Holder, Obama want new AWB

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The media drives the public to this with their misinformation, and propoganda.
I just watched a "news" cycle on one of the Obama propaganda networks (MSNBC.) Not a word about the AWB, just more glowing Obama butt-smooching and lies.

did you all see the follow up story

I think this is what maestro pistolero was referring to in his post on media propaganda, about which he's quite right, BTW.

Of course, this still leaves the question of who's feeding the media this "OMG GUNS ARE GOING TO MEXICO!!" stuff...
Hasn't Senator Reid been publicly opposed to reinstating the AWB?

I don't know. If he has, I haven't seen it. I guess I made the mistake of "assuming" he'd follow suit with the democratic leadership and sign onto it. I guess we'll have to see. Does anyone have any examples of public statements made by Dingy Harry regarding assault weapons and the banning of same?
That sure came a lot faster than I expected. Not surprising, but I thought they'd wait a bit to gage next election prospects and make this either an end-of-term or second-term initiative. I don't take Pelosi's resistance as an indication she's suffering from an acute infection of common sense, but rather that she realizes the smorgasbord powergrab going on is burning all the Dem's political capital about two years too early.

Hopefully the bill would/will get smacked down. I don't want to bank on getting a ruling favoring bayonet lugs and pistol grips.

So who's going to give Gaffemaster Joey a buzz and let him know that Beretta makes hi-cap handguns and carbines? (Are we still in violation for talking politics if the administration forced the hand? It's only self-defense, right? :p)
"The Second Amendment," said the attorney general, "is certainly not designed to arm and give fire power to organized crime abroad."

And I don't recall our Constitution being written in a manner conducive to helping a foreign nation control its criminal elements when, in fact, they have never been able to do so.
To the President:

President Obama:
I am a registered Independent who did not vote for you. I am willing, however, to give you a chance make good on your promise to "change" Washington and usher in a "post-partisan" era. In short, you have an opportunity to gain my trust.

I am writing to express my concern at the announcement by Attorney General Holder that the Administration will be seeking renewal of the so called "assault" weapons ban. As a firm believer in the 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution as recently affirmed by Heller, I encourage you to do all possible to block any legislative efforts aimed at infringing this constitutionally protected right.

As you know, such laws only serve to impact the rights of those who are law-abiding in the first place. Not even the Federal Bureau of Investigation could find any evidence that President Clinton's 1994 AWB did the slightest thing to make Americans safer by reducing crime.

Now we're being told that not only would a new AWB make America safer, it would also help make Mexico safer by supposedly interdicting the supply of firearms to that nation's drug cartels. Since when is Mexico's inability to control its own internal crime problems a recipe for Americans to surrender even more of their Second Amendment rights? Since when do drug cartels purchase fully automatic weapons and hand grenades in the US? This is pure misinformation and propaganda by the Mexican government to give them political cover for their failings. I will not pay for that by giving up my constitutionally protected rights. I am appalled that a sitting United States Attorney General would repeat such misinformation so readily and place the wishes of a foreign government above the Constitution he swore an oath to protect.

I appreciate your consideration and support in this matter.

To Senator Richard Burr (NC-R), Representative Howard Coble (NC-R) and Senator Kay Hagan (NC-D)

I am writing to express my concern at the announcement by Attorney General Holder that the Administration will be seeking renewal of the so called "assault" weapons ban. As a firm believer in the 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution as recently affirmed by Heller, I encourage you to do all possible to block any legislative efforts aimed at infringing this constitutionally protected right.

As you know, such laws only serve to impact the rights of those who are law-abiding in the first place. Not even the Federal Bureau of Investigation could find any evidence that President Clinton's 1994 AWB did the slightest thing to make Americans safer by reducing crime.

Now we're being told that not only would a new AWB make America safer, it would also help make Mexico safer by supposedly interdicting the supply of firearms to that nation's drug cartels. Since when is Mexico's inability to control its own internal crime problems a recipe for Americans to surrender even more of their Second Amendment rights? Since when do drug cartels purchase fully automatic weapons and hand grenades in the US? This is pure misinformation and propaganda by the Mexican government to give them political cover for their failings. I will not pay for that by giving up my constitutionally protected rights. I am appalled that a sitting United States Attorney General would repeat such misinformation so readily and place the wishes of a foreign government above the Constitution he swore an oath to protect.

