the witnesses she claimed told her a different story haven't otherwise come forward.

I give more credit to the mother than the reporter because the mom at least called BS on the "hug from behind, gun went off" claim:
The mom has claimed everything is wrong with the story and the mom's witnesses apparently have only come forward to her.

I also noticed that the social gathering is now being characterized as a "fish fry" :rolleyes:

You have evidence that it wasn't a fish fry?

So you roll your eyes noting that the event is now being called a fish fry. And again you are wrong. It was being called a fish fry on the same day you posted your story. You just missed seeing it. Note the time stamp on the update is still before your posting time. It is not that this event is now being called a fish fry. It was being called a fish fry from before you posted which was soon after the event first became news and more information made available...

Posted: Jul 09, 2012 5:29 AM CDT
Updated: Jul 09, 2012 8:02 PM CDT

Godbee did his best to explain what he describes as a tragic accident, the death of 24-year-old Adaisha Miller. She was shot and killed early Sunday morning during a fish fry at the home of off-duty Officer Isaac Parrish on the 12000 block of Archdale.

Also see...
Yes, but only because the Warren Commission failed to note the actual relative positions of Kennedy and Connally and so the bullet appears to change directions in flight, when in fact the actual course was quite appropriate given how they were seated.

Thank you, DNS. The actual path of that so-called magic bullet is fully consistent with the positions/postures of the President and the Governor at the time of the shot.

As to this story, I'll refrain from speculating because I wasn't there and know nothing at all. At first read, the BS meter pegged hard in the red. But who knows, add enough ethanol to enough wild dancers, and stuff happens. I'll let the investigators do their jobs before screaming "conspiracy!"
How can a simple hug cause a weapon to discharge?

It can't. Don't believe everything your read...It's that simple.

Sure it can. Putting pressure in the right direction on a holstered gun that isn't properly holstered, has foreign material in the holster, or is a defective holster can cause a discharge. Soft holster that allow for the trigger to be depressed while still in the holster can as well.

For example...
And now it starts (or may have days ago)...|head

“I needed somebody to get me the truth,” McNair said.

Thurswell said McNair hired him “when nobody could give her an answer as to how her daughter died.” He declined to say what day he was hired.

Interesting how McNair has claimed nobody would tell her how her daughter died, but they have, only she doesn't believe it. So she hired a lawyer to get answers for her, only the answers she wants apparently involve financial compensation.
Okay, i aggree that the story given here just doesnt add up. So, let us first assume that most of the story is true. That it, first of all, was indeed an accident. And then, second of all it was when both parties were standing with the woman behind the officer touching him in some way (the afformentioned "hug").

First instincts lead us to believe that, since the woman was shot in the chest, the firearm must have been at chest hieght. Which points to a horizontal shoulder holster.

But, if we assume that the holdster employed in this case was an IWB style then we must think, how did the muzzle of the weapon get oriented in the direction of the woman's chest? Because, as we all know, IWB holsters even at thier most severe angle are going to be oriented no further than horizontal. Still not bringing the muzzle to any where near pointing at a standing adult's chest.

So, then we must assume that either the weapon was somehow removed from its holster or the two parties weren't standing upright at all. The only way that a firearm in an IWB holster could have become oriented at the woman's chest is if both the officer and the woman were bent over with the woman behind the officer. So, yes they may have been on thier feet but they weren't upright.

So, I propose this... The man was dancing at a party, decides to be a little wild and bends over to shake his money maker. The said woman comes up behind him and starts running her hands on his presented rump also bent over and accidentally discharges the firearm that happens to be oriented at her chest. Just my logical deduction with the evidence given.
Pistol lays flat on chest. Pointing down. I did not realize that squeezing it sideways could make it go off?. I was at range today and attempted to make my 45 discharge by squeezing it. No such luck or bad luck i should say. Something with that trigger having to be pulled to make it go bang.
Yes, this is quite true. But if one were to run thier hand in an upward motion from behind a bent over person wearing an IWB holster without a retention strap, the firearm could have been at least partially removed from the holster allowing clothing, appendages, etc. access to the trigger.
So, the take home is to be careful when carrying safe-action guns like Glocks, M&M's, etc. Would an XD or 1911 have fired?
I suspect the girl DISLODGED the gun from the holster and as it fell she, or the cop, tried to catch it and it fired.

I've heard of several cases where dropped guns, when the user tried to catch it, fired, and several shot that way.


Deaf and a couple others said it earlier.

She was on her knees doing the exotic dance behind the cop and reached up under his shirt to feel for his gun. She reached up under his shirt as if to hug him but was actually checking to see if he had his gun on him. While reaching she pushed the grip of the gun forward in the soft holster causing the muzzle to point back at her chest. Either her finger entered the trigger guard or the cop's finger entered it while trying to maintain control of the gun.

Her mother's an anti and it's likely she was one too. It's a game that anti-gun females play. They grope a guy during a hug or other contact in order to check for his gun.

One of my sisters-in-law would do this to me every time she hugged me. Her left hand would go down to my right waist and her right hand would go under my left arm. She'd always hug me under my jacket or coat or would wait until I removed it. Her husband was an FBI agent so I'm sure she got a lot of practice doing it. It obviously confused her when I started pocket carrying because she acted differently afterwards from then on.
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Ms Miller graduated from Redford High School in Detroit before going to Everest College in California to receive her degree in massage therapy.
'All she wanted to do was enjoy the weekend for her birthday' her mother said.
Mixing business with pleasure has led to the demise of many...
She had every right to enjoy turning 25 and look beyond that.'
To paraphrase Ron White, she had the right, but not the ability...
How can a simple hug cause a weapon to discharge?
The answer was obvious from day one: It cannot. And it did not.
Case closed. (except for the lawsuits, which will commence immediately...):rolleyes: