Has Ron Paul bashing here caused you to change your mind?

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There has been a continual bombardment of threads maligning Ron Paul, where he has been called everything from racist to nutcase to traitor.

Have these threads changed anyones mind? Has anyone here previously been a RP supporter, but then changed their minds based on the bashing threads?

No. If anything it highlights how relavant this supposedly "unelectable" candidate is. If he were truly irrelavant they wouldn't waste all their time discussing him.
No. If anything it highlights how relavant this supposedly "unelectable" candidate is. If he were truly irrelavant they wouldn't waste all their time discussing him.

Quite the contrary. Its BECAUSE he is unelectable that people are discussing him. This election is going to be very close so every vote is valuable. Pissing away a vote on someone who is unelectable is a horrible thing to do.

This is especially so in light of the dishonesty that Paul supporters promote, specifically that Paul, as president, will be able to singlehandedly change government. A president has little power with the exception of the podium and the ability to build a consensus. Paul is a terrible public speaker and doesn't play well with others. Congress would ride roughshod over him. The nomenclature "borked" would be replaced with the last name of whatever poor chap that Paul would appoint to the court.

As a congressman he appears to be great. As a president, he not only lacks the necessary qualities, but he lacks even an understanding of what the office requires.
Unfortunately, Ron Paul opposed some very good (and eminently Constitutional) pro-gun legislation.

Don't forget that he voted AGAINST passage of the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act.
I haven't forgotten, because it is the single part of his long (pro-gun) record that his detractors seem to be able to find. If he now and then errs on the side of too little federal power, all I can say is that beats the alternative.
A president has little power with the exception of the podium and the ability to build a consensus.

Don't you think the election of a President Paul would be something of a demonstration of a consensus in the country against business as usual in Washington?

Oh, and the President has a few other powers, like the veto. If they want more government spending, they're going to have to find veto-proof majorities for it. That might just change things a bit, don't you think? Uhm, and the pardon. If he gets tired enough of the IRS, President Paul could just announce his intention to pardon anyone prosecuted under the tax laws... ;)
Sorry publius42, those citations were ALL amendments to OTHER legislation, not Paul bills but rather Paul AMENDMENTS.

They also point out that every one of those Amendments lacked a cosponsor. The amendments passed on their merits but Paul didn't have the influence to get any other members to cooperate with HIM.

I still haven't seen anyone give examples of LEADERSHIP by Paul. He DOES have good ideas, but surly nobody thinks a President can get his vision implemented without leadership ability.

Do any Paul supporters believe that a President doesn't need to have leadership ability?

RedneckRepairs said:
I freely admit and espouse that i am not the best educated cuss on the board , nor am i the smartest . I do however recognize " shyster " type weasel communication where by any question about rp is spun into a " hater attack " rather than answered .

The threads tone is beginning to show RedneckRepairs smarter then he admits.
Don't you think the election of a President Paul would be something of a demonstration of a consensus in the country against business as usual in Washington?

No. I really don't. Americans have the poliltical attention span of a 3 year old. 2 weeks after the election they would return to not caring. As such, congress could return to business as usual. Furthermore a Paul presidency would be unique in that Paul doesn't have very many friends in the republican party. Those he does aren't going to be willing to hang their names on Paul's ideas such as disbanding the CIA.

Oh, and the President has a few other powers, like the veto. If they want more government spending, they're going to have to find veto-proof majorities for it. That might just change things a bit, don't you think? Uhm, and the pardon. If he gets tired enough of the IRS, President Paul could just announce his intention to pardon anyone prosecuted under the tax laws...

Ok. Lets say Paul does veto everything he doesn't like that comes down the pipe. At some point things are going to have to change because government will have to run. Assuming Paul is a man of his word, he won't bend. Going back to the fact that Paul doesn't have any fans in congress, how hard do you think is going to be to reach 2/3's. My guess is not very.

Of course, even if I'm wrong, and Paul does manages to veto everything, this still doesn't make things better. It only stops things from getting arguably worse. Essentially he will be a lame duck president in his first term.
I'm sure most of the detractors of RP would be quick to tell us what pieces of poo the Dem candidates are.

I would be quick to agree with them.

When they are told that the main contenders for the Rep nomination are also pieces of doo doo bought and paid for buy the elite power structure they are quick to defend them.

Mostly out of blind petty partisanship or so called patriotism.

My perdiction is that another dud will get elected(be it a Dem or Rep) and the country will go farther down the path of big spending government socialism and less freedom.
I agree that virtually ALL candidates have hooks in them.

Huckabee touts his lack of such hooks however. No business history (big oil), foreign governments (China Bill AND Hillary), or giant NPO (MoveOn) have a claim. McCain also seems free of foreign entanglements.

He is a good speaker and likeable, maybe at least if nothing else he would protect the RKBA.


I myself can't forget campaign finance reform and his amnesty plan.
Going back to the fact that Paul doesn't have any fans in congress, how hard do you think is going to be to reach 2/3's. My guess is not very.

Maybe not, but given that we're spending ourselves into a hole and devaluing the dollar to help pay for it, it would be nice to have someone applying the brakes, even if only lightly.
Maybe not, but given that we're spending ourselves into a hole and devaluing the dollar to help pay for it, it would be nice to have someone applying the brakes, even if only lightly.

Paul submitted sixty pages (60) of earmark spending requests just this session.

...shrimp gumbo, shrimp po boys, shrimp cocktail, fried shrimp, ...
I haven't forgotten, because it is the single part of his long (pro-gun) record that his detractors seem to be able to find. If he now and then errs on the side of too little federal power, all I can say is that beats the alternative.

Paul's vote against the PLCAA is a big thing, and far outweighs his paltry accomplishments, if any, in getting pro-gun legislaion passed.
Paul submitted sixty pages (60) of earmark spending requests just this session.

...shrimp gumbo, shrimp po boys, shrimp cocktail, fried shrimp, ...
Earmarks, a Constitutional duty, comprise less than 2% of the federal budget.

The Ron Paul bashing has not and will not sway my decision, made the day that Ron Paul declared his candidacy.
Its amazing that some people here still don't grasp what an earmark is.

The tax money had already been collected. No way for Ron Paul to stop it. It is money that had left his district. By requesting the earmarks, he was simply getting some of that money back. He was not increasing spending, because that money was already collected and had to spent somewhere. The federal government is not going to just give it back. The choice was either get a share of it back to his district (where it had come from), or let some other district have it instead. Either way, the money was spent and there was no way to stop that.

What is so difficult to understand?

Maybe the people who keep posting about RP earmarks really understand, and just keep repeating it anyway, knowing they are intentionally misleading other people. If that's what you are doing, you certainly have low moral standards. If its not what you are doing, then you don't understand the whole process.

These comments are not directed at any particular individual.
Oh nonsense, earmarking is using appropriations to buy votes. Remember those levies is N.O. that got blasted by Katrina. Departments had budgeted money to improve them since the 1960's but the upstanding Louisana delegation kept earmarking that money to other more visible projects. Diverting these budgeted funds just grows the budgets because more has to be requested next year for real programs. Government and taxes grow as a consequence. That has always been my problem with Paul. When I worked for the House, I saw a lot of bluster and posturing coming out of his office, but no real action or attempt to change anyone's mind. He's no leader if he believes what he says, and if he doesn't, he's a huge phony. I see nothing presidential there.
Hell No! RP in 2008! I even registered as a republican, as dirty as that feels, so that I can vote for him in the primaries.

I was just back in Michigan for Christmas and was blown away by all the Ron Paul supporters I saw there. He's the only chance America has anymore. RP will be getting my support, my volunteer time, my money and MY VOTE!
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