Gun Owner Arrested After Causing Secret Service Scare for House Speaker Pelosi

Kinda surprises me that Denver would be so restrictive on firearms. Most western state are not very restrictive on guns (except, of course for Kalifornica).

The guy was unfortunate to do something like that during the Democratic convention when the city is full of secret service agents etc. who are a bit skiddish and will over react rather than take any chance that a nut would try to shoot up the place. Don't think anyone planning an attack would carry weapons, even cased ones, where they could be seen.

Hope he's able to get his guns back and beat any ridiculous charges.
Denver is one of the most "liberal" cities in America. No coincidence that the DNC is there.

Isn't it odd how "liberal" means take away your rights instead of the freedom the word SHOULD imply?
Isn't it odd how "liberal" means take away your rights instead of the freedom the word SHOULD imply?

I am certain that if he had on a pair of assless chaps and a Lenin T-shirt it would have been no problem.
The more one finds out about this, the more insane this story becomes.

Does anyone know the specifics of this Denver law? I am still not clear on this. Was it simply because the gun cases were not locked that he was arrested? If the cases had been locked, would he have not been arrested?? Surely simply transporting firearms for legal purposes such as getting gunsmithing to prepare for hunting is not any danger to society.

Joseph Calanchini's upcoming hunt that he was getting ready for is reported to be an expensive safari in Africa that he booked, and that he is supposed to leave this coming Thursday for. Now, his hunting rifles have all been taken away, so he has no guns to use for the trip.

I wonder if any hunting organizations will try to help him? If this is how hunters are treated in Denver, then all I can saw is boycott Denver!

I feel bad for this guy based on the facts as reported here. BUT.... you have to be a knucklehead to carry a loaded, concealed handgun into a hotel, in Denver, where government officials are staying, where black limos and secret service guys are running around....while carrying a rifle case!! Even if you have a CCW permit, you are simply asking for trouble. That is just stupid.
I spent a week there last week, before the DIPSNC. I drove all the way from Texas ,Through New mexico, ( however slowly it was with thier rediculus 35 MPH speed limit through nothing :mad:). I minded my manners, didnt show off the gun passed through Denver. Guess I was lucky. I didnt know Denver was so lost to the Dark side. They have alot of cool gun stores, I simply love CABELA's there. My view of that beuatiful city will forever be changes because of this. Too bad the DNC will never be hosted here in Texas. :D
I could care less if our Man was "illegally" carrying. These kinds of stories make me laugh. The law that says it is "illegal" is null and void! What part of "shall not be infringed" do these people not get?! So, the DNC was in town. Big deal. They put on their pants in the mornings just like me and you. They aren't special. They have the same right to carry- I'll bet the Secret Service were carrying. Matter of fact, I know they were... So, since when was their liberty more important than any other Citizen's? Oh, because they were protecting Mrs. Pelosi? Well what about the life our our man in question? Is that not worth him protecting? Is she somehow more valuable? Does she rate more rights? This whole ordeal is nonsense. The man did not do anything wrong, because... THE LAW IS WRONG.
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I feel bad for this guy based on the facts as reported here. BUT.... you have to be a knucklehead to carry a loaded, concealed handgun into a hotel, in Denver, where government officials are staying, where black limos and secret service guys are running around....while carrying a rifle case!! Even if you have a CCW permit, you are simply asking for trouble. That is just stupid.

True that.

Still, I'm rooting for my fellow Wyomingite to disentangle himself from jail and get on with his hunting trip.
All of that may be true. BUT... it is what it is today. And this guy was asking for trouble doing what he did. The best way to disagree with Denver's current anti-gun doctrine is not to carry a rifle case and a concealed handgun into Nancy's hotel.
Here's a link to the AP story.
Wiley said authorities were not releasing information about whether the weapons were loaded because the case remained under investigation. Wiley said the charge is the same whether the weapons were loaded or unloaded.

It was not loaded and concealed, it was in luggage and may or not be loaded. If I had to guess, I would guess the guns were unloaded, because we would have heard it by now if the were loaded. How much investigation does it take to check a chamber? Don't most LE clear weapons immediately after removing them from the suspect.
As to this charge of concealment:

If the rifles are encased in a case which can be determined by a reasonable person as a rifle case, and can be safely assumed to contain a rifle or rifles, then how is that rifle or rifles "concealed"?

Now if the rifle, or rifles, are in a guitar case which a reasonable person would assume did not contain a rifle, or rifles, then they might have a case.

I think that a large part of this case rests on the reasonable person test. Apparemtly, the hotel clerk was reasonable enough to recognize the case(s) for what they were intended.
As to this charge of concealment:

If the rifles are encased in a case which can be determined by a reasonable person as a rifle case, and can be safely assumed to contain a rifle or rifles, then how is that rifle or rifles "concealed"?

Now if the rifle, or rifles, are in a guitar case which a reasonable person would assume did not contain a rifle, or rifles, then they might have a case.

I think that a large part of this case rests on the reasonable person test. Apparemtly, the hotel clerk was reasonable enough to recognize the case(s) for what they were intended.

