Gun Confiscation

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Since 1986, "discovered" machine guns cannot be legally registered. The only legal course of action is to surrender them to the authorities. As far as I know, there is no other legal option.

As far as powder (I assume black powder?) pipe and cannon fuse, isn't the principle of "constructive possession" a wonderful thing??? :rolleyes:

(hugely sarcastic by intent...)

The scary part is that legislators AND JUDGES in these states think these red flag laws are constitutional.

that is PART of the scary part to me. The other part is the mindset of "do something NOW, so people feel safe, and we'll obey the law later...maybe..."

That kind of outlook put Americans of Japanese ancestry (and some others who were Asian ancestry) into prison camps during WWII. They called them Internment camps but that's a distinction without much of a difference.

Personally, I think such laws are spawning grounds for intentional abuse. If someone is so dangerous to others don't take their guns and let them go free, LOCK THEM UP!

However, there is a problem with that, when they haven't committed any actual of those pesky Amendment thingys, you know, the one about not being deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process...

and some of the other ones as well...
Are there more gun laws on the books now or 50 years ago? What areas of the U.S. have the most gun control?


Notice how many 'blue' states become blue.
Pistoler, You wrote.

Anyway, something else to take into consideration: remember that the political pendulum swings. So the gun ban and confiscation laws that the coming administration could put into place would probably be undone a couple of election cycles later when the other party is back in power. That's what happened with the Federal Assault Weapons Ban of 1994 (Clinton), that expired in 2004 under Bush.

We were lucky with the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban because it had a, I think it's called, sunset clause; however, a friend describes what happens with the government this way. I may have mentioned this. It's called the ratcheting effect. It's hard to undo most government crap.
In order for a pro-2nd amendment candidate to win an election, they must get more votes than their rivals. Many independent voters are not single-issue voters. Not all pro-2nd amendment voters are willing to vote for a candidate that they view as highly objectionable other than the issue of gun rights. We need more worthy candidates than what's been put forth over the last several years.
Many independent voters are not single-issue voters. Not all pro-2nd amendment voters are willing to vote for a candidate that they view as highly objectionable other than the issue of gun rights. We need more worthy candidates than what's been put forth over the last several years.

Hear, hear!
roscoe said:
ATN082268 said:
Are there more gun laws on the books now or 50 years ago? What areas of the U.S. have the most gun control?

Notice how many 'blue' states become blue.
That map only tells part of the story, and it doesn't tell even that part of it correctly.

For example, it shows Connecticut as being "shall issue." Connecticut is may issue. Beyond that, I have a good friend in Connecticut who recently inherited some very nice firearms from his father. He can't shoot them, because he doesn't have a carry permit and in Connecticut you can't even buy ammunition without either a carry permit or something the state calls a "certificate of eligibility." The process to get the certificate of eligibility is about the same as it is to get a carry permit, so he decided to get the permit. He took an NRA Basic Pistol class (required by Connecticut) back in August. He hasn't even been given an appointment yet to submit the application for the permit -- God only knows how long it will take to process it once he finally gets it submitted.\

Meanwhile, he can't buy ammunition. He has a brother- and sister-in-law in New Hampshire so, before COVID-19, he could buy ammo when his family went to visit the in-laws. Now, the COVID-19 travel restrictions have locked that down. If he goes out of the state, he has to self-quarantine for two weeks when he re-enters Connecticut.

And Connecticut is one of those states that recently enacted a red flag law, as well as banning "assault weapons." And their definition of "assault weapon" covers post-ban configuration AR-15s.

The map shows more states going to shall issue, but many of those states aren't heavily populated and permit issuance is far from the whole story. Overall, in terms of firearms freedom affecting the total populace, I would be hard pressed to say that a majority of the population is better off today (in terms of firearms rights) than they were ten or twenty years ago.

For example, I'm pretty certain that my Florida carry permit is recognized by fewer states today than it was when I got it. Lemme check ...

Well, not as bad as I thought. It's apparently still recognized by 30 states -- it was good in 32 states when I first got it. So I haven't lost as much ground as I thought, but it hasn't gotten any better.
Dont tell that to the Afghans, who have been resisting for thousands of years, the Vietnamese, against French and Americans.
Here's the interesting part. Every one say we'll never turn in our guns.

But when people are told: stay home, close your business and lose it forever, Stop going to worship, cancel Christmas and new years, they act like sheep and do it.

There should have been a revolution by now. There isn't even a law suit saying this is unconstitutional.

Yeah you're giving up your guns like sheep.

