flash mobs

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I have wobdered lately when "flash mobs" would become an issue in crime. Low income people with nothing to do and nothing to lose coupled together with technology...

Then how so many of then afford the latest smart phones, and other electronic devices?
I have several thoughts on this: first most gang members and the associates have their own style of dress and attitude, if I were to see groups of folks dressed in thug clothing with an attitude I would start looking for a safe way out. Second I would not hesitate to call 911 and report what I observed. Third unless I had someone with me I had to protect I want to believe I’m with Kraigwy, was a cop to long not to try and help someone who’s life I believed was in danger. I’m not sure where or what that line is I’m going to cross.
Agreed. Not hanging around in bad company is the first step to avoidance.
And once again. These kids and young adults all have smartphones and devices. And satellite tv. And sometimes even a Benz. They steal!! Those of us who work have to save our money to buy things, but when uncle sam sends you and your family members your own checks and cell phones and give you everything it seem to cause reckless spending. Thus the "need" to steal or commit various other crimes.
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As far as these perpatrators being "low income", some of them at least must have enough money for a cell phone and service.

Actually, in the ghettos, uncle sam sends you a FREE cellphone

Don't forget the free air time.

Here in the Pawnshop I manage we are prepared for this to happen. We have a monster sized can of 15 percent OC named Hades Blue (think its hot as hades LOL). One of us deploys the OC while the other covers with more a permanent solution. We have a good amount of gold jewelry and a flash mob would hurt us far more than that one hurt the 7-11. I used to carry a 2oz can of pepper spray on my gun belt but never replaced it after it accidentally went off.

There is a company that sells a fogger that will fill the entire store. Hit a button and the store is filled in seconds. Kinda sucks for cleanup but inventory is safe.
I shouldn't have used the terminology of "low income". Now that I'm home from work I'm realizing how low my own income is. These kids have higher incomes than most of us working folks.
Pepper spray would work well for crowd dispersement in a contained area. Problem would be not affecting ones self.
I shouldn't have used the terminology of "low income". Now that I'm home from work I'm realizing how low my own income is.

The difference is you aren't sucking off the teat of the Government.

Problem would be not affecting ones self.

No kidding. A few years ago I gave a burst to a dog that refused to leave our parking lot and was frightening our customers due to his size and breed. I made sure the wind was at my back and hit him with the pepper spray. It happened to be on the side of a car and the wind must have lifted and swirled the spray backwards because my lungs literally shut down. I had to think....breath dude breath. Burned like hades.
I really think its sad that more people are not familiar with firearms and abhor them. They are afraid of something they dont understand because most anti gunners have no clue about what firearms are. Everyone has the right to defend themselves if they feel there life or the life of loved ones is in danger. People should stop being so afraid and realize that honest citizens carrying can stop crimes. Also BG's knowing the population were familiar with firearms would be a deterrent. I know this is a bit of a dream but I think it would truly help the country. Thats just my opinion. Oh and by the way im packing my S&W 3913NL IWB with three mags on me so thats 25 rounds of 9mm in case it is a NECESSITY to use it. I have a nice variety of loads that feed great and will fit most situations. 1mag- 124gr. Gold Dots (In Gun), 1mag- 147gr. Golden Sabers, 1mag- 124gr. NATO +P FMJ for penetration. I feel pretty
safe anywhere :D.
Things like this is exactly why I believe people should carry.

Flash mob violence is one of the very LEAST likely scenarios you'd face where you may need a gun to save your life--even in a big city. Flash mob victims, when compared to "ordinary" violent crime victims, wouldn't make a pimple on a water buffalo's butt.

Half of America lives in towns not big enough to support flash mobs. And yet they still have crime victims as a result of the same ol' criminals who've been victimizing folks like you and me for ever.

Not saying that mob violence isn't something you shouldn't consider or be prepared for. Just saying that it's not the BEST reason for carrying a gun.:cool:
I with ya buddy, LOL. Really though its the equilvalent of that only you can die in my opinion. Being totally suprised is not a good way to react because your already a step behind.
politically correct mainstream media

I'm sure most have noticed that the mainstream network media (NBC, MSNBC, CNN, etc.) have given very little coverage of this relatively new phenomenon in mob mentality. FOX was the first to cover and reported it as it actually was; mostly young black males gone wild.

Some instances where white people were targeted for violence by blacks,(see Wisc. State Fair), the authorities danced around the subject and refused to call it like it is and label it as a hate crime, black on white. Reverse this situation and show a mob of white youths beating blacks while yelling racial slurs and Brian Williams would be doing his NBC Nightly News from the scene, competing with other mainstream media to get first hand accounts from victims.

Many well thought out responses to the OP's question here on this thread. I try to be as rational and level headed as I can be and will go out of my way to avoid confrontation, call 911 when appropriate, be a good witness and such. But I'm in the camp of those who can't stand by and watch an innocent person be beaten or worse. Of course, there are variables to consider, but if I'm on my own with no loved ones present, you may be reading about me in the news or see me on a flash mob video...
Of course because any conservative or person that is to the Right are treated badly and those stations act like it doesnt exist. Fox is the only news station that kind of covers whats really going on and I agree 100%. That is mostly what I watch. I dont know if you heard but some politcal figure said that tea parties were crazy and something else rediculous, I dont remember who. I dont want to make this political though so thats all Ill say.

Honestly though there is violence being perpetrated against everyday citizen in there cars and everything. I hate to say but this seem completley racially motivated and its sad. @Sliponboy--- You pretty much said what needed to be said.
it's a different kind of crime than 3 guys coming in holding up a store - demanding money at gunpoint.

When criminals do that a store clerk or store owner is justified (in most cases) in using deadly force.

When someone comes in and grabs some merchandise off the shelf - the store operators aren't justified in shooting that person. When you multiply that by 15 or 30, you have a "mob" of people emptying the shelves like a swarm of locusts, but the store owner is still not justified in using deadly force. He can't come out from behind the counter and just start blasting away.

The perpatrators know this.

The flash mob muggings are different though... when a mob attacks someone, deadly force is justified by that person to defend their own life, and/or by another person to defend the life of the person being atacked.
^^^ my thoughts as I read this thread...

however... even in flash muggings... if all the "bad guys" are 14 - 17 year old "kids" even if the shooter could perswade everyone they genuinely feared for their life, it would be socially unacceptable to shoot a "bunch of kids"

starting to think the OC should take the place of the Bug or the extra magazine ???
My friend tacojohn was mugged by a gang of 14-16 year olds in pine hills. He was told by the police that he was wise not to fight back or he would have been charged with assault on a minor. The cops seem to have their hands tied in dealing with teens from "the projects". Its good to know they're fed, housed, clothed, and current with communication technologies. Oh and a coupke years ago they introduced a gasolune allowance card for those on government assistance. Free gas for the Benzes and Cadillacs.
As did I. But its not surprising. Orlando law enforcement are pretty unhelpful. Thats why downtown orlando has turned to really scummy ghetto.
Parts of downtown Orlando are trash but others aren't. If you stay inside of the core where the highrises are you're OK. Other parts are definitely "at your own risk" when traveling. I park across from OPD headquarters all the time and never have a problem.

Stay out of Pine Hills, period. My mother in law had a home there in the 60s when it was the premier neighborhood in Orlando for the white collar crowd. Most of those homes are still there but it's turned into a terrible place. I lived there myself through the 90s and that's when it really started to turn. I moved out in 2003, I lived at the far edge, really it was the Clarcona/Rosemont area. After several shootings we moved.

I have lived in Maitland since then and even here it's creeping in.
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