Holder, Obama want new AWB

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I believe under the current law ATF is limited in how often it can conduct dealers outside of an active third party investigation. This was a result of the 1986 FOPA. Prior to that, ATF had determined that while revoking an FFL's license was very difficult, it was no problem at all to audit him repeatedly until he went out of business.

That is why they do investigations. They can trace crime guns from the manufacturer to the dealer. If a certain dealer has a very high rate of guns used in crimes or found across the border it would certainly be cause to look over the dealers records.

Doing all of that has nothing to do with an AWB other than the fact that what the AG says he wants to stop with the AWB is already ilegal under current law so there should be no need for the AWB.
Of course we need to find anyone who breaks laws - FFLs or pimps or credit frauders. But the fact some other country sucks and can't take care of its business shouldn't be our reason to do so, or change our level of motivation. The Netherlands aren't going to ramp up how fast they spend their tax dollars vetting their "coffee shops" because it creates headaches for our customs agents when kids are coming home. Nor should Canada step up their traffic enforcement because some under-21 US citizens might get drunk up there and then create a problem when they head home.

The thread's kind of spun off way into left field. Whether enforcing the existing laws more enthusiastically is the right thing to do or not (and as always: why can't we just enforce the "don't hurt people" law and forget about guns?) - the point here is that this is a pretty sorry excuse to reinstate an unconstitutional ban that failed to bear fruit the first time. I guess these folks just want to be remembered as the "second chance" administration, willing to try anything that history shows won't work.
It's wrong headed thinking by Holder, no matter his agenda, which I believe is to make the ownership of guns so onerous as to reduce the number of people who are willing to submit to the pain to own one. That's the real target with him, no pun intended.

Also, what's to stop the drug cartels from switching to shotguns with 00 buck shot. That's a dangerous gun in a shootout. Yes, you can only hold 5 or 6 rounds in most of them, but each round fires multiple lead balls. With 3 inch or 3.5 inch magums, you get pretty decent velocity as well.

As people have stated however, the drug runners have lots of cash and can easily buy full auto weapons, RPG's, grenades and other weapons. A US assault weapons ban would be like mowing a 640 acre sod farm with a walk behind reel mower with respect to addressing the crime problem in Mexico.
With 3 inch or 3.5 inch magums, you get pretty decent velocity as well.

Actually as shell length increases, velocity goes down in most cases (Magnum = more lead not powder), but your point is still valid. 9-18 .33 caliber pellets with each pull of the trigger.

Don't give Holder any ideas about my beloved scattergunwoobies though......:eek:
why can't we just enforce the "don't hurt people" law and forget about guns?)

Because then our elected representatives would have to actually hold a job, because there wouldn't be as much for them to "work on" in Washington.
Is anyone really surprised? This is the "Hope" and "Change" I expected with this new administration. Looks to me like the Dems will be able to shove whatever they want to down our throats whenever they feel like it since they just pushed through the spendulous with very little relative problem.

High rhetoric and blustering is just about all the Republicans have left. And we all know what that's worth. The few Republicans that do have a spine are too few in number to avoid being steamrolled. This, along with other things, is why I am no longer a Republican.

Not to be alarmist but you better get em while you still can IMO.

Sad but expected.
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Thanks for setting me straight - I didn't notice the "Most Popular" box. I still can't find it as a search but maybe that's because it hasn't been archived because it is so popular. Anyway, so much for my conspiracy theory. I stand corrected.
From the ABC story:

"Some recent Mexican army and police confrontations with drug cartels have resembled small-unit combat, with cartels employing automatic weapons and grenades," the warning said.

So are we shipping them grenades also? Lord knows how many of those are in private American hands just itching to ship them to Mexico.

Automatic weapons would be unaffected by the AWB as they already have their own set of regulations.

The ABC page has a "Comment and Contribute" section so make sure you all comment and contribute -- like it would do any good anyway -- but we can try..
Does anyone besides me wonder if Obama and Holder and all the other Dems might have bought stock in in the gun and ammunition companies and are now reaping the rewards for scaring the sh*t out of everyone?

Didn't the terrorist sell all thier stock before 9/11 and then buy it back a couple of days later when it was cheap?

Am I the only one to smell a Rat hear?
Holder's already been spanked for it by Pelosi (she's just probably mad that he tipped his hand this early) and not getting any support from Obama nor Biden.

Stay vigilant, but there's no need to panic yet.
OK, this looks to have been a false alarm, the Attorney General talking out his butt without consulting either the President or Congress.

Rumor is that the President is NOT pleased because it's taking attention away from the agenda he wants to pursue, and as we saw, Nancy Pelosi seems to be rather miffed that she wasn't consulted at all.

Very good discussion, and I want to thank everyone for keeping it so pointed and on topic for most of the thread, but at this point it is starting to drift quite a bit, so I'm going to shut this down.

And remember, Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty.
Allow me to add, that this does not preclude a future thread in the event something similar occurs.

Thank you everyone.
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