Glock's new 22

I have seen the brass to the face issue personally. I am a right handed but left eye dominant shooter. The end result is the brass comes closer to me than it does on other shooters as the pistol is shifted over to the left in front of me (similar to a left handed versus right handed person). Glocks are also the only pistol I have had where that issue was as noticeable, to the point where I almost gave up on them. The Gen 5s I have now (MOS versions) actually have an additional cut to the left of the breach face that helps hold the case in place (which is a factory change that I first read about on GT). The end result is dramatically better ejection than the other Glocks I owned. So was I a factor? Absolutely. But was the pistol also a factor? It seems like it was to an extent.

There are absolutely some issues that are exacerbated by shooters or solely due to shooters. There are also some problems that seem more common with certain manufacturers. I’ve seen some plenty of people blame the tool rather than themselves. I’ve also seen people with legitimate problems blame themselves out of a lack of confidence. It does go both ways. I’ve also seen people have issues with a firearm and shrug them off completely because they didn’t want to bother to send it back.

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I think many of us can use our own life experiences to determine what is a reasonable rate of failure. How many times have some of us that have been shooting for years, seen a gun blamed for shooter error. Or some problem that had a simple fix. I will not go into the review or report, but that would just go south anyway. Take it for what it is worth, but the writer that did the reporting was Massad Ahoob. I respect the man, his experience, others will bash him and the report. So in essence it means nothing.

Like I said earlier, shoot all three of the guns and make your own decision. If you feel like the internet forums are a good source that is fine. If not that is fine as well.
Thank you for the name.

Is there exaggeration on forums? Sure. Before forums it was the gun store and there was and is even more exaggeration there. I do have to admit, I find a certain degree of irony in someone on a forum stating that people should ignore the forums and go out and find out for themselves. You’re saying that on a forum. If the forums have no point, what are we doing here? Now that said I mostly agree with you. I don’t think any person should chose to buy or not buy a firearm based solely on one review or forum post. I don’t think the forums are completely without merit, however.

Most of what is presented, online or in a magazine, are samples of one. It’s hard to draw definitive conclusions from that. When I read negative reviews I look for a similar such reviews with the same reported problems. When I start seeing trends then I might get concerned. In my experience the problems traceable to the user alone are pretty obvious from the way the review is written.

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I don’t think the forums are completely without merit, however.
They arent, and they are, or can be a valuable resource. The non-experience background "static" can also be very frustrating too though.

Everyone seems to have an opinion, whether they have actual experience or not, and its hard to know whats what sometimes, and whats based on experience/fact, or based on something else.

For me, the easiest thing is just to get one of what interests me, and see how it goes. Then, one way or the other, I know.

It is kind of entertaining though when you have something that works, and works well, and you get pounced on for it by those who dont have one and/or havent shot one, and they are basing everything they know, on what they have heard or watched on the internet. :)
...I would say all three of the new 22's Glock, Keltec and and the Taurus are all getting slammed by the usual bashers. One guy has a failure and then 1,000 posters will parrot and start to bash. It is the new thing now on the internet...

New? Nope... I've been a member here a long, long time, and the bashing is not new... in fact, I believe such is the reason Tamara once coined the signature iine: All handguns suck!

Doesn't matter the make, model, or caliber... somebody will have problems, while someone else will not.

I am a subscriber to three youtoob channels. One is a singer's channel, one is my Grandson's and the other belongs to a long-time internet friend. I find those are plenty. :D
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Internet reviews can be tricky but really we find a reviewer we connect with or feel comfortable with ( much like we used to do when buying from LGS’ one you liked) and see what they have to say. If your expectation is not what they are selling.. try one for yourself. I have been holding off on another 22 pistol for a while, currently own and love the S&W MP 22 full size w/ 2extra 12 round mags. It is a great fun and really only dislikes one type of federal bulk which is ok with me. I will be picking up at least 2 more 22s in the near future and both the Taurus and the glock are on the short list of candidates. The fun part is the testing ??????
If I were you I would definitely check the barrel of the Taurus tx22 before you buy one. I have never seen a good Taurus tx22 barrel & Ive looked at probably 25 from different LGS,s. The gun was released over a year ago and they still haven't solved the barrel problem. The other problem with the tx22 is the recoil assembly. The end of the assembly is razor sharp & It grinds away the front of the slide. It caused my slide to crack after 4500 rds. LLC LAKELAND has come out with a recoil assembly to solve the problem because Taurus will not. I would buy the Glock over the tx22 hands down for no other reason than if the Glock does have a problem Glock will SOLVE the problem. Taurus just replaces bad parts with new bad parts and it takes them 8-11 weeks before you see your firearm again.
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My dealer has two of these in stock. I handled one of them and frankly, I liked it, for what it is. I think he is going to go ahead and shoot one of them and if he does, then I will get to shoot it, probably. Will know more after that.

