Gun Owner Arrested After Causing Secret Service Scare for House Speaker Pelosi

When all the smoke wafts away, here's the everlasting deal: when you wander around politicians protected by the Secret Service while you carry a rifle in a case, you're going to get grabbed and put somewhere until they sort out what you're up to.

The Secret Service won't shoot you, but they are happy to risk some lawsuit for a day or two of your incarceration, in exchange for keeping their client alive.

So, if rights get violated, folks head off to court for money, and the Secret Service moves on with a live client.

And the notion this is because it's "liberal" Denver (funny) or because the Secret Service is from "liberal" DC (funniest) is absurd.

If you'd like to see how absurd, try the "rifle case test" (as we now call it) around other folks protected by the Secret Service in, say, Texas or Wyoming.
The Secret Service won't shoot you, but they are happy to risk some lawsuit for a day or two of your incarceration, in exchange for keeping their client alive.

So, if rights get violated, folks head off to court for money, and the Secret Service moves on with a live client.

I believe your analysis is correct about the Secret Service. The big problem is with the anti-gun Denver P.D. piling on.

The big problem is with the anti-gun Denver P.D. piling on.

I think any police department in the country would get this from the Secret Service: "Figure out some way to lock this cat up for a day while we figure out what's going on." There's not a department in the country that would respond by, "No, we're giving him his guns back and dropping him back downtown." Or whatever.

Second, and maybe more relevant to your point -- and I can't figure this out with a quick search -- I am curious about where it stands now. Are there actual charges still pending? On what basis? Do you have any current info? In other words, I'm trying to figure out if the Denver prosecutor has a basis for running further with this, or whether it's over.
We're either going to function as a nation under the Constitution or we're not. I don't give a damn if the SS 'client' is Jesus Christ himself. Citizens deserve equal protection under the law. If these mucky-mucks are so worried about their personal safety... They can arm themselves... Under 2A like the rest of us... or at least some of us, where this tyranny is not a social more.
Col. Jeff Cooper,
"The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles."

any question what he meant?
When all the smoke wafts away, here's the everlasting deal: when you wander around politicians protected by the Secret Service while you carry a rifle in a case, you're going to get grabbed and put somewhere until they sort out what you're up to.

The Secret Service won't shoot you, but they are happy to risk some lawsuit for a day or two of your incarceration, in exchange for keeping their client alive.

That's the BS of it all. Is this country turning into 'Minority Report'?

Offhand, why is the US so lawsuit-happy? We NEED lawsuits to enforce the laws :rolleyes::confused:
Why the hell would anyone want to protect that goblin in the first place?

Because there is probably a WORSE hobgoblin waiting to supercede her?

You have no idea how very right you are.

If Bush, Cheney, and Pelosi all died, the President Pro Tempore of the US Senate would then become President.

None other than 91 yr old Senator Robert Byrd

How would you like that??

P.S. -- If Byrd then died too, Condoleezza Rice would then become President.

The Secret Service won't be writing any checks to the guy. Nor will anybody else. Hopefully, the trumped-up charges won't stand.
We're either going to function as a nation under the Constitution or we're not. I don't give a damn if the SS 'client' is Jesus Christ himself. Citizens deserve equal protection under the law. If these mucky-mucks are so worried about their personal safety... They can arm themselves... Under 2A like the rest of us... or at least some of us, where this tyranny is not a social more.

You don't have to care about the Secret Service's client. Nobody is asking or requiring you to care. This isn't about your feelings. The Secret Service is charged with keeping them alive.

I explained how it works, including how, if there's a victim of abuse of rights, then the courts redress that.

It's a fabulous system, actually. The best in the world.
The Secret Service won't be writing any checks to the guy. Nor will anybody else. Hopefully, the trumped-up charges won't stand.

If this incident causes him to miss out on his African Safari and forfeit any money that he has paid for it, then he will have suffered definite damages from this incident.

To me, this fellow certainly seems to have a Tort. The government has caused him harm. They should not be able to do that without good reason.

Was this the same guy that Glenn Beck discussed tonight?

Was this the same guy that Glenn Beck (very pro gun) is reporting was not an innocent hunter but a white supremacist caught with meth? Beck reports that two linked white supremacists were caught separately, one with drugs and two rifles and handguns drugs. And that the other jumped from the 6th floor to avoid arrest and both admitted that they were on their way to cause mischief at the convention. I have no way to verify but it should be in CNN/Beck's notes tomorrow.

Beck also claims that a 6'4" 300lb unemployed Somali Muslim was found dead in his Denver hotel room with $2500 cash and 1-1/4lbs of cyanide. Something about the 911 tape and the autopsy results being withheld.
sholling said:
Was this the same guy that Glenn Beck (very pro gun) is reporting was not an innocent hunter but a white supremacist caught with meth?

Two separate cases. No relation whatsoever as it now exists.
Ok, heres the real story:

My fiancee was one of the arresting officers, so I MIGHT be speaking with a bit of knowledge on the subject.

Guy walks into the hotel with cased rifles. Gets questioned by the clerk who's been told to report any weapons he sees. Guy gets contacted by the PD to make sure he's not a threat. Guy consents to search of his person after being contacted. Guy is carrying a concealed pistol IN HIS BACKPACK (which in Denver is CONSIDERED ON HIS PERSON) WITHOUT A CCW PERMIT. Guy gets cuffed and stuffed for said misdemeanor.

Its not hard to get a CCW permit in either state if you've got a clean record. He waltzed into a dignatary hotel rolling along a gun case and packing without a permit. The decision to take him in for a misdemeanor CCW on the part of the DPD was far more courteous than what the Alphabet Soups wanted to do (from what Heather has told me).

Failed to obtain the permit he needed.
Failed to properly maintain a discrete profile.
Failed to gather reasonable intel on his destination.

Epic fail on the perps side. My main departure is this developing theory that the DPD were 'fascists'.
Guy is carrying a concealed pistol IN HIS BACKPACK (which in Denver is CONSIDERED ON HIS PERSON) WITHOUT A CCW PERMIT.

Was the pistol loaded? I have never heard that piece of evidence. If a pistol is unloaded and in a case, is it still considered "concealed" in Denver? I don't see why carrying an unloaded pistol in a backpack is any different than carrying an unloaded pistol in a case designed for that. Many pistol cases would look no different than a briefcase. If the gun was loaded, that would be a different issue.
KellyTTE - was the pistol in his backpack LOADED or UNLOADED?

I suspect the reason why the police aren't saying is because it was UNLOADED and they're beginning to realize that they've just stepped in some deep civil liberties doo-doo.

Wyoming's carry license is recognized in Colorado, by the way.

Are you serious that someone deserves to be run through a police grinder because they're not DISCREET ENOUGH or they didn't GATHER ENOUGH INTEL?? Are you kidding me?? Whatever happened to the rule of law?

Back in February, just before the NH primary, Sen. McCain was staying at the Crowne Plaza hotel in Nashua, where the above photo was taken. In that photo, I'm carrying a loaded, chambered Glock 30 in a Bianchi Black Widow belt holster on my right hip, and a variety of other attendees at the New Hampshire Liberty Forum at the hotel were carrying openly or concealed.

It's a clear illustration of the difference between Democrats and Republicans when it comes to gun rights, I reckon.