That's the rifles, though. I think the charges stem largely from the handguns.
Open carry is illegal in Denver. That is how THIS THREAD came to being.

The man was a guest in this state. How else was he supposed to carry the handguns into the hotel. If he had them in his hand he would be charged with brandishment; if he survived the encounter.

I believe that the NRA should come to his defense and the Gun Owners Protection Act should protect him from these charges as long as the handguns were unloaded. I believe that they were or there would have been a gigantic harangue about how the man was "found to be carrying two loaded handguns".
I feel bad for this guy based on the facts as reported here. BUT.... you have to be a knucklehead to carry a loaded, concealed handgun into a hotel, in Denver, where government officials are staying, where black limos and secret service guys are running around....while carrying a rifle case!! Even if you have a CCW permit, you are simply asking for trouble. That is just stupid.

Why is it just stupid? Its stupid to have a belief that you are secure in yourself and your belongings when in a public place, following the law? Its stupid to assume that you can carry on a perfectly legal activity, as described by law, and get hassled for it just because some government official is around?

Why is it stupid to assume that an activity that is 100% legal without a certain person around, be illegal when they are around? I saw no clause in the second amendment or the gun transporting or carrying laws, federal or state that says that these laws are completely valid, UNLESS speaker pelosi is there.

Why should we not be allowed to go about our legal business just because a government person is present? What rates them higher than me? Do they have a special copy of the constitution or gun laws that only apply to them?

Sorry if a bit rambling, but I just don't think its one bit stupid to think that I have to stop a lawful activity just because the secret service is all over the place. Who cares. Who the hell are they? If I'm LEGAL, and my guns are LEGAL, and my activity is LEGAL, then I'm in the right, and they got no business hassling me.

IF the story goes down the way it seems, then I hope he sues the pants off these idiots and hunts free for the rest of his natural life.
I looked and looked in the Denver Municipal Code, and I cannot find any law there that this man has broken.

Unless these people in Denver have a strange and bizarre way of interpreting their laws.

Denver = San Francisco + 5000 feet.

Denver makes a good site for the DNC propaganda rally because the misconception that Denver is a "western values" city is very common outside of Denver.
I feel bad for this guy based on the facts as reported here. BUT.... you have to be a knucklehead to carry a loaded, concealed handgun into a hotel, in Denver, where government officials are staying, where black limos and secret service guys are running around....while carrying a rifle case!! Even if you have a CCW permit, you are simply asking for trouble. That is just stupid.

Why is it just stupid? Its stupid to have a belief that you are secure in yourself and your belongings when in a public place, following the law? Its stupid to assume that you can carry on a perfectly legal activity, as described by law, and get hassled for it just because some government official is around?

Why is it stupid to assume that an activity that is 100% legal without a certain person around, be illegal when they are around? I saw no clause in the second amendment or the gun transporting or carrying laws, federal or state that says that these laws are completely valid, UNLESS speaker pelosi is there.

Why should we not be allowed to go about our legal business just because a government person is present? What rates them higher than me? Do they have a special copy of the constitution or gun laws that only apply to them?

Sorry if a bit rambling, but I just don't think its one bit stupid to think that I have to stop a lawful activity just because the secret service is all over the place. Who cares. Who the hell are they? If I'm LEGAL, and my guns are LEGAL, and my activity is LEGAL, then I'm in the right, and they got no business hassling me.

IF the story goes down the way it seems, then I hope he sues the pants off these idiots and hunts free for the rest of his natural life.
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I hope this guy 'owns' Denver when the legal smoke clears. He was comin' from a Sportsmans Warehouse after having scopes mounted. He was trying to obtain a room w/o a reservation apparently. 'Gotta remember the 'Palace Guard SS' hail from DC with the same prevalent mentality. Obviously they forgot they were in CO.... or they do whatever carte-blanche Stalinist act they want on behalf of the neo-czarina socialist Komrade Peloski. Her very 'presence' obviously trumps the Constitution.

My question is... did the hotel post any sort of 'Gunbusters' sign? "No Weapons" posted anywhere? This guy got blind-sided bigtime. The morons who report this kind'a stuff don't know whatinhell they're talkin' about 3/4 of the time anyway... on top of their obvious agenda bias. I think the Firearms Owners Protection Act may apply to travelers here.

So what if her Komradness was stayin' there? How's he supposed to know... (not that it should matter)? I can see... just from readin' this 'n other stuff... his 2A, 4A, 5A and 14A RIGHTS were violated. This is Tyranny... and yet from this post... so many of you willingly accept it. Baaaa!
In most states a hotel is considered a temporary conveyance and a renter has the same rights there as he would in his home or buisness. therfore he would NOT need a CCW to transport a legally owned pistol to or from his vehicle to his conveyance.
If you keep a pistol in your glovebox and are taking it out for the night you dont need a CCW to put it in your back pocket from the driveway to the house. likewise he doesnt need a permit to transport a legal pistol from his vehicle to his hotel room. CONCEALED OR NOT!
The SS is going to write a check for this and the Denver PD may have to poney up as well.
I'd sue ever one from the SS to the hotel to the company who made the breathmints of the dispatcher at 911.
In fact i'd make my first phone call to Gerry Spence.