Gun Owner Arrested After Causing Secret Service Scare for House Speaker Pelosi

Didn't Winchester stop using the black-colored anti-friction coating when they came out with the SXT (Same eXact Thing) ammo?

Now they're known as Ranger, right? I still have a box of 230 grain Talons in .45, but currently no .45 that I own to carry them in :( Winchester should have told the antis to go throw themselves off a cliff and sold more of them instead of caving to those toads.
For whatever its worth, I would also like to see some "official" reports on this. Something more credible than the fiancee of an officer got a text message containing specifics about a "CLOSED" or "RESTRICTED" investigation, then decided to post that privileged information in a public forum. :rolleyes:

On a side note, I have some old WWII ammo that I practice with. But I do not make a habit of loading my personal carry gun with ammo that has been discontinued and off the market for the past 15 years.....
Winchester should have told the antis to go throw themselves off a cliff and sold more of them instead of caving to those toads.
When the toads make the laws, and can utterly destroy your business with a stroke of a pen, then it's much more difficult to take the principled approach.
Does anybody know what has happened to this guy in Denver? Where the charges stand, or don't stand?

For the life of me, I can't find it.
Thanks, KellyTTE, for providing some first-hand information (although incomplete) on this incident. Its better than the total lack of information available through the "mainstream" media! :mad: You'd think they would be all over this!

Seems a key fact missing, is whether the loaded pistol was "readily accessible". This is often the determining factor on whether illegal possession charges stick. If it was in a locked luggage or case, then it would not be "readily accessible", and generally legally packed.

No one has provided an official answer, though, as to how a person could lawfully transport a handgun in this situation.

However, Denver gun laws seem to be remarkably vague on that point, and unconstitutionally so. Rick Stanley, bless his soul, tried to address this injustice years ago, and was ridiculed and jailed for his trouble. Abandoned by the gun community, the stupid statutes remain in place, and this is the result.

Finally, the SS/federal umbrella hangs over the whole incident. Its symbolic, the total information blackout imposed after the initial arrest. Joe Calanchini could be in Gitmo now, for all we know. No arraignment, access to attorney, release on bail, nothing. If/when he finally surfaces, will the full story ever be made public? :rolleyes:

Its better than the total lack of information available through the "mainstream" media! You'd think they would be all over this!

It's not just the mainstream media. I can't find any word about where this stands. Do you have any idea? Obviously, I'm very curious about the answers to those good points you raise.
Wasn't he suppposed to leave for Africa on the 28th? I wonder if he caught his flight or if he is still flying a Denver jail cell.
Can we just please stipulate for the moment that Kelly has offered this information in good faith, and respond to the SUBSTANCE of the information instead of attacking and questioning his credibility right away.

The truth has a way of coming out eventually, so we have NO reason to attack this member for what is apparently a good faith offering of information.

Assuming, hypothetically at least, that it's true and responding to the SUBSTANCE of the information makes for a much more civil and meaningful dialog.