Holder, Obama want new AWB

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So, since the Mexican drug cartels have somehow gotten ahold of fully automatic assault rifles, they want to take away law abiding Americans Semi automatic rifles, and leave us alot less armed against these idiots?? Genious plan!! Some people should not be allowed to reproduce, ie these guys parents.
Heres my email already sent, where is yours

Dear Senator Begich:

Eric Holder announced today that that a new Assault Weapons Ban is being considered by the Obama administration.

You won a close election, in part, because of your "pro gun" record and promises you made to protect gun rights. I respectfully request that you do everything in your power to block this legislation, including but not limited to, immediately issuing a public statement demonstrating your opposition to an so called Assault weapons ban

Please be advised that your actions in this regard will determine whether or not you receive the support of gun owning Alaskans in the future.

Thank you for your consideration.

WildandthatchildishpicneedstogoAlaska TM
And this is a surprise why:confused:. Obama`s stance on guns was(will be) displayed in his past voting on gun issue`s and his statements made about guns PRIOR to becoming Pres. Now he`s Pres. and has put in place people that share his veiws. Again, should come as no surprise. IMO, this is just the start of a four year battle for gun owners to keep what rights our Constitution is supposed to guarantee us. Using Mexico as an excuse to do what you`ve already got in mind to do is pretty lame. Since when did we ever let other countries dictate or have influence over our Constitutional Rights:barf:?
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Do Not Panic!

There is, as yet, no pending legislation.

Holder is putting both feet into his mouth... At least, that will be what everyone says, IF everyone on this board, and all other gun-boards, immediately writes their Congressmen and Senators.

If you are not an NRA member, join. Join today to send the Congress a solid message. I don't care what you think of the NRA. Hold your nose, if you have to, but become a member.
Hey Wild, you gonna have Blue Light Specials on your SKS with bayonet lugs:D. You know alot of killing`s have happened here lately with bayonets and grenade launchers:eek::rolleyes:.
ABC is censoring the responses by gun owners not liking the story....

I hope its a joke like an early april fools would be nice.
You know, this could very well be the worst political disaster since Nixon.

In '94, almost no one was watching, when the AWB came in. That isn't the case today.

By telegraphing this proposed action, Eric Holder may have just sealed his political career, along with that of his Boss. It's gonna be interesting to see what unfolds tomorrow and over the weekend.

Oh, and if you thought there was a run on guns and ammo before.... I'm thinking we haven't seen nothing yet. Starting tomorrow morning.
Oh, and if you thought there was a run on guns and ammo before.... I'm thinking we haven't seen nothing yet. Starting tomorrow morning.

Putting the tinfoil on.....

Could be about...stimulus?:D:D:D

WildscrewthecondommoneyletssellgunsAlaska TM
My quick note to Senator Mark Warner of Virginia:

Despite the new administration's pre-election pledges to the contrary, Attorney General Holder has confirmed law-abiding firearms owners' worst fears and has stated that President Obama will seek a new so-called "assault weapons" ban (AWB). (http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/story?id=6960824&page=1)

As Governor of Virginia you were a friend of the law-abiding firearms owner -- I urge you not to abandon gunowners nationwide and do everything you can to block this new legislative boondogle when it is introduced.

As you know, such laws only serve to impact the rights of those who are law-abiding in the first place. Not even the Federal Bureau of Investigation could find any evidence that President Clinton's 1994 AWB did the slightest thing to make Americans safer by reducing crime.

Now we're being told that not only would a new AWB make American safer, it would also help make Mexico safer by supposedly interdicting the supply of firearms to that nation's drug cartels. Since when is Mexico's inability to control its own internal crime problems a recipe for Americans to surrender even more of their Second Amendment rights?

Again, I urge you to do everything that you can to prevent this bill from ever becoming law.


Michael Irwin

The same will be going to Senator Jim Webb and to Rep. Gerry Connolly, who is a friend of mine but not on the same page as I am regarding firearms. Connolly is the one I'm most concerned about.
Putting the tinfoil on.....

Could be about...stimulus?

WildscrewthecondommoneyletssellgunsAlaska TM

Easy for you to say! It's your wallet getting stimulated! :D

The rest of us are going to have to line up at the gun store the night before like we're waiting for the newest Xbox. :p

And it's still cold around these parts.

I kind of half expected it to happen. I guess I was hoping they'd remember the outcome of their last one, but I guess they think they're invincible these days.
Despite the new administration's pre-election pledges to the contrary, Attorney General Holder has confirmed law-abiding firearms owners' worst fears and has stated that President Obama will seek a new so-called "assault weapons" ban (AWB). (http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/story?id=6960824&page=1)

This is not correct. Obama called for an AWB renewal before the election. He promised to "not take your guns" but he always wanted an AWB and was open about it.
And prices were just starting to fall back down too... I guess if they can't artificially inflate prices with legislation, they'll inflate them with speculation. Still writing all of my Senators and Representative, even though they are all Republican and know better than to sign on to any AWB.
Oblahma is far too busy spending our money to worry about this. Wait till the country is totally given to the welfare recipients and criminals... then, he'll start on this. I give it another 6 months.

Johninminn, He only needs 2 hours to sign it... it is pelosi and her cronies who will swiftly move this along! They are smart enuff to know they have the majority of seats but are likely to dumb to know the future career doom they will likely suffer...
"This is not correct. Obama called for an AWB renewal before the election. He promised to "not take your guns" but he always wanted an AWB and was open about it."

Not particularly well-worded on my part, Buzz.

I knew that, but merged the concepts too closely together.

That's what happens at 3 in the morning.
Why in the world would a drug deal who is already imported drugs from SE Asia not also import AKs from the region when they are available at a fraction of the price they are in the US.

The US government has sent a huge number of arms south to the Mexican police and military, and I am sure many of them ended up in the cartels arsenal. Not civilian weapons, at least not on a large scale simply because it would have to be cheaper and easier to pull them out of the countries providing the drugs.
Johninminn, He only needs 2 hours to sign it... it is pelosi and her cronies who will swiftly move this along! They are smart enuff to know they have the majority of seats but are likely to dumb to know the future career doom they will likely suffer...

Pelosi and the core of the anti-gun crowd in congress have little to fear in supporting the AWB. They almost exclusively represent states that already have AWBs of their own on the books, so their constituents are uneffected by any potential Federal AWB.
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