Has Ron Paul bashing here caused you to change your mind?

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I don't want to hear good or bad about him. What I asked was whether or not your vote had changed because of the discussion about him.

Sorry about that, Unregistered. I guess I just went out there a bit to explain how I formed my opinion instead of being persuaded by the bashing...:o
Nope, he stands more for the constitution than anyone else so I'm not in the least persuaded by the bashing.
No it hasn't. I tend to vote libertarian more than Rep or Dem and always have so the majority of his political beliefs dovetail nicely with mine. I have no idea if he is electable or not but since I historically waste my vote I don't care a whole lot.
I also wonder why Ron Paul draws so much criticism from some. I think it is because they know somewhere in their head they have strayed from their principles and are reminded of it by Ron Pauls message. It could also be that his plan for dealing with terrorism is a whee bit more complicated than continuing to invade third world countries with lots of oil reserves that have little or nothing to do with 9/11 but a lot to do with pissing middle easterners off enough to commit mass murder on our shores. Maybe some are in governmental agencies Paul proposes to cut down to size or get some other .gov money. Who knows, I don't much care, I vote for the candiddate who best fits my blief structure much like everyone else.
The bashers have simply revealed themselves as what they are.

I support Dr. Paul. Next week I'm switching parties from LP to GOP just long enough to vote for him in the primary.
Jim, the same may be said of those RP supporters who "crash" other threads, not even related to RP.

The whole mess with this extended campaign has left a very sour taste in my mouth. So it doesn't surprise me one bit, that there are those who will try to bash RP, every chance they can get. It's the other side of the coin, for all the threads about the other candidates that were invaded by the RP fanatics.

Both sides, the RP Fanatics and the RP bashers were the direct cause of THR restructuring their forum and the direct cause of the additional rules for this forum. Not being a mod at THR, the former is just my opinion. The latter however, is a fact.

It is a sad statement that a thread on, say, Romney, can't hardly get started, but that the RP fans intrude. The same may be said of RP threads, that the bashers are just waiting in the wings.

Most here, can probably see from some of my prior writings that I was leaning towards Thompson. Doesn't look like he will be going anywhere. So while I have never made a real statement as to who I might vote for, I'll take that opportunity now.

Should RP be on the Idaho primary ballot, I will vote for him. For all the good it will do. My State is pretty evenly divided between Rudy and Mitt. The divide, sad as it is, runs precisely along religious lines.

My personal observation is that RP will not make the GOP nomination. In which case, I will be skipping the Presidential selections come November. Our Congressional and State races will be what occupies my mind.
But since my thread has been hijacked, let me ask you this Luke. Why is it Ron Paul detractors are so vocally opposed to him and feel a reflexive need to speak out against him at any time

First, I think you need to realize the large number of negative comments you see regarding Ron Paul are driven primarily by the huge number of threads started about him by his supporters.

Why the reflexive need to crow about him fifty times a day?

Second, comments about Ron Paul by his supporters are usually the most smug, condescending crap imaginable. Ron Paul supporters seem to completely unable to say anything about him without reflexively making some kind of insulting comment about anyone who hasn't drunk deeply from the Ron Paul Kool Aid Pot™. For example, Ron Paul supporters make wildly unsupportable comments about him being "the only candidate that is strong on the second amendment," yet I can't mention Paul's vote against the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms because, apparently, that represents a "smear" against him.

Why the reflexive need to disparage everyone else?

"The bashers have simply revealed themselves as what they are." What crap. :rolleyes: Bringing up a candidates past votes and public comments isn't bashing.

People are just scared theyre fat cat way of life may be disturbed!!! |In my oppinion, Ron Paul is the last hope for |America! His ideals are that of our nation originally. He is flawed like all of us, but he is still one of us. I dont follow any party line so I dont care, Ill vote for Mickey Mouse before I vote fore Gulliani!! He's a snake! If Republicans arnt going to modify theyre allegence with the church, I wont support any of them! |Having said that, I will not vote for Billary, or Obama. They are at the other end of the earth. Once again, Im going to be stuck with no one who shares my ideals. As for voting for someone because of electability.... I dont give a crap if they are electable, just so they represent most of my beliefs. Changing your mind because of electability is silly!! Sounds like demecrats, getting pissed at Nader voters. People should vote for the person who |MOST represents theyre beliefs. Doing anything else is un American!

Bringing up a candidates past votes and public comments isn't bashing.

But it is irrelevant to the question I asked in the thread title.

The question I asked was "Has Ron Paul bashing here caused you to change your mind?". Its not a question about Ron Paul's policies, viewpoints, or anything else related to him... The question was about voter opinion, not Ron Paul political agenda.
The Ron Paul bashing here hasn't caused me to change my mind - on the contrary, it is the fanatical, cult-like, over-the-top Ron Paul supporters/zombies/robots that have almost persuaded me to abandon the candidate who most closely matches my opinions on the issues. Seriously, if fewer of his supporters foamed at the mouth when they talked, he might actually have a chance at winning the Rep. nomination.
Those are the same folks that keep me from seeing him as a serious candidate.

i have not seen any "bashing" outside of name-calling. rather childish, and baseless. what really bugs me is all the hate towards the only candidate that's not corrupt and sold out to the core. the man catches **** for taking $500 from some white supremacist while all the the other candidates openly take thousands from war profiteers and multinational corporations. those of you calling him a nut - try to open up your mind a little and think outside the box. trust me, it won't kill you. the truth can be hard to swallow sometimes. man up and pull your head out of the sand
(2) Some people in this country (Jewish and Christian Zionists) are more loyal to Israel than to America for religious or ethnic reasons -- hence the existence of organizations like AIPAC, JINSA, ZOA, AJC, etc. These organizations are enormously influential, and all other GOP candidates kowtow to them, as do most of the Democrats (esp. Hillary). Since Paul wants US tax dollars to be spent only in the US, those people don't like him, and they smear him at every opportunity.

