Handguns that make you say Whoa!

This has raised a few eyebrows at the range:


Particularly when folks see hundred yard groups like this:


This is a Freedom Arms Model 97 chambered in 224-32 FA. The cartridge is proprietary to Freedom Arms and is formed by necking down and trimming a 327 Federal Magnum case, followed by fire forming. Velocity for the round with a 35 grain bullet is around 2200 FPS.

Oh, in the interest of full disclosure, I was using a 2X6 scope to shoot this group.
JayCee wrote:
Oh, in the interest of full disclosure, I was using a 2X6 scope to shoot this group.

That's what I wondered but it is a great combo that you have there and it resulted in an excellent group! FA revolvers are really very well made.

I would definitely walk over on the range if I were to see you shoot that pistol to discuss it with you - and compliment you.
The one pistol people ask to see the most is the FN 5.7, I guess because it is so recognizable and not many folks have opportunity to shoot one.

The pistol that gets to most comments, both negative and positive is the Rainbow Titanium Sig P232. Gorgeous to some, ugly to others.
Anything loaded with Black Powder... cap & ball or cartridge.

Particularly ...

This Spanish New Model Army..


and this Virginian Dragoon with a 44 Magnum case stuffed full of Goex under a 240 gr slug.


bang, bang, bang.... bangbang..... BOOOOM with big ol fireball. :) usually gets everyone's attention on the line. :)
This one has never failed to start conversations and at least half a dozen requests to fire a "shot or two." In .30-30 only, though, nobody seems interested in the .45-70.;) It, in fact, lost me quite a few friends in an indoor range one year.:o

+1 on the Rock Island Armory

I have the RIA 1911 Full Size Tactial and the RIA compact (Officer), and they beat all of my other guns, including glocks and sigs. I'm by no means nocking the other brands either, but my RIAs are keepers! I guess I am a little partial to 1911s.
Just took a couple fresh pics of a few of my guns with my newer camera...

any of these usually gets a look at the public range... especially the 50 cal ( bottom gun ) with the ported barrel... the concussion can be felt a long ways away ;)

I'm going to assume those scopes are NOT attached to the slide itself?

I am also somewhat curious on how you have them mounted? I take it those are wooden pegs they are hung on, so that the barrel doesn't get scraped?

Feed the Beast!
Scopes are mounted on grip frame mounts...
guns are slid onto plastic coated steel rods... ( Steel rods had the ends rounded, & all the burrs polished off before coated in heavy heat shrink tube...

BTW... guns are coated in a thin layer of sawdust for storage... :eek: actually I'm still doing wood work in my safe room, so they get wiped down, after each carpentry session, & will get detail cleaned after I'm finished, or before they get shot ( which ever comes 1st )

this is a pic of the 50 from the other side showing the grip mount... a HandAll JR slid over the grip frame gives a pretty large purchase, but I have big hands & it works well for me...

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Cool, I am planning on making my own "hidden safe" in our house that just finished being built, and that gives me another option for housing it. I was just concerned about that style of mounting damaging the barrel.

Sorry for my somewhat newb comments, just trying to learn what I can :D

Feed the Beast!
You're totally good here...

more on my saferoom in the Gear & Accessories section of this forum if you're interested... mine has a hidden door, & is both theft proof & fire proof

This is the gun that gets the most reaction when I go shooting. My buddies call it the black death because it's so accurate. It is the old hunter package in .44 magnum.

The pistol that always trips my trigger is the old 1st or 2nd generation single action colts. It's one of the guns that built this country and I just can't stop looking at them.