One thing I like about it is it's very light weight. Would make a good packing gun for around on the farm, if it shoots and works good. I wish they would come out with one in .22 mag that was reliable, and shot good. We'll see, I guess.
Ok, I finally got to shoot one of these new Glock 22's as my dealer let me take one out and shoot it, today. It was brand new, never fired, before I shot it.

Ok, not much of a test, as I only shot about 50 rounds. I shot some partial boxes, 2 different brands. One brand was Blaser and the other was (I can't remember) and can't spell it. Agilia, I think it was. Neither one are brands I normally shoot.

No malfunctions of any kind. It shot to point of aim. I could easily shoot a snake in the head if needed. The trigger was pretty darned good for a Glock, what can I say, it was a Glock.
End result; I bought it. I am not a Glock fanboy, but I do own several. They're just tools, and I definitely didn't need another Glock, or another .22 pistol, but I liked it because it operates exactly like it's brother the G19, is pretty accurate, and seems to be reliable, 100% so far. But for me personally, I really like it because it's so light, much lighter then about any other .22 pistol or revolver I own, by a bunch.

It does sort of fill a role for me, I think, as a very light, carry gun for around on the farm, when a .22 is probably all I need anyway, and I don't want to carry anything heavier, dragging my pants down. If it had not been 100% reliable, I would have passed on it, but out of the box, that's a pretty good sign for me. I don't know where all of the bashing is coming from, on this gun. But then maybe my particular specimen is better then the average lot of them. That is usually not my luck though, as I usually always get a lemon, if ones to be had.
Finally saw a real review on another gun forum. Instead of the same old Taurus Bashing, he broke them down and compared side by side. Which is the way firearms should be compared. Maybe not so much in a but for sure in 380 and up. Then he compared targets, slow fire and fast fire. Both shot very well and both nice guns. The Glock did use steel vs aluminum, but do not think this matters in a, but for sure in other calibers. By the way the Taurus did better in accuracy in slow fire.
Both of these guns seem like very nice purchases. By the way, I do not own a Glock or Taurus so have no bias in this fight.
Lots of good and detailed reviews including ammo used by owners of the Glock 44 at this website. I have been reading on various forums overwhelming positive experiences by owners of the Glock 44 and more than a few mentioned that the Glock 44 ran better after a clean and lube when new. At this point I would not hesitate to purchase a Glock 44 and am waiting to try one out once the wife feels comfortable with me to stop "self isolating" here in Illinois LOL. Luckily I have a fine stash of .22 LR ammo including Federal bulk 525 36 gr, CCI Mini Mag 40 gr, CCI SV 40 gr, and Aguila Super Extra plated 40 gr to keep me going for quite a while. For now I am doing fine with my Browning Buckmark and M&P 22 Compact but anxious to try the Glock 44 for myself and my wife. Nothing else interests me as far as another 22 LR pistol and many favorable comments by those of the Glock 44 by Glock 19 owners has me really curious.
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I shot my Glock 44 some more over the weekend and still no jams or any other issues, so far. I was shooting the Federal bulk .22's from the big box stores.

I have decided to take a couple of weeks off due to the Corvid-19, as I already dodged a couple of bullets at work, and decided to cut and run as I had some vacation anyway.

So, today, on the farm, I decided to talk a walk, and shoved the Glock 44 in my back pocket, with extra mag and some loose rounds in the other pocket, just in case.

I shot it a little bit more, at a tin can since no other target would avail itself. And accuracy is fairly decent, all shooting being off hand. Never a bobble, no malfunctions of any kind. The biggest challenge to precision shooting with this gun is of course the trigger, compared to a heavier target type gun, but we are not comparing it to a target gun. Besides with practice the Glock trigger can be shot decently enough.

One of the best things I like about the gun is it's very light weight and serves wonderfully when you don't want extra weight pulling your pants down, like when actively walking for exercise.

I ran into a friend yesterday who recently bought the same gun and gave very good reports on it, also. So, IMHO, I think this Glock model is pretty good at doing what is was designed to do. Not to mention, I suppose it would also serve very well, as a cheap practice gun, if you normally carried a Glock center fire for self defense.

I guess I will need to find a very light OWB Kydex holster for mine, to help keep the weight to minimum as that is one of my main reasons for owning this gun.
I bought a G44 last year along with 4 Promag 18 round mags. After about500 rounds at most a couple of malfunctions, no more and probably less than my Ruger MK I and 1911-22 after an equal number of rounds. The Promags, although difficult to load the last 4 or 5 rounds run fine. It is now my favorite 22 pistol.