Holder, Obama want new AWB

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Do Not Panic!

Easy for you to say... I forgot my towel!

[/hitchhiker references]

Anyone intending to write (on old fashioned paper and sent with a postage stamp) to their critters or to Obama should do so on a plain postcard.

Letters in envelopes, when sent to FedGov folks, don't get opened for weeks or months. This is due to screening for biological or chemical contaminants that "could" be in the envelope. A postcard has no such threat.

A paragraph on a postcard, folks.
I just emailed Senator Grassley, tried to email Congressman King but his stupid form won't let me because I have a Kentucky zip code even though I am an Iowa resident.

I am still trying to decide if I want to waste the bandwidth emailing Senator Harkin. He has long been hostile toward gun rights.
I read the thread posted else where on this forum. It appears that the violence in Mexico is one excuse to reinstitute the AWB.

Fact: If you get caught bringing a firearm into Mexico, you go to jail, immediately. Don't expect bail or a speedy trial.

AWB will not make a difference. The laws are already in place and they don't work cause bad guys ignore them and take their chances.:eek:

I don't own an "assault weapon" or a rifle. But if I did, I sure would not try to cross the border with it.


Holder is not one to make a public policy speech without every word having a tactical purpose.

Addressing gun control issues was neither a foolish slip of the tongue nor an generic, offhand remark.

I said it before and am saying it again, they will use an event such as a school shooting, mall massacre, or Mexican drug lord violence as the catalyst for proposing what they have clearly stated is a core issue to them: gun control.
Just tell me this... under the previous ban, were ALL magazines that held more than 10 rounds banned or just those for certain weapons? i.e. would me 15 round mag for my Sig P226 be illegal if we were back under the AWB?
Just tell me this... under the previous ban, were ALL magazines that held more than 10 rounds banned or just those for certain weapons? i.e. would me 15 round mag for my Sig P226 be illegal if we were back under the AWB?

Under the previous ban, magazine produced prior to the ban could still be greater than 10 rounds. Magazines produced after the ban could only be ten rounds though.

The latest versions of the 1994 AWB that were introduced in 2008 actually reduced the number to 5 rounds.
Didn't take Holder long to show his, and Obama's, true colors. Just sent E-mail messages to both Arizona senators (McCain & Kyl) and Congress woman Giffords urging them to oppose any AWB bill that is introduced.
WHOA! Who would have thought that this would happen?

I love how Pelosi says that the Bush administration didn't enforce existing laws when in fact the Clinton administration, which forced passage of both the Brady Act and the 1994 AWB, did virtually NOTHING to enforce those laws.


Pelosi tosses cold water on assault weapon ban
By Mike Soraghan
Posted: 02/26/09 11:59 AM [ET]

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi tossed cold water on the prospect of reinstating the assault weapons ban, highlighting Democrats’ reluctance to take on gun issues.

Attorney General Eric Holder raised the prospect Wednesday that the administration would push to bring back the ban. But Pelosi (D-Calif.) indicated on Thursday that he never talked to her. The Speaker gave a flat “no” when asked if she had talked to administration officials about the ban.

“On that score, I think we need to enforce the laws we have right now,” Pelosi said at her weekly news conference. “I think it's clear the Bush administration didn’t do that.”

Outside of the dig at the recent Republican president, that phrase is the stock line of those who don’t want to pass new gun control laws, such as the National Rifle Association.

The White House declined to comment on Holder's remarks, referring reporters to the Department of Justice. The DoJ did not respond to The Hill's request for comment.
No Surprises Here.

Any gun owner who voted for this fool and his band of merrymen should have understood that with a decidedly anti gun majority in both houses of congress, and a wolf in sheeps clothing (regarding gun rights) named Barack Obama, that he'd move quickly to implement a new ban on assault weapons. There were enough hints during the campaign, as well as his previous record to look at. This was a slam dunk for him, Reid, and Pelosi. And Joe Biden has never seen a gun control bill he didn't kiss and fondle until his hair plugs stood on end. I'm guessing most of us here understood that this was coming sooner, rather than later.
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Do Not Panic!

There is, as yet, no pending legislation.

