How can a simple hug cause a weapon to discharge?

It's an outside possibility, but what about suicide? There was another case, just a couple or three days ago, in which a uniformed patrol officer -- on duty -- picked up a young woman who was walking toward the hospital and (with department clearance) was giving her a ride. She grabbed his duty weapon and shot herself.

To me, that's the most logical explanation for how a weapon carried with the muzzle pointing at the ground could shoot an adult in the chest.
Maybe he was carrying a Type 94 Nambu.

Indeed!!! That is one gun you would NOT want to hug. Very good!!!!!!

Exposed trigger bar/sear was not a good design element.

You guys sure are debunking the "simple hug" explanation.
Yes, because only in the OP was the hug described as being simple. All of the accounts have multiple activities going on at the time. It was not discharged from a simple hug.

It's an outside possibility, but what about suicide? There was another case, just a couple or three days ago, in which a uniformed patrol officer -- on duty -- picked up a young woman who was walking toward the hospital and (with department clearance) was giving her a ride. She grabbed his duty weapon and shot herself.

To me, that's the most logical explanation for how a weapon carried with the muzzle pointing at the ground could shoot an adult in the chest.

So the day before turning 25, the young lady meets the cops for the first time at the party and decides to kill herself with his gun that she is going to have to manipulate off him in some manner as to getting it to fire into her chest while still holstered? Unlike your example where the lady in question had a significant history of mental problems, this doesn't appear to be the case here. There are no reports of mental health issues or being suicidal

Also at the time of the shooting, Miller was on her knees according to partygoers. That would at least account for the downward pointing IWB holster holding a gun that discharged into her chest...if she was below the holster.|topnews|text|FRONTPAGE

And apparently Detroit is being untimely reactive in issuing order to check carry methods and retrain...
Yes, because only in the OP was the hug described as being simple. All of the accounts have multiple activities going on at the time. It was not discharged from a simple hug.

with all due respect double naught spy, there has been a Tremendous amount of speculation on this thread (as pointed out by you in your last post directly above). It is possible this death occurred via an average (give or take) hug. Anyways, that's where I am putting my money so it will be interesting to see when & if a follow-up story is posted on this thread.
The only thing for certain here is that the story seems to change about every fifteen minutes.

From a link provided by Double Naught Spy:

McNair said she was told by witnesses at the hospital that her daughter and Parrish were side by side and she got a birthday hug from Parrish when the gun went off. Miller, who would have been 25 on Monday, was celebrating her birthday over the weekend and went to the party with two friends, relatives said. The Free Press has been unable to reach her friends for comment.
The other reports indicated that the girl hugged Officer Parrish -- from behind.

There are also the conflicting statements as to whom Officer Parrish was dancing with. Some reports say HE was dancing with his wife ... other reports say the young woman was dancing with him.

I don't think anybody will ever figure out exactly what happened in this incident. I do NOT, however, agree with Bubba15301. The reports all seem to be consistent that the officer never touched his weapon. Assuming that's correct, there is nothing that he did that would be in need of being covered up.
The dance is different and its local, not federal, but the words and music are the same:

"There's a whole lot of coverup going on, da, da, da."

Another tragedy, another batch of media nonsense, another bunch of official lies. So what else is new?

It bugs me that reporters are so ignorant of firearms, they don't educate themselves and they just continue reporting any idiotic drivel that anyone says.

Instead of reporting it as "Officer claims hug triggers gun, kills woman." they report: "Hug Triggers Officer's Gun, Kills Woman"

If someone was burned to death and the person involved claimed it was just spontaneous human combustion would ABC just report it that way?

"Burn victim spontaneously combusts"

If someone was stabbed to death and the person involved claimed knives just flew out of the drawer, would they report it that way?

I can't see how reporters can just accept being ignorant and continue writing stuff that is ludicrous.
I suspect the girl DISLODGED the gun from the holster and as it fell she, or the cop, tried to catch it and it fired.

I've heard of several cases where dropped guns, when the user tried to catch it, fired, and several shot that way.

Instead of reporting it as "Officer claims hug triggers gun, kills woman." they report: "Hug Triggers Officer's Gun, Kills Woman"

Now how long will it be before some anti-gun politician, the Brady Bunch, or some other Nanny State do-gooders call for the outlawing of firearms without external manual safeties because the design imposes a threat to the public! Just like they did with 3-wheel ATC's and lawn darts!!!
cheapshooter, already happening by regular joe schmos...just read some comments after the news stories. people can't believe and are in shock that this guy had a weapon off duty and/or at a party
cheapshooter, already happening by regular joe schmos...just read some comments after the news stories. people can't believe and are in shock that this guy had a weapon off duty and/or at a party

Yes, and now the Brady Bunch have another villainous target. Handguns without an external safety. They'll use it to the fullest extent. Just like "Saturday Night special" and "Assault Weapon"!
with all due respect double naught spy, there has been a Tremendous amount of speculation on this thread (as pointed out by you in your last post directly above). It is possible this death occurred via an average (give or take) hug. Anyways, that's where I am putting my money so it will be interesting to see when & if a follow-up story is posted on this thread.

While there may be speculation here, I haven't seen any statements from the police or from actual witnesses that it was just a simple or average hug. They have all indicated multiple activities going on at the time of the stated hug. So while folks might speculate that the hug was simple or average hug, that would be speculation not based on the information reported.

AB noted the comment by Miller's mother ...
McNair said she was told by witnesses at the hospital that her daughter and Parrish were side by side and she got a birthday hug from Parrish when the gun went off. Miller, who would have been 25 on Monday, was celebrating her birthday over the weekend and went to the party with two friends, relatives said. The Free Press has been unable to reach her friends for comment.