I appreciate your consideration and support in this matter.

I cribbed a bit from Mike Irwin (apologies Mike, but it was good) :D.
Mike Irwin posted:

"The Second Amendment," said the attorney general, "is certainly not designed to arm and give fire power to organized crime abroad."

And I don't recall our Constitution being written in a manner conducive to helping a foreign nation control its criminal elements when, in fact, they have never been able to do so.

Then how is the 1st amendment and the 5th Amendment supposed to apply to foreign terrorists we capture, Mr. Holder? I believe AG Holder is guilty of being hypocritical.
Holder seems like a loose cannon.

I'd like to think the Democrats in the House and Senate are aware of how tenuous their lead is and how many of those seats they just won are from areas that won't re-elect someone who bans guns.
Does anyone have any examples of public statements made by Dingy Harry regarding assault weapons and the banning of same?

Ya don't need statements. Senator Reid has voted against every iteration of the AWB. See the link here.

He's from Nevada, fergoshsakes.
Vanya Posted:

Ya don't need statements. He's voted against every iteration of the AWB. See the link here.

He's from Nevada, fergoshsakes.

I stand corrected. Maybe Dingy Harry will have a "come to Jesus" meeting with Obama and Holder and tell them to "stifle this nonsense". Let's hope so. I apologize to any gun owners from Nevada who support Harry Reid for my inaccurate assumption above.
Attention corrupt dealers in the great southwest.....they know who you are, watch indictments come left and right

Yeah, we've got lots of class 3 dealers doing a brisk trade in new full auto weaponry and grenades down here...:rolleyes:

at least fox is giving the other side a far say..


February 26th, 2009 1:11 PM Eastern
A New Assault Weapons Ban Will Not Reduce Crime In This Country

By John R. Lott, Jr.
Author, “Freedomnomics“/Senior Research Scientist, University of Maryland

It is pretty hard to seriously argue that a new so-called “assault weapons” ban would reduce crime in the United States. Even research done for the Clinton Administration couldn’t find that the federal assault weapons ban reduced crime.

There are no academic studies by economists or criminologist that find the original federal assault weapons ban reduced murder or violent crime generally. There is no evidence that the state assault weapons bans reduced murder or violent crime rates –and there’s even some evidence that they may have caused murder to actually rise slightly. Since the federal ban expired in September 2004, murder –and overall violent crime rates– have remained virtually unchanged.

If Holder thinks that it is so easy to control drug gangs’ access to guns, one way to show it is by proving that he can stop drug gangs’ access to drugs.

In fact, when the assault weapons ban went off into the sunset in September 2004 there was no explosion of murder and bloodshed as gun control advocates feared. Immediately after the law expired murder rates fell and they fell more in the states without state assault weapon bans than the states with them.

But yesterday, Attorney General Eric Holder offered a new justification: “I think that will have a positive impact in Mexico, at a minimum.”

Mexico does have a horrible drug gang problem. Despite Mexico’s strenuous efforts, they haven’t been able to stop the flow of drugs into their country on their way to the United States.

The problem is that even if all our guns disappeared in the United States, there is no more reason to expect the flow of guns to Mexico to stop than there is to believe that we can stop the flow of drugs.

The drugs that these gangs sell are extremely valuable. They want to protect these drugs not only from the Mexican government but also from other gangs. Just as these gangs have a huge incentive to smuggle in guns, they have a huge incentive to smuggle in the guns used to protect them.

Even island nations — such as Ireland, Jamaica, and the UK — that can’t remotely begin to blame their crime problems on the United States have seen large increases in murder rates after gun bans at least in part because of increased drug gang violence.

If Holder thinks that it is so easy to control drug gangs’ access to guns, one way to show it is by proving that he can stop drug gangs’ access to drugs. No one should hold their breath for him to accomplish that task.

