On the subject of limp-wristing, let me just say that because it was my first pistol I've limp-wristed my USP .40 compact many times, badly, with crap ammunition, on a used gun with a fairly beaten-up frame. Never had a failure as a result. Maybe the fact that the gun is so heavily used contributes to how smoothly it runs.
One time I flinched so bad that, although my hand was extended, the gun itself was angled all the way up towards the ceiling. I remember that moment to this day because it still gives me chills when I think about how close I came to dropping the gun that time. It was foolish, but a valuable lesson at least. The next round fed perfectly nonetheless.
In about 1000 rounds of mostly bottom-of-the-barrel reloading ammo (including reloaded nosler JHPs) and bargain winchester FMJ, the only stovepipe I've been able to produce has come from firing the gun when it was over-lubricated. Mind you, I still used the gun for close to 200 rounds that session and only had two stovepipes, but those are the two failures the gun has ever produced while I've owned it.
It's a 2001 model if that makes a difference.
I'm not in anyway saying this to take away from what Gahaha is saying in this thread, but I'm just sharing my experiences to perhaps explain why I and others are so surprised by Gahaha's experiences. Maybe I've just been lucky to have received an exceptional specimen, but my experiences have been so emphatic that it I've become a true believer in HK polymer pistols, a belief that has been bolstered by the opinions I've read on the internet.
Again, not discounting your experiences. I hope you get your issue resolved and I'm sorry for your bad experiences. I bet everyone on this forum has purchased a defective gun or two (probably even far more than that for some of you