Gun Owner Arrested After Causing Secret Service Scare for House Speaker Pelosi

"It's a clear illustration of the difference between Democrats and Republicans when it comes to gun rights, I reckon."

Ain't it the truth.

Y'all do realize the Secret Service works for Bush, don't ya?
Y'all do realize the Secret Service works for Bush, don't ya?

This brings up an interesting question, but one that unfortunately we'll never have an answer to. If this had been President Bush instead of Nancy Pelosi, would we see a thread here discussing the incident? The core issues would be the same: guy carrying weapons legally in plain view detained, searched in what may or may not be a Constitutional manner, and arrested for carrying weapons in a fashion that may or may not even be illegal. Still, I'm not entirely confident that the firearms community would take notice if this happened in the course of protecting a Republican politician...even one with a lackluster gun record, but especially a pro-gun one.
As I recall, the Secret Service is legally permitted to exclude firearms from a given area, but only under certain conditions. If it were President Bush, I don't think they'd be letting people wander in off the street to check in to the hotel regardless of whether they were carting a cased rifle.

From a WTOP News Article:

Wiley said authorities were not releasing information about whether the weapons were loaded because the case remained under investigation. Wiley said the charge is the same whether the weapons were loaded or unloaded.
So apparently now the cops are making up gun laws as they go.
:rolleyes: Yes the gun was loaded. Glock 21 with Winchester 'Black Talons'

Whatever happened to the rule of law?

Well, uh.. Denver has a thing... called a LAW that says that you can't carry concealed within the City & County of Denver without a CCW permit. There's a good example.
Sorry, didn't recognize you as the guy from post 58.

It looks like the dude did break the law. I know ignorance is not a legal defense, but it is amazing the things that us in red states take for granted that are illegal elsewhere.
"Black Talons" - oh, boy, here come the hysterics. :rolleyes:

Well, uh.. Denver has a thing... called a LAW that says that you can't carry concealed within the City & County of Denver without a CCW permit. There's a good example.
Has anyone established whether or not this guy has a Wyoming Concealed Carry license? If so, then he was licensed.
"Black Talons" - oh, boy, here come the hysterics.

Oh please. Don't assume every officer quoted is power hungry and weapon ignorant. SXT's, Black Talon, same ammo.

Has anyone established whether or not this guy has a Wyoming Concealed Carry license? If so, then he was licensed.

Nope. No CCW permit from either CO or WY. Exact quote: "loaded handguy w/no permit".
Exact quote: "loaded handguy w/no permit".
If the exact quote were "no permit from either Colorado, Wyoming, or any other reciprocal state," I'd be buying it. Given the attitude of many cops towards defensive firearms and their usual level of knowledge of gun law, not to mention newspaper reporters, I don't consider the above quote to be conclusive.
No link. Thats straight from a txt message I got from the arresting officer.

Hmmm, so you got this info direct from an officer involved with the arrest, who also happens to be your fiancee. Yet you communicate with your fiancee via text messaging?? Wow, you don't speak to your fiance on a regular basis??

Yes the gun was loaded. Glock 21 with Winchester 'Black Talons'

Give us a break here. Black Talon ammo has not been sold since 1993, when Winchester was forced to pull if off the market due to all of the hysteria created by antigunners. That was 15 years ago. You are saying that the guy had 15 yr old ammo in his gun??? That is not at all credible, in my opinion.

Let me point out some facts here:

1) We don't know who you really are. We have no way to verify your identity.

2) We also have no way of knowing what you are saying here is really true or not. You have not provided any way at all to verify anything that you have said.

So what are you asking here? That we accept your personal word that what you are saying is true? The word of some anonymous stranger that no one here even knows??? Do you really think that people are that gullible to so readily accept stuff said anonymously on Internet forums?

As for the Denver Police Department having a few fascists aboard, I think that there is some other evidence of that. I'm posting another thread that is most critical of the department.

Lance, click the link in my sig. My complete BIO and Heather's is on the: 'ABOUT US' page. Yah, she doesn't have time to chit chat at the moment, oddly enough, she's pulling 12-16hr shifts for the Denver PD on riot control.

I have boxes of SXT and Black Talons even to this day. So moot point. Lets not get sidetracked on petty crap, seriously.
"Complete" Bios usually contain a person's full name.

You still have provided no evidence to substantiate that anything that you have said here regarding the specifics of this case is indeed true.

Regarding Black Talons, no, that is not at all a "moot point", as the odds of someone carrying such old ammo is indeed rather remote. While I admit that it is possible, I don't think that it is at all that likely.

It is too bad that the news media has lost all interest in this story, and is failing to do any follow-up. It would be nice to have an unbiased and objective report regarding what happened.

I'm not disputing that what you are saying is not necessarily true. Only that I need more independent and verifiable evidence than anything that you have provided here, before I will accept it as being an actual fact.

And as I pointed out in my other new thread, there are troubling issues related to another recent action of the Denver Police Department.

That is dated 11/28/07

Maybe the man is telling the truth

Perhaps he is. But that does not make anything that he has said about this case actual facts that have been verified.

A person engaged to a member of the Denver Police Department would also hardly be an unbiased source of information.
Sorry, I'm also not out here to throw ALL of my personal information onto the web. I will say that my bio is far more complete than anything you've offered up. For having been on TFL for such a short time, I note that you're quite vociferous when it comes to certain anti-authoritarian subjects.

I stand by what I've posted.