Gun in the shower paranoid?

PS: I live in San Diego County. Most of the armed people in this county are cops and a very high percentage of the unprovoked shootings are done by the cops. Maybe we should all draw on them here. Percentage wise, they ARE the most categorizeable group of likely killers.
If someone's that paranoid about cops, and calls me paranoid, I'll take it with a grain of salt.
"because I don't think it will happen to me."
Who does? That's got to be one of the most common, if not THE most common responses that victims have. "I never thought it could/would happen to me/us."
Actually JKS, even though I don't think it will happen to me I still keep a gun around. I just didn't want anyone to think I was paranoid. :o

I have my carry piece on me at home. IMO, the safest place to have a ready gun in a house full of kids is on me. All other guns are locked up and ammo locked up in a separate cabinet. When I'm in the shower, it's dry, but close enough to be in my control.

Am I paranoid? To compare I am 99.99999% sure I'll never have a fire in my house. Yet, I have four fire extinguishers in the house... Make that three. My two year old AD'ed one in the kitchen. Still most likely three more than I'll ever need. Paranoid? Maybe deep down, I'm a wannabe fireman. :D
JSP, that wasn't on the verge of moronic. That was a mile past moronic. Prejudice against police is bigotry. We're a sensitive bunch when it comes to that kind of thing.
You are all kidding me right? Can any of you actually analyze a sentence or paragraph and determine meaning?

I am not scared of the cops. I am not suggesting pulling a gun on police for any reason.

I am giving a gross, overstated example to make a point. An amazing group. And I don't mean that in a good way.
I think that is crazy to have a weapon in the bathroom but I also live on a military instilation so I don't worry to much, a late night of movies down stairs with me and the family the xd is with me. While i am in the shower it stays in the bedroom. If it is my destiny to die and god decides to do it while i am showering i guess there ain't much getting around it. But I am one of those people that believes when it is your time it is your time no mater what you do. And right now I have the mind set that since i survived the things I did for a year in the desert, I will probally be taken in my sleep. or of old age! :confused:
re gun in Shower

I do not take the gun in the shower but it is in a fanny pack in the bathroom linen closet. The bathroom door is locked and alarm is on. About 17 years ago a buddy of mine who was a cop on NYPD was in his shower after returning home from a midnight to eight shift. His car was in the shop and he was dropped off by his partner. No car in his driveway, it was 9.30 in the morning, (daytime is a prime time for residential burglary in NYC) He gets out of the shower and he hears voices downstairs. His.38 is in his bedroom closet in his holster. He creeps into the bedroom(the bathroom was adjacent) in his birthday suit and he thought he would be staring down the barrel of his own gun! He got to his gun, threw his robe on, and charged downstairs. They were already out the door and over his fence before he got all the way down. They got in through a kitchen window they forced and apparently heard him and decided to flee. Lucky for him! All they took was a boombox from the kitchen that belonged to his son! He takes his gun in a fanny pack into his bathroom ( I learned it from him) he also has a dog and an alarm now. Funny thing is that he is now retired and home most days. He said it was a feeling of helplessness that he would not want to experience ever again!
Steve :D
Keeping a gun within arms reach at all times is not paranoid.

That reminds me of the movie "The 13th Warrior". One of the warriors tells the Arab, "A man should never be more than one step from his sword."

When I'm home alone I'll lay my gun on the stool outside the shower with my towel on top of it. Since I live out in the country, and there are a lot of break-in's in my area, I always keep the doors locked but I don't normally carry on my person while in the house. Unless I'm asleep I'm normally no more than a few seconds away from my pistol, and if I have 30 seconds I can be armed with 2 pistols and a fully loaded 12 gauge with .00buck.
My early warning system is 4 large dogs that won't let anyone but family out of their cars without raising the alarm.

I'm still wondering why this thread has gotten as far as it has.

Who are we to second guess that actions of another?