I live in the the SF Bay Area in CA and this is how I see it. Most of my neighbors are Liberals. Some will come by and say hi and check out my garage. The reloading press is there but I cover it will a towel. Still, they know I like to shoot and two have said they're anti-gun. If there were a gun confiscation, I'm sure one of them will report me to the police as a person that likes to shoot. Youth's are educated to hate guns, eliminate the 2A, NAZIs are evil and equivalent to White Supremacy and those that support the 2A.. If you disagree, you're fired from your job or denied work if a Liberal finds out. Years ago there use to be a 55mph max law. Everyone ignored it until the police showed up, then everyone around him slowed down and the traffic jam occurred from those driving faster from behind. Eventually they changed the law. Mexico has laws to band guns. The rural people ignored it and hid their guns. They ignored the stupid law. So, when the drug cartel showed up, because the government couldn't field a decent police force, to threaten family, the ranchers pulled out their guns and defended themselves, friends, and family. I watched one youtube video and the government tried to register those guns.. My answer is to save your guns in more than one place and don't comply to unconstitutional laws. Some will say, "that's illegal". Yeah, defying the NAZI law and not going to to a concentration camp would be illegal too. Liberals have been ignoring laws they don't like. CA had a no-nuke area to state their position. So, the US now has pro-gun areas. The concern to consider is that they can track our conversation. The danger to now talk about it is that we can't unite. The solution to me is to continue resisting politically and legally. But in the long run we lose. We need to stop them from education the youths to change our Nation into a Country of serfs.
I've written this many times. Other States need to know what is going on in States like CA and NY. They will expand their ideology to other States. In CA, the State once offered a kind gesture to grandfather in the right of sks owners with detachable magazines to keep them if registered. Future sales were banned. And so, many sks owners with detachable magazines registered their rifles. Within about 2-3 years, the laws were changed and the Government had a list of registered rifles to ban. I read that a bill was submitted that requires a homeowner to back off if a trespasser enters their house. CA has had this law for decades. I doubt it was repealed. My understanding is that you are suppose to be backed into a corner like maybe your bedroom or bathroom before you can fight back..
burbank jung said:
I read that a bill was submitted that requires a homeowner to back off if a trespasser enters their house. CA has had this law for decades. I doubt it was repealed. My understanding is that you are suppose to be backed into a corner like maybe your bedroom or bathroom before you can fight back..
Which is it? Is it a proposed bill, or is it a law?

Your understanding of the law is of interest to you, but the discussion would be more focused if you would cite the law that supports your understanding. Then we could discuss whether or not other people agree with your interpretation of the law.
Here's the interesting part. Every one say we'll never turn in our guns.

But when people are told: stay home, close your business and lose it forever, Stop going to worship, cancel Christmas and new years, they act like sheep and do it.

There should have been a revolution by now. There isn't even a law suit saying this is unconstitutional.

Yeah you're giving up your guns like sheep.

If Americans surrender their guns as effectively as they've done any of that we'll be very well armed for a long time.
Problem is Democrats have learned from their "mistakes" with the 1994 ban. They learned not to base a ban on Names or ambiguous characteristics or to spare anything. They are going for broke on all semi auto center fire rifles with a detachable magazine that can accept more than 5 rounds. This has already been attempted in CA but has failed.... so far. If you look at Canada's ban included are "competition and sporting rifles" like Mini 14 and Mini 30, M1A and a slew of other various AK and AR based rifles and even those handy 30 carbine rifles. Don't think there isn't coordinated conversations on international standards for private gun ownership. They will go after a large number of people to harvest guns from society while exempting powerful groups they need for enforcement like government and law enforcement types from legislation. Anybody want to bet the California government won't use the mandatory registration lists created since 2014 to confiscate guns banned by Biden/Harris?

If the laws are later reversed, those guns will already be soda cans, park benches and jail bars. Democrats are going to bully society to give up guns. Even more draconian than a ban on semi auto rifles will be a push to ban common semi auto handguns with a "military" heritage like the hi power, 1911, Luger etc. and limit the amount of ammunition you can purchase and own at one time. Harris is a gun control bobble head. Anything proposed to her that attacks gun ownership will be met with a giggle and a bobblehead nod. "Let me be clear"..... Our constitution is under attack from within supported by powerful forces outside our borders!
rc - I'm glad to see another Californian here to post comments. Our fellow shooters in other States need to know what trouble is in store for them. It's just not another State passing unconstitutional laws alone. It's the Media that supports their cause to educate the population or voters with those values that move into your State that will make your State like CA.
In Australia there are a lot of "illegal" guns that were not turned in for crushing after the 1996 ban. They are still showing up and people are being charged with crimes or offered amnesty to shrink the pool of unregistered guns in that country.

This video from Australia illustrates a situation that could play out over and over again in the US by 2045 if Biden and Harris outlaw all semi auto rifles and the courts and media support unconstitutional laws by using party lines and repeated sound bites to brainwash the masses to accept group think so people can bobble along with the crowd.
Thanks rc. I carried a M14 in Vietnam. I dont remember if all had the feature but mine had the selector switch on right side. Anyone have a semi only M14 in the Marines?
John's slow methodical approach theory is fine until a crazy opens fire into a crowd with an illegal gun. Logic would get replaced with illogic, and pushes to move faster with confiscation would follow.
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