Gun in the shower paranoid?

i can even customize my loadout based on the intel my cc video and audio gives me.
You just keep your eyes and ears on that audio/video feed, Spiff. I'll be paying attention to the audio and video feedback coming from the woman with me, instead. ;)
Gun in the shower paranoid? I don't think it would be to this guy...


There has been a lot of humor on this thread and I like that. In a more serious vein there was a case in San Jose, Ca where the woman was taking a shower in her apartment when an intruder came in with a key. He worked for a plumbing maintenance company (the one with a skunk on the truck) and had been given a master key by the apartment manager. He said his intent was only to burglarize but he found a naked woman in the shower. He went into the bathroom with a kitchen knife in an apparent attempt to rape. She was stabbed repeatedly and ran from the apaprtment naked and bleeding. She bled to death very quickly on the front lawn in front of her neighbors. He was on parole.
I have forgotten her name but she was a nice lady who worked at a local hospital.
The statement that his intent was only to burglarize was made after he got a lawyer. Perhaps you might want to give some serious thought to your security arrangements.
i kinda wanted to revive this thread due to a comment in another thread. but i have thought about it and decided that a small stainless revolver in one of the drawers in the vanity would be a good thing. from our bathroom you can hear our front door open and for security (as well as a decoration my wife thinks) we have bells on the inside handle of our door. so if someone comes in we know it. anyway this is a plan that is not full proof but it gives us a lot more protection than doing nothing. especially at one of the most vulnerable places in our home.

are there any other measures that would work beside locking the door or turning off the bathroom fan so you can hear better? i am just looking for ideas short of holding a gun above my head as i shower.
us.armysniper -
Decaying Foliage & Rotten/ Fallen 3 Canopy muck "Sticks Like Band-Aids" too..!

"El Mazote, Aramabala, & other Dryer places; '80's..."
"Around other "Blue water realms"; '90's.."
Still don't know to prefer "Sand in every crack & orifice, or decaying jungle & feet...?!"

Glad alot of us are still here... (SEMPER PRIMA TERTIA; SEMPER PARATUS - Yes; a 2 Timin' Bastid'!)

Does anyone make a good towel rack holster?

Charmin does. Just sit a full roll on the back of the toilet and lay the gun on that.:D

I do have a specific problem, and it would be a big mistake for that individual to see me thru the window showering and assume I'm far from my gun.
Can this be locked for ALL of our sakes?

Why do that? The public relations damage is already done. So hey, let er rip!

At least the Brady Campaign, et al can mine a ton of gunowners' tactical mindset from this thread....and it ain't lookin good.

assuming you're not bathing in the creek out back...'re in your house, and therefore you want to have your self-defense ducks in a row. Whether you're in the shower or the kitchen or in your office concentrating on what you're reading on TFL, you want the same thing: easily-accessible self defense.

So have your alarm on when you are inside your house (I love that new Brinks commercial about alarm systems, guy goes off to work, wife goes in, shuts door and turns ON the alarm, and the BG who was watching the guy leave kicks in the front door only to hear the whoop, whoop, whoop of the alarm...). Get a dog if you don't have one. Even a chihuahua can be loud enough, although I'd suggest something a little larger :p. Don't leave your windows unlocked. And leave your gun within reasonable reach.

Pretty much the same self defense strategy as any time you're in your house.

LOL thats really cute, only in America, people over here in Ireland or in europe would be classed as borderline schizophrenics when they take a gun to have a wash... better not slip...

Try not thinking about it? If you want to worry about something, go worry about the mad man in control of the US
Sounds more like you are in a prison then a home, but whatever floats your boat I guess. I wonder if they have roll call at night too??:p
Aye, . . . but ye know there, Beckerich, a mad man he may be, . . . but 'tis not like being stuck with a doughty ol' woman, . . . her adulterous son, . . . her drug dealing grandson, . . . for all time an' forever because of something as ignorant as tradition. Good, bad, or indifferent, . . . Bush is history at the beginning of 2009.

Jolly ol' England, stuffy ol' Scotland, the Emerald Isle: gotta put up with a bunch of ----------- in the name of ROYALTY.

Glad my Webb, Salyer, Ash, Corbin, etc. families from England, Ireland, Germany, and others saw the light. It really is a whole lot better here. Think not??? Check the immigration stats, . . .

May God bless,
You know, I have a lot of guns. Big ones, little ones. I have carried a gun daily for over 30 years. I've carried everything from .45 cal down to .22 short, including a 30 shot M1 carbine pistol. As I have gotten older and, I hope, wiser. I don't carry a real gun anymore. I just drop my Keltec P32 in my pocket and go about my business. There is a 9mm within reach in the cars, and at home there are guns quite easily accessible.
I long ago quit being a slave to my carry gun.
I do know that most of the people who routinely carry a huge gun on their person have little need to do so. They carry it because it's cool, or macho. Maybe it's all they have to carry, or maybe they read all the goblin stories about how little guns just piss people off when you shoot them-and actually believe those stories. If I knew that I was going to have to use a gun, you damned betcha I would have a couple of huge ones-but I'll take my risks with the teeny gun and refuse to be a slave to carrying.
But now that it's been mentioned, it wouldn't hurt to stash one in the crapper. My wife or I might need it.
Carrying in the bathroom is a good idea. It seems to be one of the few places in one's residence that does not allow for a good escape route if you did happen to be without your weapon of choice. With that said, I'm making an effort to carry at all times - even in the bathroom. That is definately one place I would not want to be w/o a gun if I ended up needing one.
Early detection is key. The talk about intrusion alarms is good. I need to get some when I move out of my apartment. My father was in LE and our house was rigged with a good number of devices - most of which I cannot go into detail about b/c he still has them and wouldn't want me sharing them with the world. In all seriousness and for those who want to share - what kind of early detection systems do people have out there?
I think getting a dog would be the perfect answer for early detection. Even just having a little toy tog may just put your residence out of question because of the detection risk associated with breaking into your place.