Homemade 20mm sniper rifle

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I am a prepper preparing for possible armed conflict due to heated tensions on West Philippine Sea (abstaining from using "South China Sea" due to consistent territorial barge-ins by China), from maritime standoffs to a full-scale invasion and anything in between.

And I am in need of a single-shot, big-bore, long-range rifle that is home-makeable with little or no proprietary firearms-making tools.
Preferrable caliber is 20mm or more. Cartridge must be homemade as well

I know how to make guncotton, priming chemicals from matchtips, all sorts of single-shot actions, What else do i need to know?

As with any sniper rifle, Accuracy is important
Range is also important, because i'll likely be seeing Chinese soldiers with .50 BMG or 14.5mm Russian cartridges

I have a few guys giving me a budget here.

And please, no rude replies
Phew, 20 Millimeter. That's heavy firepower. No clue here man, I doubt many people would know. I also doubt you could build an anti-material rifle with home made parts as well. Not sure about the legality of it aswell. Not intended to be rude or mean, I've just never seen a question like this. Good luck in your build, though.


Don't know about homemade, but Google the Anzio 20mm.
Also there are some countries near you where you could buy a readymade 20mm automatic gun, if not the 23 mm gun from a ZSU-23. The 2 countries I'm thinking of have very, very loose arms control and import / export restrictions.
Please check and comply with all such regs. :D
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The only thing you will get if you try to make a 20mm gun with no specialized tools or specific knowledge is a pipe bomb.
You cannot make a decent rifle, in any caliber without either using "specialized gun tools" or using parts from other guns made with those tools.

Rifling a barrel is one huge consideration, and without rifling, you aren't going to get any accuracy at any range beyond a handful of yards.

I understand the situation you are looking at, and the most practical advice I can think of is to use your funding to acquire a weapon already built, and a supply of the ammo. That would be the most efficient use of funds.

If you are thinking homemade, to stay completely off the radar, a single shot could be made in about any decent machine shop, and made to "gun quality" if you have the right materials and skills. Best to buy a barrel first, and make the action to fit it.

Ammo? You want that homemade too? OK, it is fairly simple to do it using black powder. Homemade guncotton or other "smokeless" powder? Possible, not easy, and consistency is a real bitch.

The best rifle in the world isn't worth spit without consistent, accurate ammo, and I think it would be very difficult to make accurate ammo with all the variations home made powder and primers are going to produce.

Something homemade to take out a truck in a jungle ambush? Possible. Something to hit (anything) at ranges matching .50BMG or Soviet 12.7 or 14.5mm? Pipe Dream. Opium pipe, at that....

Good luck!
with accuracy being important to you, you would have to acquire a professional built barel. you can't just make rifling at home, nor find a tube that can handle the high pressure of the 20mm round with exploding. you would be better off doing a .50, I have seen a lot of homemade .50BMG rifles, but still using old barrels acquired from demilled machine guns.

I watched a vice episode last year about people in the Philippines making their own guns, so if you look hard enough, you should be able to find a barrel.
He wants a 20mm, that is a cannon. He is asking for a lot of trouble if he could make one, but if he fired it most likely he would end up dead.
Wow, where to even start on this.
IF you're in anyway serious about this. Make a simple pipe submachinegun. Plenty of guides for those.
You ain't making a homemade 20mm rifle with homemade ammo. If you try, you will most likely die.

If you're worried about Chinese tanks rolling down the street. An IED works much better than a rifle and generally doesn't involve people shooting back at you.

I'm gonna go make some popcorn.
While it seams fairly feasible to create something that would lob 12ga projectiles a hundred yards in a general direction at home...
It does not seem feasible to build an accurate and powerful anti-material weapon out of all homemade components
Wow. I would think along the lines of home made bombs which I think might be more useful if things really do go to heck. Can you get your hands on a rifle that shoots 50BMG and then it would be great if you could get armor piercing ammo for it.
With all of the "surplus" that found its way off the US bases, before they were closed, I do not think it would be that hard to find a barrel and .50BMG brass and even some loaded rounds to start your project. If you know the right people a fully functioning .50BMG is not out of the question. 20mm? was much more closely watched. Most of the guns to fire it were installed in the nose cone of aircraft and it would likely be harder on the person firing it than those downrange.
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For $8,000 - $10,000 --- You can purchase the Lahti 20mm anti-tank gun: 'The Finnis Boombeast.' The recoil {shooting prone} will probably push your whole body back around 6 inches --- But I'd be seriously concerned about getting a detached retina from the recoil.
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In the Philippines, in order to get a license for the gun you must demonstrate a genuine need for same.
How would you explain a 20mm? Maybe you were going to skip the license?
Good luck!
Leaving aside the legal questions, as a pure hypothetical...

Making guncotton is actually extremely simple even in small batch production. Making smokeless powder is pretty complex and not suited at all to small batch production. Nitrated wood pulp was used as shotgun and pistol propellant. Mostly guncotton was used for artillery. You could always try to make a cordite extrusion, but even then the temperature sensitivity isn't conducive to long range accuracy or modern pressures.

So to sum it up, with the level of technology you are talking about you could make a 20mm smoothbore or rifled cannon, but you would be getting 1880s level of ballistics, not exactly a good anti material or long range anti-personnel weapon system.

Given those limitations, I would be looking elsewhere for tactical solutions.

Hope this has been food for thought.
You would need a lot of specialized tools to build what you are wanting. Having said that, If China invades you, a 20mm rifle is not going to do you much good.
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