Gun Confiscation

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Thanks rc. I carried a M14 in Vietnam. I dont remember if all had the feature but mine had the selector switch on right side. Anyone have a semi only M14 in the Marines?
When I was in Basic Training were were issued M1 Garands (most of the other training companies were carrying M14s), but they gave us classes (how to disassemble, reassemble, etc.) the M14. The only switch I saw on those demonstration M14s were all key operable...the individual soldier could not switch it from semi to auto on his own. However, I was never in a position to note whether or not that was the standard situation or if later M14s were different.

Were were told however, that the M14 when switched to full-auto were to be used to replace the two BAR's (Automatic Rifles), in a rifle squad.
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Hi dahermit,

Interesting. The law reads once a machine gun always a machine gun. I can see that applying to M14's with the selector but if they were also made in semi auto forum shouldn't that version be available in surplus?

I know we can buy the Springfield version but I, and I am sure many others, wouldn't mind a bit of wear to get the Mil spec version and save $$$$$$$$$$.:)
Here's the interesting part. Every one say we'll never turn in our guns.

But when people are told: stay home, close your business and lose it forever, Stop going to worship, cancel Christmas and new years, they act like sheep and do it.

There should have been a revolution by now. There isn't even a law suit saying this is unconstitutional.

Yeah you're giving up your guns like sheep.


The Democrats didn't create COVID. You may not care about the health of your family members, but I do (and have had two near death from COVID). BTW - the US has the worst outbreak of any first world country, and the highest death total, because of your attitude. BTW infectious diseases love it when people ignore the science.

If you think any of this has to do with the US Constitution, you might want to go back and reread it, and check the case law while you are at it. But there have been some revolutionary attempts, in Michigan most recently, and perhaps that is what you are advocating. If so, you are in the wrong forum.

I don't think anyone is cancelling Christmas (certainly not at my house) and none of this has anything to do with guns.
Please excuse me, AFS, if I am in error, but were Americans "ACTING LIKE SHEEP" 250 years ago when they were upset with a tax on their breakfast drink? Hell it isn't even guns. They risked jail and death over a tax on tea.

You may have done things different, in the Air Force than we did in the Marines, but we swore an oath to God to " DEFEND OUR COUNTRY AGAINST ALL ENEMIES BOTH FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

That was indeed long ago but I dont recall a expiration date on that oath. As I said it was long ago and a different service branch but I assume there are still loyal Americans. :cool::cool:
Please excuse me, AFS, if I am in error, but were Americans "ACTING LIKE SHEEP" 250 years ago when they were upset with a tax on their breakfast drink? Hell it isn't even guns. They risked jail and death over a tax on tea.

Those people aren't us. We don't have any connection with them. And even in their time only three percent of them actually supported or participated in the American Revolution.

You may have done things different, in the Air Force than we did in the Marines, but we swore an oath to God to " DEFEND OUR COUNTRY AGAINST ALL ENEMIES BOTH FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Why, no. No you didn't. The oath is to support The Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic and the references to God have largely been removed.

That was indeed long ago but I dont recall a expiration date on that oath. As I said it was long ago and a different service branch but I assume there are still loyal Americans.

Unless you're on the retired list and subject to a recall to active duty your oath expired when you turned in you DD2A (Armed Forces ID Card) and ETSd
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The current Supreme Court looks like it will support the 2nd Amendment, so we shouldn't get too exited right now. But if we get into too much arguments here, this thread could get closed. I know we have some differing opinions, but I think we could keep this constructive if we try.
Covid is real. Covid kills. The rate of death is relatively low for most groups of people but the disease does damage to people regardless. The question becomes what is reasonable to protect the public and what is constitutional?

There was not much in the media about SARS and people died under Obama/Biden. Society didn't shut down. People died. If a tree falls in the forest and nobody is around to hear it does it make a sound? If someone dies of Covid and nobody reports about it, is it really very dangerous? Are there people using Covid as a false flag to push an agenda and gain power? Maybe.... Can you prove it? No. Did China unleash it as a bioweapon? Maybe.... Can you prove it? No. Are the new variants announced now that we have a vaccine round 2 of a bio attack? Maybe.... Can I prove it? No.

I do think gun control under Biden/Harris will be pushed down our throats with false assertions levied against us. Can I prove that? No, just a prediction for now.

Was there election fraud? I think so. Can I prove it to the satisfaction of every American? No.

Democrats talk about upholding the constitution and the rule of law then people in their party talk of "reasonable" restrictions, an "epidemic" of violence and how the constitution is a "living" document. They talk about upholding the will of the people by counting every vote. In many places that includes illegal aliens and criminals who can vote with impunity and collect welfare benefits. I'm in CA, I know.

Sanctuary Cities, Motor voter registration, Ballot harvesting, No Voter ID requirements, it's all a powerful racket that strips legal citizens of our rights. I once went to vote and somebody had signed in my place. I had a fit! They gave me a ballot to vote but I don't know it was really counted or if they just handed me a pacifier. Elections are not secure. Can I prove that? Not without the cooperation of public officials who should guard our government against fraud.

If the democrats gain control over all 3 branches of government justly or illegally they will use the "rule of law" to legislate away our "constitutional" rights even if they "cheated" to gain seats in government. Can I prove that? No, but I worry about a legal system that dismisses cases without bothering to hear about the evidence. Have we come to a point in the U.S. where facts, truth, the rule of law no longer matter? When we consider rulings about 2A coming out of California courts or the 9th Circuit or the Supreme court's cowardice to accept cases to overturn unconstitutional laws or rule on voter fraud cases it makes one lose faith in the entire system.

Those who believe gun confiscation cannot happen here like in Nazi Germany, Socialist Russia, Cuba, England, Australia, New Zealand.... and many other places because of our constitution are blissfully ignorant of history. The liberals have gotten away with so much in California. It has been the test bed for new legal theories and has set regulatory precedent by passing new laws to control guns, magazines and ammunition using tax dollars and easily manipulated judges to keep challenges from succeeding. Even when judges side with the citizens, politicians get injunctions on those rulings and then delay and bury the case. All the while, the people in limbo suffer under the draconian unconstitutional laws.
OK, we've gone completely off topic. This is not the thread or the forum to discuss COVID, voter registration, or any of the other inappropriate subjects that have been dragged into it. I know it's testy election year, but we don't do that stuff.
They risked jail and death over a tax on tea.

Not exactly. It wasn't just the tax on tea. The tea tax was the final straw that lead to the "Boston Tea Party" but it was only one act among a list of things that colonials saw as abuses by the Crown and its representatives.

The history is there, though its not well taught or understood today. Many of those who even know about the Stamp Act think it had to do with letters and postage...and with modern eyes, often think, "what's the big deal??"

There were a lot of "acts" and taxes, tariffs and other onerous "duties" imposed on the colonists, without any consideration or colonial representation. Some were punitive in nature, deliberately intended to punish colonials for even daring to think they ought to have a say in their own lives.

Taxation without Representation was the biggest issue, or the one most commonly voiced. Though the Quartering Act was so "well liked" by the colonists that we included a specific amendment into the Bill or Rights to prohibit our new government from ever doing the same.

The Tea Party was an act of political protest, resulting from a long string of abuses. It didn't start the Revolution, it was only a step on the way. The fighting started later, when the British went to confiscate and seize our guns.

Any of this sound familiar to recent political developments? It should....
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