Has Ron Paul bashing here caused you to change your mind?

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Yep it was Harry Browne is the Messiah! Now it's Harry, who? Ron Paul is the Messiah!

Just as predictable as the full moon brings out the lunatics, election years bring the libertarians out of hibernation.
I don't pay much attention to internet drivel. However, I did pay attention to Ron on Meet the Press. Presidential material, he's not.
Something to consider from Townhall columnist Matt Towery.


"As I try to remind my friends who were around in 1980, Reagan was considered by the mainstream Republican establishment to be as kooky as many label Paul as being.
Gerald Ford in 1980 was quoted in Time Magazine as saying that Reagan was "unelectable." It is no wonder that when Reagan challenged Ford some four years earlier for the GOP nomination, Paul was one of only a handful of sitting congressmen who supported Reagan's effort."
Presidential material, he's not.

Your right but, I'm sure for the wrong reasons.

If he was pro Israel, pro Iraq War, and pro the status quo then he would have as good a chance as anyone in the race.

Sadly anyone not willing to let the money people tell them every move to make has no chance of being elected President.

Watch this http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5232639329002339531 and you will see why.

The country has cancer and our mainstream political debate has devolved into aruguing over whether or not chicken soup or childrens tylenol would be the best remedy.
If Ron Paul doesn't win the Republican nomination I will be voting for Hillary... just to get the ball rolling of our nation's final revolution. We've reached a critical stage in our nation. Too many Republicans don't give a damn about the Constitution and the rule of law for the sake of "security".

Dammit, I'm tired of my country being sold out by those who claim to love America. If you love America, you'll abide and obey the rule of law which is the Constitution. You won't use it as toilet paper. You'll get a lawful declaration of war by Congress. You won't compromise the position of the troops to fight wars for your own financial benefit or of your buddies.

This is it for me. Ron Paul isn't perfect, no man is. But at least he acknowledges the Constitution on a regular basis as the rule book by which we must play.
Through all the bashing, I still support Dr Paul. I can understand why we RP supporters may come off as fanatic; here's someone I've agreed with for years and now he's got a real shot at winning a race for president. I have become very tired of being given choices where I have to settle for something I don't want.

"Harry who?" Yes, Harry Browne. I read his book and voted for him in 2000. Although he is no longer with us, I still admire the desire he had to uphold the Constitution.
Ron Paul does not stand a snowball's chance in hades of becoming POTUS. Paul is about mean minded enough to run as a third party candidate in order to spoil the election chances of the Republican candidate.
Has not swayed me one inch, still would not vote for him. But hey< you remember the old jingle "sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't";)
Crazy? Because he doesn't follow the current thinking?

Ron Paul is the most clear thinking, intelligent, respectable person running for the office. He is the only one who sees through the BS of the current warped thinking which envelopes our nation.
Ron Paul is the most clear thinking, intelligent, respectable person running for the office. He is the only one who sees through the BS of the current warped thinking which envelopes our nation

I heard tell of an Iowa farmer who hung a picture of Ron Paul in his cow barn and saw milk yeilds increase by 23%.

And that you can also sharpen razor blades and scissors by holding them up to your t.v. screen when Paul is being interviewed.

Ron Paul, he'll save us from evil. :rolleyes:
Odd that you should mention evil, when many tell Paul supporters that we should vote for the "lessor of 2 evils".
Why do you assume that I think that Paul is perfect, or some sort of savior? I don't. It is just that in this political contest he is the best candidate to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America". That phrase may sound familiar to you. It's in the oath that our elected representatives take when assuming office.
Ron Paul.

If he makes the nomination, I'll vote for him. His personality and some of his quirks are a little odd, but his ideas on most things are in line with mine.
Sadly though, I doubt he'll make the nomination. The Republican's are so screwed-out right now that they need a name. That's they're only chance, and that's why they'll nominate Giuliani.
As for bashing here, it's actually kind of amusing. It's fun to watch the cultists and the uber-anti's try to one-up each other by seeing who has the more fanatical, outlandish argument.
Neither the Paul fans nor the Anti-Paul crew make any argument that can't be somehow refuted by the other side just due to the sheer amount of information out there.

No, the folks that really get me lately are all the libertarians who scream about Pual as a new Messiah, Libertarian on the inside, running on the Republican ticket so he has a chance. I just don't buy it. The libertarian's couldn't feild a good candidate this time, now their staking claim on someone else's. Also, if the libertarians wouldn't disappear after each election, they could cover a lot more ground and really establish themselves. I'd love the libertarian party, I just can't stand that they vanish 3 years at a time.
Nope , well kinda nope .. The Ropaul bashers have not convinced me of a thing . However the shrillness of the Paulistinians has convinced me that i will vote for hildibeast or even obama before i will paul . Paul himself as a candidate strikes me as goofy as nader without the ability to effect change lol .
I dont give 2 cents for what all the Paul-bashers have to say. I lumped both the democrats and the republicans in the same box quite some time ago, and keep their volume on mute.

We need change. And its obvious to me that the other two parties are intrested only in serving themelves.
I've very intentionally avoided the whole Paul debate until very recently. The abject rejection on one side and the frothing mania on the other were far past any hope for actual discussion. I simply watched, researched, and looked for myself into the man.

This man, in my opinion, is a man of integrity meaning his actions match his words and his words match his actions. That deserves respect regardless of whether you agree with the words or actions. Integrity is a character trait that deserves respect.

He is also a man of principle. He holds the Constitution as a measure higher then his own and it is his measuring stick for his values.

He does however have a marked lack of leadership skills. I've watched and waited for him to start demonstrating some leadership. He has audacity but not leadership. His strong message resonates but Paul doesn't. He doesn't seem to posses the ability to influence people. His message does but he does not. Vision without leadership is unfortunately not enough to hold any executive position let alone the Presidency. He doesn't do well at garnering cooperation among peers or influencing decisions. I wish he did. He would sweep up handily if he did.

His strong attributes serve well as a Representative. The traits he has serve his constituents well as reflected by his multiple terms. Perhaps some time exposed to the Executive Branch in a cabinet position would help him get a better grasp on how to influence people. It is a nuanced ability and can be learned given the right exposure.

This is why Governors are better equipped then legislators for President. A proven track record of leadership. A well developed ability in the nuances that distinguish a leader from a 'boss'. The ability to influence others to your vision, deal with the inevitable attacks and at the same time delegate responsibility and accept accountability while all the while maintaining a demeanor of authority, dignity, and conveying confidence is no small matter.
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