Yah... given the timing (just as they're handing out still more vast sums of freshly printed money to the banks), this feels a lot like "pandering to the base," i.e. trying to distract a lot of folks on the left who voted for Mr. Obama under the impression that he was some sort of progressive, rather than yet another center-right politician who's owned by Wall Street.

As Speaker Pelosi's comments make clear, Democrats in Congress DO realize that this is a non-starter.

Emails sent, anyway, to the nice folks in D.C....
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What weapons were banned under the "Assault" Weapons Ban.
Wasn't it like 19 types?

Were AR-15's banned for 10 years? I had no idea.
I had read something a while back that the Assault term will be broadened if they try to push the ban.

Why is it the legal gun owners fault that Mexico has a problem with cartels and our Federal govt can't control the border and trafficking. So the problem isn't addressed. The Federal govt is to protect our borders and protect it's citizens, not try and fix the problem by taking our guns away.
The media drives the public to this with their misinformation, and propaganda. This is where the battle must be fought, as well as in the congress. If gun rights activist were to send not one, but TWO letters, it would be exponentially more effective.

The first letter should go to you representatives in congress, and the second to any SPONSOR of any network running the propaganda. Let the SPONSORS know that their financial support of anti-constitutional propaganda comes with a a heavy price. Tell them that you will boycott any service or product that their corporations or any of their underlings produce or provide.

Corporations are responsible to their stockholders, legally, and otherwise. Using corporate funds to promote their political agendas should not be tolerated. I guarantee that if a sponsor KNEW they would be the subject of scorn by a significant portion of the population, they would think twice about forking over millions for network sponsorship.

We have to hit them where it hurts.

And we need both a carrot and a stick. I just described the stick. The carrot could be: if you hear a network run a story or documentary favorable to our cause, send an email to their sponsor explaining that you appreciate their sponsorship, and that it will positively impact your future buying decisions.
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I hate to say it, and it's way too risky to be adopted as a strategy, but if the WORST were to happen, and they got their ban, there may be a silver lining.

There would then be an opportunity to get a SCOTUS ruling, once and for all, that civilian (semi-auto) versions of standard military small arms are protected, due to their direct relationship to militia use. Wouldn't THAT be nice?

I am unaware of any other scenario that would set up a SCOTUS case so directly.

Believe me, I don't wish for it, because it could be disaster. But Heller could have been a disaster, too.
Hey did you all see the follow up story about

U.S. Guns Arming Mexican Drug Gangs; Second Amendment to Blame?

Mexico's strict gun laws are being subverted by the easy availability of weapons in the U.S., the Mexican attorney general, Eduardo Medina-Mora Icaza, told ABC News. "The Second Amendment," said the attorney general, "is certainly not designed to arm and give fire power to organized crime abroad."

More than 3,400 people have been killed by the drug cartels in the last 15 months, 2,000 of them law enforcement officials, according to the Mexican attorney general.

U.S. and Mexican officials say they have traced most of the thousands of high-powered weapons seized from the drug cartels to gun dealers in Texas, California and Arizona.
Despite the new administration's pre-election pledges to the contrary, Attorney General Holder has confirmed law-abiding firearms owners' worst fears and has stated that President Obama will seek a new so-called "assault weapons" ban (AWB). (http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/story?id=6960824&page=1)

As Governor of Virginia you were a friend of the law-abiding firearms owner -- I urge you not to abandon gunowners nationwide and do everything you can to block this new legislative boondogle when it is introduced.

As you know, such laws only serve to impact the rights of those who are law-abiding in the first place. Not even the Federal Bureau of Investigation could find any evidence that President Clinton's 1994 AWB did the slightest thing to make Americans safer by reducing crime.

Now we're being told that not only would a new AWB make American safer, it would also help make Mexico safer by supposedly interdicting the supply of firearms to that nation's drug cartels. Since when is Mexico's inability to control its own internal crime problems a recipe for Americans to surrender even more of their Second Amendment rights?

Again, I urge you to do everything that you can to prevent this bill from ever becoming law.


VERY well put, Mike. I hope you didn't copyright it. A Missouri rep and 2 senators just got the same letter. (different name of course). You know what they say: "Plagiarism is the sincerest form of flattery"
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