Florida attempts to pass open carry.........

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Her amendment got rid of open carry but instead decriminalizes inadvertent exposure.
Open carry poses a bigger problem to LEO's and not the average citizen. When you make open carry illegal, then LEO's have have to respond to every call from the public. LEO's really have better things to do. Now comes the interpretation of what is inadvertent exposer. I suspect that other states will follow suit. Bad laws are ones you "can't" enforce. ..... :barf:

Better than nothing.
Agree. ...... ;)

Be Safe !!!
There are now 3 separate threads on the subject of Florida "Open Carry."

I am merging them all into this, the original thread. Hang on, as the posts may not make sense, right away.....
Well, that's that. The Senate voted on the new language. Passed 26-11 earlier today.

I wonder if the House will amend their bill to match.
They said on the news that this bill was sent to the Governor's desk this morning. He said that he will sign it and the NRA has already declared a win. Now that these new laws are being put into effect, hopefully we can slowly change toward open carry.
They said on the news that this bill was sent to the Governor's desk this morning. He said that he will sign it and the NRA has already declared a win. Now that these new laws are being put into effect, hopefully we can slowly change toward open carry.

I'm not saying you didn't hear that, but that can't be correct. The Senate passed their version of the bill. The House bill is still waiting to be voted on. It won't get sent to the Governor until both houses pass identical bills.
This was taken directly from today's Florida Senate Journal...
CS for CS for SB 234 as amended was passed and certified to the House.

So, since the House hasn't made changes to HB 517 to reflect the ones from the Senate, there may still be a glimmer of hope for OC...

Everyone get on the horn or fire off the emails to the Florida House.

Perhaps we can force a special conference committee to iron out the differences.
I have written my senator and representative on the matter. I want open carry. Don't get me wrong... I won't carry openly, but at the same time it gives us more rights, and I am all about receiving more rights.
Tallahassee, FL — Senate Bill 432, which passed as House Bill 155, was approved by the full Senate today and will now head to Governor Scott for his signature. This legislation provides that the ability to question patients about firearms is only allowed if the medical care practitioner, Emergency Medical Technician or paramedic believes in good faith that the information is necessary to the patient’s medical care or safety or the safety of others.

These are the bills that were passed by both houses, and subsequently sent to the desk of the Governor. Note the similar SB # that when read by the dyslexic jounalist, would cause them to write the wrong story...

OC is still alive...But barely.
I hope that it does get through, but I don't think it will. We will just have to try again in a year or so once people realize that the new laws haven't made Florida the Wild Wild West.
What OC bill?
There wasn't ever one.

Can't wait til I see the NRA guys at the next gun show and get to ask why they sold us out for the very beginning

Maybe they're taking marketing suggestions from AARP


R Scott are you listening VETO this NRA sell out and do it with extreme prejudice. I cannot believe the NRA is calling this chit a victory for gun owners. Anybody remember the FOPA and the end of automatics registration? Totally worthless. I had expected more from Hammer!
Anybody remember the FOPA and the end of automatics registration? Totally worthless. I had expected more from Hammer!
Of course I do, and there was no way the NRA, or anybody else, could have stopped it. For those of you who weren't around back then, we needed the rest of the FOPA. Senator Hughes' poison pill came at the last second and rankled all of us, but we had to accept it. It didn't look like we'd get another chance in the following session, something which even the President acknowledged.

As for Marion Hammer, I'm not sure why you're singling her out. She only on the local level in 1986. She couldn't have stopped the Hughes Amendment. She was, however, one of the people at the forefront when the NRA got Florida concealed carry in the first place.

Can't wait til I see the NRA guys at the next gun show and get to ask why they sold us out for the very beginning
I'll ask again: can you explain how they "sold us out?"
I went to the forum and found this tidbit....


We’ve shown the untruthful (and perhaps unlawful) tactics used by the various Sheriff’s offices and the Florida Sheriff’s Association that has spurred an official investigation by the State Attorney’s Office, FDLE, and OCSO internal affairs. Pinellas County Sheriff Coats told the committees his speculation on open carry, then admitted that he hadn’t researched how open carry works in any other state. The deputies of the Hillsborough County Sherriff’s Office pulled over and detained a licensed concealed carrier just a few days ago for “printing” of his lawfully carried firearm despite their Sheriff’s testimony to the legislature that his officers would never do such a thing.

seems to me that you fellows down in Florida shouldn't be wailing on the NRA but these folks instead. What do you think?

Do a search here and read for your self. Form your own opinion.

Was my original statement. I'm not trying to influence your opinion.

And yes the Sheriffs and police chiefs are against OC. And the NRA does have a pretty close relationship with the law enforcement organizations through out the country.

Right now I am not very happy with Hammer and the NRA, but if you all are that has to be fine with me.
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