Gun Confiscation

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There are somewhere around 400,000,000 guns in America. However, the number of gun owners is significantly less.

About 40% of Americans say they or someone in their household owns a gun, and 22% of individuals (about 72 million people) report owning a gun, according to surveys from Pew and Harvard and Northeastern. This figure has declined over time, down from 51% of gun-owning households in 1978.

So, given the probability that many gun owners don't want to get shot or go to prison, the actual number that might resist turning over guns if so required by law, might be surprisingly few. Australians can own guns and hunt, but the rules are rather draconian. Gun ownership is not considered a right. And self protection is not a legal reason to own a gun. Much different culture. Not a situation that most gun people, myself included, would embrace.
Ask the Vietnamese about standing up to the U.S. military, and the French before that, the Japanese before that . . .
Seriously, no truly popular uprising in the 20th Century was unsuccessful.
This figure has declined over time, down from 51% of gun-owning households in 1978.

Or perhaps fewer people are willing to admit they or someone in their household has a gun to some survey than there was in 1978.

I know a number of people who intentionally screw with any and all kinds of "surveys" for their own amusement, and because they can.

Frankly, I have zero confidence in the accuracy of surveys and particularly of conclusions based on survey data.
Look at the one area in Chicago where there are now 4,000 shooting since January 1.
Lol, these are folks that laugh at gun laws. Now, we know the bad guys will always have guns and any laws of confiscation would play right into their hands. So confiscation would take away protection from all the good guys, folks with families etc. Now, think about all the De-funding of police to add to this.
Now the 7 million new gun owners that basically buy new guns, why, because of fear. Take away guns from all Americans and a vacuum of crime and killings and crime of ungodly proportions would usher in.
And so you folks that will so easily lay down for any BS laws that they proposing will be and are putting yourself and family in a great danger.
Some folks say there will never be a civil war. Lol, got news for ya, there already is one. About 2 billion dollars of destruction already across America. And you are just going to let them have their way and lay down? So you think all Americans will just comply? How is that going to work out for you?
Or perhaps fewer people are willing to admit they or someone in their household has a gun to some survey than there was in 1978.

Americans purchased a minimum of 17 million guns in 2020 alone (this is from NSSF data and doesn't include things like private sales). In fact, gun sales have been rising steadily every year since 2012.

So, how on earth do gun-control advocates square that with their claims that gun ownership is down?

Wait for it. This is good. Really.

They claim that half of those guns are going to, like, twelve guys in backwoods Idaho. The term they tried to popularize was "super owner."

Nobody really took that seriously, so the media just chooses not to talk about rising sales at all.
I, JOHN DOE do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic;

Just remember, the military oath is first to the US constitution then to the commander in chief....just saying....and that is all!
There was a "buy and bust" case in NYC under Bloomberg where 2 members of the NYPD were plugged, that led to a suspension of that program.
Declaring martial law with a somewhat understrength and demoralized military ?
Remember the majority of military people are not combat troops-and a lot of them aren't that good. Enrolling Antifa and BLM members as "auxiliary police"
like Goering did with 25,000 members of the SA and SS in 1933 ? I doubt that will happen.
After Lexington and Concord, Thomas Gage, British C-in-C in North America wrote a letter in which he noted the anger displayed by the Colonials far exceeded anything they showed against the French and the British would need a very large army. We're not talking about the Warsaw Ghetto with one rifle and 100 rounds for every 20 men. Attempts to marginalize shooters, ostracize them, make them socially unacceptable don't seem to have worked that well.
RETG said:
I, JOHN DOE do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic;

Just remember, the military oath is first to the US constitution then to the commander in chief....just saying....and that is all!
The military oath is only to the Constitution.

I, ____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.
I took the military oath a long time ago.

It was, to me, a sacred promise not for an enlistment period, but for a life time.

I am a disabled Vietnam Veteran and I do not have any intention of foregoing that oath now. Guess I will not get my name on a wall this time around!
dontcatchmany said:
I took the military oath a long time ago.

It was, to me, a sacred promise not for an enlistment period, but for a life time.

I am a disabled Vietnam Veteran and I do not have any intention of foregoing that oath now. Guess I will not get my name on a wall this time around!
I am also a disabled Vietnam veteran. And I agree on the oath. I swore it when I enlisted. When I was released from active duty, and again when I was discharged at the end of my reserve obligation, nobody told me that I was released from the oath. Therefore, I consider that I am still under oath to support and defend the Constitution.
I think the first steps will have a lawyer at your door, saying if you do not give up your firearms, we will take your house and property. Put a hold on your bank account. Get you fired from your job. Bar code put on your arm.

No flying bullets needed at all.
I am unclear who is doing the confiscating - the Biden administration? Will they do it pretty much exactly as the Obama administration conducted theirs? With Antifa and BLM shock troops kicking in doors and conducting an all-out war on guns and Christmas?

