Has Ron Paul bashing here caused you to change your mind?

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When I worked for the House, I saw a lot of bluster and posturing coming out of his office, but no real action or attempt to change anyone's mind.

Precisely my point. He has overwhelming appeal for those who are emotionally adolescent.

I personally supported him in his first third party run, but I was an impressionable kid. His superficial, "no compromise" bluster was exactly what I thought was needed.

The real world doesn't respond to hollow rhetoric, but teens, misfits and malcontents do.
The real world doesn't respond to hollow rhetoric
Since when? Practically all (I'm leaving some room for doubt) politicians spout only hollow rhetoric, and we keep electing them. So, which category do you fit into?
Since when? Practically all (I'm leaving some room for doubt) politicians spout only hollow rhetoric, and we keep electing them.

Thank you for your graphic illustration of the grandstanding sort of the rhetoric adolescents find fascinating.

Of course, you're wrong. Legislation is deliberated, passed and blocked every day. Ever spent any time on capitol hill?

So, which category do you fit into?

I'm not sure what you mean? Was I a dreamy teen succeptible to hero worship at one point in my life? Probably not. I DID think that he would be more successful at bringing Constitutionality back to government, but he's had since 1976 and hasn't accomplished anything.
It would appear to be an indelible human trait that the 'truth' about all issues goes through three distinct phases known colloquially as "the three stages of truth". During the first stage, the issue goes unnoticed and is ignored. The second stage is characterized by a period of vehement denial. The third stage witnesses the truth about the issue being recognized as self-evident.

For example, five hundred years ago contemporary Western (meaning European) society believed that the Earth was flat and at the center of the Universe. Anyone who had the temerity to suggest otherwise was invariably burnt at the stake. It wasn't until the Magellan expedition's circumnavigation of the globe in 1522 that the reality of a round Earth was finally acknowledged as being "self-evident".

The reason why 'truth' goes through these three stages is that humans in general are very reluctant to give up their beliefs as to the nature of reality because they have invested a lifetime of expense and effort in arriving at those beliefs. Acknowledging that their perception of reality may no longer be applicable in the light of new evidence usually presents humans with the uncomfortable choice of dispensing with a paradigm that they are used to - and which has probably worked quite satisfactorily to date - in favor of a something new and yet to be properly defined. Few humans have the courage or strength of character to pursue such a course of action, as it usually results in considerable personal discomfit associated with a lack of supporting structures around new ideas and a fear of the unknown, not to mention the vociferous ridicule by their contemporaries towards anything new. This situation is exacerbated by the fact that those who question society's prevailing orthodoxy are by definition dissenters who, by "rocking the boat", tend to threaten the very lifestyle and comfort of all around them who hold to the prevailing orthodox position. It is for this reason why dissenters have been relentlessly pursued and persecuted throughout history by their contemporaries. (By A. Paterson)

No, the Paul bashing did not change my mind.
Ron Paul has my vote.
Still waiting for the 'truth' about examples of LEADERSHIP ABILITY by Paul.

OR a 'truth' about leadership ability not being needed to be President.

The description about the '3 stages of truth' above is a description of someone coming to terms with an addiction or character flaw they are confronted with. Not a universal means of finding new knowledge as it was presented. MOST new knowledge is done by empirical study and fact finding. IE circumnavigating the Earth vs. philosophical debate.
It is evident that no ones mind (or at least, very darn few) has been or will be changed. Since the subject matter of this thread keeps drifting off topic, I think it fair to say we've said and heard all there is to be said or heard on this particular subject.

Closed as the thread has run its course.
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