ANY lingering or wayward thoughts of even possibly considering voting for Paul in the primaries went right down the crapper with that statement.

Because, unfortunately, it seems to be the foundation upon which Paul's support is built. And the Paul supporters trot it out time and time again

It might shock some to know that way back in the beginning, I was actually considering RP. This was before his viability, or lack thereof, presented itself. Not to mention his views on federal law enforcement and foreign policy.

This aside, however, the one major thing that has fueled my distaste for Paul (other than the pragmatic problems he presents) is the fact that VIRTUALLY EVERY strong Paul supporter has taken the position that 1) Ron Paul and Ron paul alone is the ONLY man that can save this country and 2) anyone who doesn't support Paul likes to piss on the constitution and is either a liberal socialist or, worse, an evil neocon.

Its amazes me how there can be people who are allegedly intelligent enough to understand and appreciate the constitution and yet lumber into this minefield of fallacies like its not even there.
Its amazes me how there can be people who are allegedly intelligent enough to understand and appreciate the constitution and yet lumber into this minefield of fallacies like its not even there.

Agreed, then vote Ron Paul 2008.:p
EVERY strong Paul supporter has taken the position that 1) Ron Paul and Ron paul alone is the ONLY man that can save this country and 2) anyone who doesn't support Paul likes to piss on the constitution and is either a liberal socialist or, worse, an evil neocon.

I think a strong support of any candidate would feel his candidate is the only one who could save the country. In the national election, almost everyone here will feel the Republican candidate is the only person who can save the country (compared to his Democratic rival).

I think one reason you see this more with RP supporters than with supporters of Republican nominees is because only Ron Paul has strong supporters. No one is supporting Romney, McCain, or Huckabee with the same zeal.
I think Mr Paul has a few good ideas but his remarks show he is a few hors d'oeuvres short of a full plate.
Unregistered, thanks for starting this thread, I actually thought about this yesterday when I was on the forums.

I do not think its possible to go through L&P without seeing at least one or two new threads each day about RP...good and/or bad. Has this changed my opinion of him? Well, to be honest, I did not have an opinion on him a few months ago, so I did my homework and researched him. I have listened to both the nuts for him and the nuts against him and have given credit to the honest points for and against him.

One of my good friends is just researching RP and his views and loves him, and while I agree with him on a number of issues, I still will not vote for him.

STAGE2 said
This aside, however, the one major thing that has fueled my distaste for Paul (other than the pragmatic problems he presents) is the fact that VIRTUALLY EVERY strong Paul supporter has taken the position that 1) Ron Paul and Ron paul alone is the ONLY man that can save this country and 2) anyone who doesn't support Paul likes to piss on the constitution and is either a liberal socialist or, worse, an evil neocon.
SPOT ON...+100

I do not support RP, I support Hunter, his views most closely represent mine. To me, the candidate that I support is just that, my candidate, sure I will campaign for him and tell others who may be curious about who to vote for and who stands for what, but I will not be a Hunter supporter like some of these RP supporters.

Ron Paul has gotten his name out there, he may do well in the primaries, but I believe its not because of the lunatic supporters who claim he is the next prophet, I believe its because people are sick of the RINO's running.
No, the threads for or against have not changed my opinion. I like Paul and intend to vote for him in the primaries.

No one is supporting Romney, McCain, or Huckabee with the same zeal.

This is too true. I haven't heard any neighbor, colleague, parishoner or anyone else I deal with on a day-to-day basis suggest they are on fire for any candidate. Most seem to just splutter, "well, you have to vote for Giuliani/Romney/McCain/Huckabee or else Hillary will win."

That's a hell of a campaign slogan - "I'm not Hillary." It worked wonders for Rick Lazio!
Yes but with some qualifiers

Didnt really know much about him at first, but then his supporters started popping up here like mushrooms. I was not really the bashers that changed my mind, it was his supporters, they seem so adamant and zealous which worries me a bit, when a person only sees black and white with no shades of gray I get a little leary. I like some things about all the Republican candidates, some more than others.
Personally I would rather have any Repub in the Oval Office than any one of the Dems.
STAGE2 said

This aside, however, the one major thing that has fueled my distaste for Paul (other than the pragmatic problems he presents) is the fact that VIRTUALLY EVERY strong Paul supporter has taken the position that 1) Ron Paul and Ron paul alone is the ONLY man that can save this country and 2) anyone who doesn't support Paul likes to piss on the constitution and is either a liberal socialist or, worse, an evil neocon.

SPOT ON...+100

If you can search back 4 years and again 8 years you will see the libertarian threads urging you to drink the kool ade or else perish, surface periodically about each 4 years. RP is just the 2007 iteration of the same dreck. It used to be Harry Browne. I know some of you are wondering, "Harry, who?"

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