You want to have a gun in the bathroom, you have a gun in the bathroom. If you don't think that it's important, then you don't.

The simple answer to this thread is just that, simple: No, it's not paranoid.

Why, because we've all made our decisions on when and how we are going to carry. Different people, different ideas.

And we really can't call any of those that choose to go the extra mile, paranoid, because that is what they have chosen for themselves, and we really can't give them heck for doing so.

I don t carry in the head but i do everywhere else,if you feel right
carring in the can so be it.I WOULD also think about getting a solid door
for that room can t hurt.

remember the only easy day was yesterday,tadpole hooyaa
UDT12,ST1 78-84
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I think some of the nay sayers have not been in a tactical life threatening situation. Here go's, your in the shower and the door gets kicked in, your mind says what the $#%# your confused is it the wind and my door blew open now 3-5 seconds have passed, next thought 2-4 more seconds gone where's my gun. the BEDROOM!!! one must remember when shocked most people minds go PANIC mode and clear thinking is gone. Where do you think the perp is now, GAME OVER YOUR DEAD!!!!!!!
Until I hear of a rash of shower shootings in my neighborhood/city/state, I think I'll just have to rely on my blue heeler to alert me to anyone in the house and let the gun stay dry. If her bark wouldn't alert me, the screams of an intruder being bitten probably would. :D There are ways to protect yourself other than hanging your holster from the shower head.
Jsp98m3 Wrote:

Its not stupid. It's idiotic, on the verge of moronic.

You said it. The point is that even as a joke, those kind of statements are at the very least in bad taste. There are alot of inexperienced people who visit and view this forum, and that type of statement could easily be taken the wrong way by someone.

But if I went by statistics, I'd have to take LEO as my numero uno threat to life and limb from attack with a deadly weapon.

Why is that? Are you someone who regularly engages in stupid or criminal acts? I have never in my life been afraid of the police. Only criminals are AFRAID of the police. Your statement puts law enforcement in a bad light, period. And considering your present company, I think it would be wise, and POLITE it retract it....
What kind of conditioner would you recomend on a GP100?
I like the Lorial "wild Cherry" shampoo but I need a good conditioner to get those tangles out.

Also is it consided un PC not to wear shorts when showing together?
I mean my Ruger is ONLY 6" long so I wouldn't want it to feel "small" or anything... :D
Since this thread began with a story about women...since I'm a'll give my .02 if ya'll don't mind...:)

1. Whoever said, "more physically vulnerable to rapes and beatings" as far as women go....ummm...I'm sorry, gotta diasgree with that statement. I'm not Ahnold, but if I can't get to my weapon, I still know hoe to make YOU come to your knees....and it ain't gonna be pleasurable. :)
(I just think that statement was an oversimplification of "how" women "are")

2. If you want to pack in the bathroom, fine. If you don't, fine.
Myself? I need not worry. I was smart enough to place the master bathroom right on the other side of the front door when we constructed the house. No matter if the fan is on and the shower's running full blast...if someone comes up to the porch, I can hear them fine.
If that were to ever happen, the weapon I "use", located in the bedroom, has the ability to harm through the sheetrock. "Out of sight, out of time." lol :)

The only other entrance is the back door which always remains locked and bolted unless my "babies" are outside. And, then, there is a fenced-in backyard. If a perp did get by the fence, I guarantee you he/she will NOT be able to get off a shot with the mighty size hole in their tooshie.

3. As far as the story goes.....there's always more to it than the media, or whoever reported it, would probably like us to know. Were these women careless, did they "open" themselves up? If they did, then the incident, imho is 1/2 their fault.
I would also like to make sure that this point is clear....gunsmoke is not always required for protection, especially inside of the home. Women, as most men would have it, need to be aware of their surroundings, and know what could be used as a weapon at all times. They also need to take at least one GOOD S.D. class.

