Glock's new 22

I would not consider the Taurus TX22 a "proven" pistol by any stretch of imagination and it certainly has it's own problems with poor qulity control crappy barrels resulting in horrendous leading and accuracy and slide wear.
I was referring to the design with a 16 round magazine.
But on this note, it looks like Taurus hate is very much akin to Trump Derangement Syndrome. The haters seem to dig up something that most others never hear.
Every review of the Taurus TX22 I have read have been very positive. Along with my own personal experience. But I guess anything with the evil bull, and horrendous name Taurus just has to be bad because people on the internet that don't own one say so.
Cheapshooter, you are exactly right. It's the same with Glock. Listening to people badmouth Glock over this new .22 pistol, is a bit like listening to people badmouthing Trump. It's all based on biased hatred, and jealousy of their success.

Because they hate their success. They know there is zero defense against it. They know Glock will sell millions of these things. Just as they all know Trump is going to be reelected. They will all be sitting on the sidelines, hoping and praying it fails, and they have a massive recall.

So they can all start screaming and carrying on, "How Glock blew it". Or some such nonsense. Just like they are all hoping Trump will be impeached, or lose against one of those nit wits running against him. Neither will happen.

What will happen is the success of both will continue for a long time to come. Because both will perform well. And success is ALWAYS the best revenge for someone who is irritated by it. Both Glock and Trump have proven this..... And will again....

All much to the chagrin of the naysayers. Of which all will keep on with their endless crying. Because buying something else, like voting for someone else, just isn't enough for them. Their hatred runs too deep.
I am not a fan of Glocks. Do not dislike them either. But I like this pistol. Bravo for Glock to come out with a trainer in their most popular model. And I am a big fan and a big believer in training with a Most especially for Point and shoot skills. I also have a feeling Glock worked hard on making this gun to be totally reliable.
I do not see anything NOT to be impressed by. Looks like a great gun, and if it is a solid performer than I want one.
Anyone making fun of Glock's model names hasn't paid much attention to the lunacy, yes lunacy of S&W.

S&W Model 22 wasn't a .22LR or ,22mag......but a .45acp and I don't recall nightmares over that.

S&W has taken great delight in a confusing if not idiotic means of naming their products.
As in:
Model 38....the Bodyguard
Model 49...also the Bodyguard
Those I get, same gun, but one is steel, the other alloy framed.

And then, after decades of calling those two revolvers "The Bodyguard", S&W comes out with a semiauto .380 called....wait for it.....the Bodyguard. S&W takes great delight in reusing "Chiefs Special" and Military & Police/M&P."

100% correct. And don't forget about the whole Model 39 / 59 Series of semi autos. You literally require a chart to figure them all out!

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I'm not getting all the crying about, "Why only 10 rounds?".... Really? All of the top selling .22 rimfire semi autos all hold 10 rounds.

If they make an MOS version I would most likely buy one. Recently picked up a G34 MOS and really like it with the Vortex Venom.

The G44 is bashed over and over for not being a high capacity 22 on all the boards I have visited. That is the least important factor to me and I am with the above quote.

The G44 will be great practice in learning to master the Glock trigger without going poor buying ammo for centerfire Glocks.
The problem is it is very difficult to make a double stack magazine that feeds reliably with a rimmed cartridge. In fact, it's almost impossible. If it could be done reliably, it would have by now.

If you look at ALL of the detachable magazine fed .22 rifles and pistols, all of them are single stack. In a handgun that limits capacity due to handle length. Don't forget the magazine also has to hold the compressed spring and follower underneath the single stacked 10 rounds.

Even if the handle frame was long enough, it would not allow for the curvature the magazine would require in order to feed reliably if it was over 10 rounds. Again due to the fact the cartridge is rimmed.

If you look at the high capacity .22 magazines that fit a lot of the Savage .22 rifles, this curvature is very pronounced. It simply would not fit into the handle of a .22 pistol.

Glock will most likely come out with a 15 round capacity magazine..... IF they can make it reliable. That might be a very big if, because it is no easy challenge. And Glock has an excellent reputation for reliability. They don't want to damage it by putting out a troublesome magazine.
+1 Solid meh from me too. I already have a few 10 round 22LR pistols and there is nothing more added in this package to get me to spend my money on this particular model so. No thanks.
I was referring to the design with a 16 round magazine.
But on this note, it looks like Taurus hate is very much akin to Trump Derangement Syndrome. The haters seem to dig up something that most others never hear.
Every review of the Taurus TX22 I have read have been very positive. Along with my own personal experience. But I guess anything with the evil bull, and horrendous name Taurus just has to be bad because people on the internet that don't own one say so.
I was also referring to the design of the TX22 magazine which is not a proven design yet. Quality control at Taurus is well known to be spotty to be kind and Glock is not going to risk their well deserved reputation for producing reliable and durable handguns based on what a manufacturer such as Taurus does.

