flash mobs

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I think the gyro-jet story is called "The Alibi Machine" which was published in different magazines and books but I think can still be found in "A Hole in Space".

There's also a published interview with him somewhere in which he talks about science fiction and technological advances or anachronisms as a component in sci-fi murder mysteries.

IIRC the shooter with the gyro-jet teleported into and out of the crime scene. Now I'll have to go dig through my books. I looked on Amazon and some of the original paperbacks are going for $50.00 !

Neutron Star was basically about the investigation of the death of two researchers, and Beowulf Scheaffer discovered it was gravity that killed them - or rather differences in acceleration that is so intense in proximity to a neutron star that the scientists were ripped apart.

Protectors use gravitic lenses the same way kids use a magnifying glass to burn ants... Niven had a lot of futuristic ways to kill people.
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That's all well and good folks but space weapons are irrelevant. So are socio-political theory of the causes of the occupy movement.

Thus, cease and desist such.
Agreed Threegun I think a head shot would be very difficult on a person while under diress even at normal SD distances. The adrenaline is going to reduce skill by some percentage.
I sure hope I am never caught in this situation, because I know I am not accurate enough to make headshots. I have to shoot at the chest profile
myself. With two revolvers, I only have 10 shots but I do carry those extra speedloaders. But I would not surrender to the flashmob, as I have a disabled family member to protect, and I will protect to the last bullet.
If I expend one revolver, I would attempt to reload from my speedloaders
and I carry 3 or 4 of those. I would attempt to leave with my disabled family member and shoot whatever flashmob member stood in my way or tried to block us from leaving. Surrender is not an option in my view but after one or two of them were shot, I believe it would slow down the others. I guess I would leave headshooting to the experts. I do not however, consider it my duty to protect store property or anyone but me and my family member. And if they get me or my family member I intend to take as many of them with me as possible. I guess that is a time when I might wish that I carried a SA with extra magazines instead of the 38Spl and 44 Spl that I carry.:(
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Napalm should work pretty good.

Although, most of those protesters would best be served with a cold shot of water from a firehose...especially in sub-freezing weather. :D
I guess the aim of the Occupy Oakland group was to re-occupy a specific venue. And that location was well gaurded and most of them were given CS nasal decongestant and then they went to jail.

They employed the tools of flash-mobbers but they congregated at a spot where the police already were.

They could have used those electronic tools to congregate where the police were not.
Well, I figured this one would just die of old age, but just before halloween, in true zombie fashion, it was resurrected.... twice. Now that halloween's over though, just like our zombie forum, it's time for this to enter the grave.

Seriously, space weapons? Napalm? When we start talking about things like that, it generally means there ain't much more of substance to talk about.

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