BTW, yes, I have had a similar situation happen to me. However, I was not in the shower, I was doing my makeup. :) Heard the rattle, grabbed the 12ga riot. Went to the "place" that is audible, yet I'm protected. Didn't say a word. The shick-shick on the pump chambering a round made whoever it was go, "HOLY $%#&$!!!!" Never happened again. :)

So, thank you very much...I can hold my own as a woman, and I can hold it without having to pack in the shower. (Plus...what could be more of a bummer for MY relaxation time, but to see my "buddy" laying beside me?)

Love Ya'll! :)
I had to say something because I just got out of the shower with my glock 30. Last week I left my house for less than a half an hour around noon ... come back home and lo and behold lots of stuff is missing. Call me paranoid etc. but until i move, the gun is coming in the shower, car, bed, living room, kitchen etc. etc. 10 + 1 of .45 is a force to be reckoned with. And who so ever breaks in while I'm here, may God help them for I most surely won't.

moral of the story. don't make fun of anyone for carrying in a particular place. The SHTF when you least expect it... even when you may be taking a $#*! yourself!

p.s. Thank you Glock for the tennifer finish just for situations like these! :D
JSP, are you sure the only ones carrying lethal weapons in San Diego are the cops?

But if I went by statistics, I'd have to take LEO as my numero uno threat to life and limb from attack with a deadly weapon.

I'd like to see those statistics. Do you have a link?
The police are the largest cohesive group carrying in SD County.

The police in San Diego County and LA County have a long history of as a questionable shootings.

Like about 7 years ago when about 7 or 8 of them surrounded a man with a stick at a street corner. He homeless whacked out Vietnam vet. He had a stick less than one inch in diameter about 5 feet long. There were 5-7 cops in a circle around him. After they got themselves all collectively terrified of this 150+ guy with a stick, they sent in the police dog. Don't know what escalated it but then again, neither do the police, who's first story was nullified by the unseen news chopper crew and film overhead. Doh!

Anyway, without this guy presenting a direct threat, they started shooting. Lots. They even hit their own fricking dog.

Then how about the sailor that they claimed was high on PCP and destroying private property. They shot him 11 or 12 times in the street. Claimed he was higher than a kite and started smashing cars.

Uh-huh. He was NOT high. He smashed his fist into his own car. One time. Before the police arrived. Seemed his wife was doing another man while he was on deployment and SHE called the cops to report he was high. They never talked to him. And she wasn't credible because she called in anonymously to get him carted off so her and lover boy could get back to it.

I think the navy sued the city over that one.

As for sources, do your own. The local paper is the San Diego Tribune.

Any of you see the San Pedro shooting on TV? Locals know what I'm talking about.

And yet, I'm not scared of the police in the least. But I also don't care if the police feel insulted by my eyes wide open opinion of them either. Not all, but some. And they are either under-trained or something. Because in CA, when one shoots, they all shoot. Not that they hit anything effectively. Usually its 25-200 shots fired and 2 hits. But the neighborhood gets to touch up the stucco....
As for sources, do your own.

No. If you're going to claim the police have all the weapons in San Diego, back it up. If you claim you have more chance of getting shot by a cop than attcked by a crook in San Diego, back it up. You make claims, you show me the stats. Otherwise, I'm calling B.S. Prove me wrong.
JSP, good post.
Cops have a tough job and I have a lot of sympathy. But since they recruit from the public like everyone else they end up with some real stink pots sometimes. Some locales seem worse than others and I would guess some PDs just have a bad culture.
Maybe I should clarify this. I'm not saying there are no bad cops. What I am saying is I doubt that you have disarmed all the bad guys with your effective California gun laws. I doubt you stand a better chance with the criminals than the cops. I doubt you have statistics that back up your position. All I see are two news stories from sources that have obvious media bias.
Well I have heard of a man in New Mexico that showered with his M60, (Not S&W) but he was trying to get all the dust out that had blown into it while he was out shooting. ;)