I am not going to respond to political dialogue per forum rules but yes there have been problems with the Taurus TX22 and that evidence can be found on threads at the High Road, with numerous pictures, and Taurus users forum. Of course not everyone experiences them but IMO enough to be a concern especially given the way Taurus customer service has been handling it per reports by Taurus TX22 owners.
Keltec has been making reliable 30 shot .22WMR pistols and rifles for years. They have recently introduced 33 shot .22LR pistols/rifles and a compact 17 shot .22LR pistol.
Keltec has been making reliable 30 shot .22WMR pistols and rifles for years. They have recently introduced 33 shot .22LR pistols/rifles and a compact 17 shot .22LR pistol.

The performance of the original 30 shot Kel-Tec .22 WMR semi auto pistols is spotty at best. They can have a lot of feeding issues depending on ammo.

Also, many have had issues with the magazines not feeding if filled to capacity, (30 rounds). While their performance has improved somewhat over the years, I doubt a company like Glock would be satisfied with it.
While their(KelTec)performance has improved somewhat over the years, I doubt a company like Glock would be satisfied with it.

This says a lot about today’s and the very recent past of ‘some’ new handguns that have been introduced...’
‘Good enough’, cheaper to fix/warranty/soft recall, comes to mind rather than design/test a better gun in the first place. Some companies rush to compete rather than force companies to compete with them..
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This says a lot about today’s and the very recent past of ‘some’ new handguns that have been introduced...’
‘Good enough’, cheaper to fix/warranty/soft recall, comes to mind rather than design/test a better gun in the first place. Some companies rush to compete rather than force companies compete with them..

This is very true. Firearm recalls were very rare 50 years ago. Now they're almost all but expected on new models. Yes, some of this is due to fear of legal litigation.

But most of it comes from having a, "good enough" attitude toward their products. And unfortunately for today's consumers, "good enough" never actually seems to be.
Upon further consideration, it's dawned on me that the G44 represents a conceptual departure from norms* for Glock, though. It's the first Glock pistol (that I can think of) that wasn't chambered in a "suitable defensive caliber." Sure, you could carry a .22LR for self-defense, but it certainly wouldn't be ideal. I can't think of anything Glock has ever built smaller than .380.

*To my mind, Glock's 'norms' have always been "polymer-framed, striker-fired and chambered in a suitable caliber for defensive purposes."
I've been seeing some preorder prices come down to $369 for the g44. If there isn't any issues or recalls, and the price comes down closer to $300, I'd consider picking one up.
.... If there isn't any issues or recalls, and the price comes down closer to $300, I'd consider picking one up.

It will. It's only a matter of time. The more patient you are, the more you will save. The street price on .22 rimfire pistols always seems to come down faster than other models and calibers, due to the sheer quantity produced. The market reaches a saturation point quicker.
Good review of the Glock 44 and explains Glock's goal to make the Glock 44 the most reliable 22 auto loading pistol and thus the decision for 10 round magazine. Can also be dry fired.
I have always been ambivalent toward Glocks. Thought they were nice firearms but over rated by their fans. However, this gun is changing my mind about them. I want this gun. The fact that they seem to have made a top 22 to go along with the well known, 19 is a "Hats off to Glock".I want one, and I also see a Glock 19 in my future. I like the fact that insisted of "Reliability over Capacity". I find the new Glock to be the most interesting firearm to come out in the past few years. Bravo to Glock on this one. (Going now to check out Glock 19 prices. Very well could be my first Glock.)

Lol, Reliability over Capacity. Smart move Glock.
Glock does first what every manufacturer chasing their success tries to do later. It's been this way ever since the first Glock 17 was introduced. All the other manufacturers break their backs to get something on the market to compete.

Springfield, Smith & Wesson, Taurus, Walther, SCCY, along with at least a dozen other lesser brands, all try to carve out a small piece of the pie for themselves. Some fail, while others manage to get a small taste of a market that Glock continues to dominate.

This will be no different. I can all but guarantee you Springfield and Smith & Wesson are already having meetings with their top brass, about getting a .22 version of their XD and M&P out as quickly as possible. They would be stupid not to.

It won't matter in the least to Glock. They were, are now, and always will be the leader in the Polymer handgun world. When you experience success the way Glock has, repetition in competition is the most sincere form of flattery you can get..... And Glock has been getting it ever since they sold their first pistol. This one will be no different.