John Lott is the author of Freedomnomics and a senior research scientist at the University of Maryland. Click here for an archive of Mr. Lott’s previous FOXNews.com columns.
MikeIrwin said:
I don't recall our Constitution being written in a manner conducive to helping a foreign nation control its criminal elements when, in fact, they have never been able to do so.

But it's not not written to say that, either! Durr! Wait, what? :confused:

It's an interesting justification that they might be invoking to circumvent the domestic constraints on their power. Perhaps a shared international policy, treaty or [tinfoil hat] new continental order would make gun bans more reasonable. While the supremacy clause has been interpreted in a couple court cases to preclude treaties eroding constitutional protections, it could still be an attempt to hide the ball and come up with new justifications. It's not impossible to thwart precedent with a couple new tricks and aggressive wordsmithing.

A long shot, for sure. But I can't see why else they would harp on this, as I have trouble believing it's really an issue that deserves any airtime in terms of its scale in comparison to all the crime in Mexico, and in view of our pressind domestic issues.
Yeah, we've got lots of class 3 dealers doing a brisk trade in new full auto weaponry and grenades down here..

Come on Az, you know dang well there are a bunch of corrupt dealers feeding this crap

WildandhtefedsknowittoAlaska ™
A few questions for anyone that buys this Mexico nonsense:

Why would Mexican Cartels settle for semiautomatic weapons when they can easily get the non-nuetered versions?

Why doesn't Mexico enforce their own gun laws? If those laws worked wouldn't it stand to reason that these gangs wouldn't have weapons?

Why doesn't Mexico stop the flow of drugs and illegal immigrants from coming across our borders? If they expect us to stop guns shouldn't we expect them to reciprocate in some way?

If cartels can smuggle drugs, wouldn't they also be able to smuggle guns?
Come on Az, you know dang well there are a bunch of corrupt dealers feeding this crap

Yep, and one of them just down the road from me about 3 miles got shut down a couple months ago.

But he still wasn't selling the full auto rifles or the grenades. Maybe some AR's, SKS's, AK's and handguns, but that's it.

I don't see that there's a lot of reason to get anyone's knickers in a twist over our domestic weapons supplies and their relation to Mexican drug wars until Mexico can control its own military-apportioned arms supply. Considering the heavy recruiting that the Sinaloa/Gulf/Zeta groups do with current Mexican military and the high level of corruption or defection, our guns are the least of their problems.

Mexico, control your own guns before you start pointing fingers at us.

If you are not an NRA member, join. Join today to send the Congress a solid message. I don't care what you think of the NRA. Hold your nose, if you have to, but become a member.

This is some of the best advice I've seen on here ever. I'm already a member, but now is a great time to donate a few extra bucks to the cause.
Why would Mexican Cartels settle for semiautomatic weapons when they can easily get the non-nuetered versions?

Ar15 plus machine shop equals M16 in 20 minutes. Same with AK

Why doesn't Mexico enforce their own gun laws? If those laws worked wouldn't it stand to reason that these gangs wouldn't have weapons?

Because they are corrupt

Why doesn't Mexico stop the flow of drugs and illegal immigrants from coming across our borders? If they expect us to stop guns shouldn't we expect them to reciprocate in some way?

Becasue they are corrupt

If cartels can smuggle drugs, wouldn't they also be able to smuggle guns?

They do. They straw man guns from dealers in the US. They buy them at gun shows in the US.

Let go of the gunwoobie. Crritical thinkers KNOW there is a problem with corrupt FFLs down there feeding this trade. So do the Feds. We may differ on the solutions, but lets not pretend the problem exists.

I could solve a good deal of the problem without even changing the law

WildbecauseiusecommonsenseAlaska ™
Mexico, control your own guns before you start pointing fingers at us.

You know, I could care less what goes on down there. But if in any fashion we are contributing to the problem (and it becomes a problem for uswhen it spills over to the US), then we need to stop it.

No man is an island, etc.....

Yep, and one of them just down the road from me about 3 miles got shut down a couple months ago.

Good. Lock him up

WilditsbetterfortherestofusAlaska ™
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