Homemade 20mm sniper rifle

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We've been funding the Chinese through commerce for some time now... Quite a bit of wealth is there now

It's a communist government with a capitalist society

This thread has gained more ground than I thought it was...
Very interesting tho
What Mr. Eatman said: unless you're fishing in the W. P. Sea, you're unlikely to need anything like a 20mm gun, & even if you had it, times are different now[1] & it wouldn't do you much good.

Oddly enough, I've been thinking about your situation recently, since I'm probably going to have to retire someplace w/ a lower cost of living than where I [barely make enough to] live now in So.Cal., and the PI have been high on my list of places w/ potential [avid scuba diver, Jacques Costeau's favorite dive spots were off Palawan in that general region... ;)

So anyway, the seriously outgunned Philippine fishermen being harassed by a Chinese capital ship can only surrender or be a Q-ship intending to lose [aka: floating bomb with a massive radio-jamming capability, so the Chinese ship ties up alongside & the crew evacs while jamming the Chinese shore contact. One less Chinese military yacht, with nothing but an oil slick and a hole in the ocean to indicate what happened.]

Meanwhile, back at the ranch [shoreside], you'll be much better off fighting the guerrilla war w/ a De Lisle carbine and some home-made mortars. ;)

And despite what someone else said about China just leveling an island w/ artillery, w/ 1/4 the world's population, they want lebensraum way more than Hitler ever did, so they'd probably invade rather than expend the ammunition on unidentifiable targets. But that prospect may still be a few years off [at least, let's hope so!]

And 50BMG is about the limit of man-portable weapons: you get up into the 20mm size & it truly becomes a crew-served weapon [heck, even the .55" Boyes rifle was considered a crew-served weapon.]

Best of luck to you, and just remember, against an overwhelming occupying force, you'll be better served by a silenced .22 than a recoilless 20mm. Altho' in an imperfect world, a junk w/ an Oerlikon sure looks like a nice way to travel... :D

[1] http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0048640/trivia?ref_=tt_trv_trv
Yes I have kept up with Chinese arms . Thier latest super carrier they unvailed couple years ago was another vintage Russian vessel dressed up .Thier tactics are still what they used in Korea aginst our troops . It was a tuff fight we lost a lot of Men but layed slaughter to them . Yes they have some neat weapons now but so does most of the World . China bullying in on thier neighbors has caused several incedints with Vietnam and Japan it may be a matter of time before they move in on the parts of Russia they want . That will be a show .
There is no doubt that the Filipino guerrillas were very brave men and women and they did come up with some ingenious weapons. But the arms that had any real impact on the Japanese were those conventional weapons brought in by U.S. submarines.

And the Filipinos, with all their courage, did not liberate themselves; it took U.S. forces to do that.

As for Korea, it ended in a stalemate, which was really a loss for the US/UN forces. The PRK/Chinese didn't capture South Korea, but we didn't "liberate" North Korea, either, and we can get rid of their dictator only in the movies.

Filipino should concern more about pirates and rebels already control some islands than Chinese invasion.
If I wanted to make something to out-range a 14.5mm gun, and didn't have things to make a bigger rifle, I'd see about the possibility of building an indirect fire weapon. A mortar. You might need some of the same tools for a 20mm rifle build, but perhaps not ALL of them. The tube might be fashionable from a crankshaft (for all I know). The design and construction of mortar rounds would then be the next hurtle.

OR, you could do what I plan to do if I need a rifle which shoots 7.62x39mm rounds... kill an invader, and take HIS.
Actually, for a mortar, it is the construction of the rounds that is the only hurdle. The tube itself can be essentially a high grade pipe. And it doesn't have to be all that high a grade, either.

At a guess, I'd say the choice of 20mm (or larger) is based on the reasoning that you are only going to get one shot, so why not make it the biggest most damaging thing you can manage?

No, you aren't going to stop them. That's not the point. Stopping them and eventually liberating your nation is the job of the real military and allies. One guy, or a small band isn't going to do that. Not even in the movies.

Homegrown oppression is bad enough, a foreign boot on your neck is intolerable. Most of us in that situation would not be able to do much, but each of us should do something.

History is full of examples, what worked, what didn't. Instructions on tactics and weapons abound. Actual military manuals are a good source. Its all out there if you look.
I think you're right. The "resistance" brought to bear on the invading force will likely never be enough by itself to dislodge the latter. But troops devoted to pursuing/suppressing the obstreperous elements of the local population are troops unavailable for unavailable for use in achieving the longer-range, more strategic goals of the invader. Von Lettow-Vorbeck illustrated this in WWI sub-saharan Africa.
The sad thing about all this is that it's all about oil.

Seems to me that instead of various nations hollering, "This is all mine!", a multi-party deal to share in the goodies would let everybody go back to sleep.

Ah, well. Let us hope that the spirit of Marking is alive and well.

(Marking was a guerrilla leader against the Japanese. I met him in Manila in 1950. His wife, Yay, and my mother became good friends.)
Yep, alot of rich people have M4 and AK-47 rifles, some even have M203 attachments. The only thing: What could the poverty line and below people buy? None. Some buy or build pistols and don't licence them because of bureaucratic red tape. I opted to one-up the rich thinking about Chinese snipers wielding .50 BMG or 14.5x114mm Russian rifles
it's all about oil.

Oil is only part of it. Sovereignty and historical responsibility is what behind it. There are islands in that area discovered by ancient Chinese and they lived on these islands or used these islands for fishing. Chinawas weak over a century and watched Spanish and other countries "invasion" and took these islands. Now China is strong again and able to do something. They are not going to invade the main islands that Chinese never owned but they will show their power to tell the world that these small islands were part of China and it is their historical responsibility to claim the sovereignty. You may think this as the Pacific version of Falkland Island dispute. It is political and way out of topic now.
now the bastards don't know about the relatively "new" international law that lays EEZ's around every country, not one of the disputed islands fall inside China's EEZ, yet they treat it like it's their mainland.

anyway, back to topic, how do i outrange .50 BMG armed snipers and hit them acceptably accurately?
"...how do i outrange .50 BMG armed snipers and hit them acceptably accurately?"

Absent lots and lots of money, you don't.
You need to study the Muj in A-stan against the soviets. Or even AQI insurgents against the US.

All guerrilla tactics are basically the same and none of them include homemade 20mike type of direct action. With todays tech counter sniper fire is deadly. Lugging around something as big and heavy as that weapon system would need to be is a loser.
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