Hopefully you all keep your eye on the ball - first we have to worry about Chinese invading through Maine, shooting down our F16s with lasers.

Patriots - to the ramparts!
Wait for it. This is good. Really.

They claim that half of those guns are going to, like, twelve guys in backwoods Idaho. The term they tried to popularize was "super owner."

Nobody really took that seriously, so the media just chooses not to talk about rising sales at all.

I dearly hope no one takes those numbers seriously. I would be truly surprised if even 10% of firearms owners who are enthusiasts or sportsmen would actually freely answer questions in such a survey truthfully.
In New Mexico they closed grocery stores in the name of COVID. New Mexican citizens were reportedly standing in food lines to the few open stores. That can be done in select areas where known gun owners live - turn them in and we will reopen the stores. The authorities will not starve. 4473s can be gleaned from stores afraid to destroy them. Turn them in, citizen. You sold that one? To who? You don't remember? You will remember or give us the name of another gun criminal for every gun you can't account for that you purchased in your life that we have the records for, and until all of you in this area comply, the stores will remain closed.
How long can you listen to your children cry for food? Or if they turn off the water? Power? You have plenty of supplies? Does your neighbor have that? Will you ex sell you out for a loaf of bread? Would your liberal neighbor dance a jig if he turned you in for a case of Ding Dongs? Small areas isolated and overwhelmed by superior forces who have no need to no-knock raid - the people will line up to keep the bread and cheese flowing, and rat out their best friend to for a chance at a real live steak. Starvation is a weapon of war, and we are far, far too vulnerable to it. Americans wouldn't do that? I pray to the Good Lord Above you are right and I am wrong, but a few decades of human interaction with the underbelly of society proves that a lot of humans will gleefully sell out their fellows for far less than 30 pieces of silver. Information is power - they turn off the internet, news and jam the citizen radios - how will your fellows know you are being isolated until it is over? Where is Paul Revere when you need one?
Our Founding Fathers stood in line in freezing temps in Valley Forge to learn military tactics. Millennials today cry when the internet is slow, or the soy latte is late.
I hope I am wrong, I really do.
That can be done in select areas where known gun owners live - turn them in and we will reopen the stores.

Riight, because all gun owners live together in ghettos easily identifiable by the special insignia we are required to wear on our coats...:rolleyes:

Seriously, I doubt that tactic would have worked in Nazi Germany....

Better include some LEGAL method of restricting travel and forcing people to buy only from their neighborhood stores (that you're shutting down) and not allowing them to drive a few blocks or across town and shop from stores you didn't shut down.

Shut off the power or water to entire neighborhoods? How well do you think the non gun owners, or even the gun haters will put up with that???

Assuming really ticked off people (with starving children??) DON'T LYNCH the people giving those orders, I would expect so many lawsuits they'll have to build new court buildings just to process them....

Certainly it is within the realm of human capability, look what the Nazi's did. However, I would remind you that 2020's USA is a long, long way from 1940s Germany.
"Hopefully you all keep your eye on the ball - first we have to worry about Chinese invading through Maine, shooting down our F16s with lasers". 

Yeah, I saw that on Youtube. 50,000 Chinese, bombs, big battle in Maine. :rolleyes: Since several members of this forum, myself included, live in Maine, I'm guessing we all missed the invasion / battle. Too busy Shoveling snow last week to notice the fighting. More fake news! :D
That's right, one out of every four soldiers/marines/airmen - oops, airpersons, sailors, coast guardsmen, and space force troops are combatants. The rest are support.

It baffles me how some politicians can take the oath of office then work to upend the 2nd Amendment.

Perhaps it should be changed to read something like, I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States, except the 2nd Amendment, against all enemies, foreign and domestic...

I guess there are some who can't or don't want to recognize domestic enemies of the Constitution.

And to the disabled Vietnam veterans, I salute you.
It baffles me how some politicians can take the oath of office then work to upend the 2nd Amendment.

It's not difficult to understand, tis rather simple, in fact. The reason they can take the oath then work against the 2nd Amendment rights is either A) they are hypocrites, or B) they actually believe the 2nd Amendment only protects our right to a gun (one), single shot, muzzle loading flintlock such as used by the Founding Fathers.

As long as we can still get those, they feel our rights are not being infringed or violated.

They are wrong, but they don't think so.

they think they are right, about everything, and those who disagree are "a basket of deplorables" who are "clinging to our guns and religion" despite their best efforts to "educate" us to their way of thinking...

They won the election (or convinced enough of America they did so the result is the same) and we face tough times ahead, but remember that President or not, control of the govt or not, their words are not Holy Writ. Even if they think, and act as if they were....

I don't attend that church, and under the 1st Amendment, I don't have to...
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