This version is interesting as it contradicts what has been indicated previously by the cops' statements and from the few witnesses various news souces of have cited. As Miller was apparently unknown by the officer and apparently arrived with friends to the party, I wonder just what witnesses from the party would go to the hospital. So far, the only people indicated to have known Miller prior to the party are those with whom she came. So the likely witnesses Miller's mother is talking about are probably Miller's friends. If that is the case, you have wonder why they are complaining to the media about the accuracy of what the police are saying.

Even more interesting is that Miller's mother did not originally report what she later said was told to her by witnesses at the hospital.

It bugs me that reporters are so ignorant of firearms, they don't educate themselves and they just continue reporting any idiotic drivel that anyone says.

Okay, what has been said about the gun that you consider ludacris? The supporting examples you game are situational issues, not technology. That the reporters are not firearms experts should not be a surprise and really should not bother you too much. By and large, reporters usually are not experts about all the parameters in the stories they report.

When US Airways flight 1549 ditched into the Hudson River, I don't think a single reporter reporting the story was an expert in passenger air flight, Airbus 320s, ditching, air crash investigation, the Hudson River, or geese.
So if reporters should not report that which is being told to them about situations for which they were not present, then what is it that they should be reporting?

Speaking of which, did you find the IWB holster designed to carry guns with the muzzle pointed back and up that you mentioned? I can't find any.

Instead of reporting it as "Officer claims hug triggers gun, kills woman." they report: "Hug Triggers Officer's Gun, Kills Woman"

Well, that is what they were told at one point. Are you suggesting that they should alter the information they were given?

I understand that you think the article title is ludacris, but whether the reporters were experts on firearms would change nothing about the title as the title and your suggested alternate title have nothing specifically wrong in terms of firearms information.
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The mother wants to punish someone

I feel horrible for her family, and the officers too. But the mother just seems to be out for blood, (not that I blame her.) I guarantee that the officer did not conceal his weapon with that intent that someone else inadvertently discharge it and regardless of how this turns out, he will have to live with what happened.

One of the reports stated that his hand was not on the weapon when it discharged and the police chief stopped short of saying that she triggered the weapon that killed her but there seems to be a general consensus that there was a hug involved and some exciting dancing.

Now the part that tells me the mother wants the officer hung out to dry is that in an earlier report (if I recall correctly) she claimed that her daughter was facing the officer during the hug. Then when they determined that the daughter was indeed in a lower position behind him, she claims that the daughter was side by side with him. The mother also claimed that if the daughter had been doing the new "freak dance" (which the mother said couldn't have been the case) that she would have been shot in the head.

So the mother has changed the position that her daughter was in to argue in her favor every time but when a viable story comes out, she refuses to accept it. I cant say that I would be much happier with the outcome but I hope that she doesn't continue to call blame to the officer.

Again, I feel horrible for both families and hope that they can move past this with as little animosity as possible.
I give more credit to the mother than the reporter because the mom at least called BS on the "hug from behind, gun went off" claim:

“That’s just not plausible,” said Yolanda McNair, Miller’s mother.

I also noticed that the social gathering is now being characterized as a "fish fry" :rolleyes:

DETROIT — Police say the position of Adaisha Miller’s body — she was on her knees as she danced at a party on Detroit’s west side Sunday — explains how she was shot in the chest when an off-duty Detroit police officer’s gun went off.

I still can't quite picture how this happened, unless say maybe she was "Grasping" his belt on both sides to pull his pants down(from Behind)? or was lifting them back up(again, from beind)?

Call this morbid fasination but I would love to see one of those CSI recreations of what the investigators say really happened when all is said and done.
Ok maybe she was on her knees behind him and when she hugged/fondled/whatever the cop her thumb got into the trigger guard and fired it. The shot goes through the top of her chest on down and exits at the bottom of the ribs.

I can see that.

There's a whole lot of coverup going on, da, da, da.

This is why we will never find out. Somehow he was shot in the lung and her in the heart, all with a gun in an IWB pointed down(assumed pointed down. MY BS METER IS PEGGED!

I like this theory. . . Fish fry/Social gathering is a typical gathering and some of the people have consumed way too much mood altering chemical. They start doing crazy stuff like grabbing butts or front parts of other people's husbands. She feels his gun one time and has no idea how to deal with it. Latter, she grabs gun and yanks, thinking it is funny. Ha! Ha! (assume she has had enough to drink to make this funny to her.) He has had enough to drink or is slow to react. He fights her joke like a disarming attempt after it gets out of the holster. She is holding the gun with finger on trigger. He twists and yanks free which causes discharge pointed at his lung bottom and her heart. He is hurt, she dies. He and fellow leo at party have a quick story check convo so they all keep jobs and she avoids jail, still assuming she will live. He and other leo tells arriving police she was dancing crazy and it went off. . .cause she is/was a friend and he would like to still be a cop.

It is likely all will stick to the story and all investigations will turn up a blameless accident.

A quality holster on a quality belt with a multi-step to fire gun fixes this 9 times out of 10.

If I'm at this party, and it is legal. I'm CCW'ing a Jframe in my right front pocket with a quality trigger covering holster. It is harder to get in a front pocket, hard for a non-owner to get the holster off and grabing the cylinder effectively jams up the firing mechanism.
Somehow he was shot in the lung and her in the heart

He was not shot. The round went through her lungs and heart.

I think the 'he was bent over' story fits the best. He is bent over, say picking somebody up, she comes from behind and bear hugs his waist, accidentally wrapping her arm around the gun that may have been falling out of the holster, piece of clothing/holster/hand gets caught in the trigger and round goes off.

Sounds better than a JFK-type 'magic bullet' theory